I liked this one:
from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31831110
Multi-tasking, eh!

I wonder if there are any recordings of the Rinkomania Grand Promenade March, or indeed any of the other works by its composer Edward Hoffman.
John Joseph Merlin
- John Joseph Merlin, a Belgian inventor, was the first recorded person to invent a roller skate, in London in about 1760
- Merlin wore a pair of his new skates to a masquerade party at Carlisle-House in London. He was not a good skater and crashed into a large mirror, severely injuring himself
- He had reportedly been trying to play the violin at the same time
Multi-tasking, eh!

I wonder if there are any recordings of the Rinkomania Grand Promenade March, or indeed any of the other works by its composer Edward Hoffman.