I believe that Small Gods is Pratchett's best book. A dramatisation of it in four parts is currently available on the iPlayer
The book is hilarious, full of insight, and pokes fun at unquestioning religious zealots, which is currently quite relevant.
Here is a list of good quotes from the book.
Some pages can also be read on Google books but really everyone should own it.
I suspect that Pratchett was inspired by reading about poor Aeschylus who was
You couldn't make it up!
The book is hilarious, full of insight, and pokes fun at unquestioning religious zealots, which is currently quite relevant.
"Belief shifts. People start out believing in the god and end up believing in the structure."
Some pages can also be read on Google books but really everyone should own it.
I suspect that Pratchett was inspired by reading about poor Aeschylus who was
killed outside the city by a tortoise dropped by an eagle which had mistaken his head for a rock suitable for shattering the shell of the reptile. Pliny, in his Naturalis Historiæ, adds that Aeschylus had been staying outdoors to avoid a prophecy that he would be killed by a falling object.