Eye brow to thee my country...
thanks eigthobstruction,
i can't believe this is the first i've seen of this guardian article. 5am glad not to have missed it alltogether
. (surely, the article should be on the 'meltdown' thread too)?
the leveson inquiry is slightly annoying in this sense, as how i sooooooooooo wish leveson could just steam in, having read news such as this, and metaphorically headbutt both murdoch and gove, assisted by bot mr bar, and mr jay.
i noticed an interesting bit in the comments (far down, towards bottom end of guardian comments posted) about the beeb apparently being prevented from embarking on a similar 'digitisation of world classrooms', as it was perceived by a US body to 'infringe monopoly rules'.......only for murdoch & gove to have a bash instead! scareily, if it wasn't for the leveson inquiry, gove would be even more of an intellectual/educational/financial parasite and hypocrite than he already is ..... the lazy layabout apparently got paid squillions, just for penning the odd few lines of crud for 'the times' seemingly. meanwhile, gimp boy used it as an opportunity to cozy up to ol' rupes.
He (GOVE) wrote that Murdoch "encourages … free thinking. His newspapers … are driven by public demand and the creativity of chaotic, cock-snooking, individuals." erm yes, i can't help thinking gove's just a couple of letters out, as far as the word in the middle of those last three words quoted?
as for the 'a&e' links to 'the empire' ...where are they? i wonder why it's taking so long to trace this evidence back to its particular 'private mentor', since 'a&e' have now been publicly discredited? she's definitely chums with macaroon, but other than tabloids repeatedly printing fiction about all the unemployed being cheats/lazy/criminal/etc 'the empire' is only actually proven to 'assist' 'a&e's task of mental rape, in this broader sense, this far. perhaps rightly, there should be an 'a&e' survivors' org, complete with a compensation scheme, and the 'private mentor/s' revealed and publicly reduced to tears.
mind you, the repeat defamation of the workless via repeat tabloid 'examples', is perhaps considered 'enough' in its own right, in 'assisting', therefore justifying 'a&e's policy of 'breaking its victims', before sending them off to 'pudland' to work for their benefit. (not forgetting, a thankyou to ch4, for broadcasting a prog on 'victims and their 'a&e' mentors'; and MUCH later, r4 for a similar prog, though far less probing). 'a&e' founder had been watching 60s experiments at stanford uni calif, by the looks? no one would be in the least bit suprised if the 'a&e' founder was revealed to be 'in bed' with the entire murdoch empire employees, and (especially) bent torys..(that is, excluding the tabloid staff apparently 'spent' by murdoch's chum klein, in protecting rupert from ANY blame, who are probably signing on right now). who'd trust ex ni employees to work for them, with their specific track record, interpretation of 'only following instructions'?there's only so many jobs at the 'the sun on sunday' afterall, and rupes probably hired new faces, rather than ni 'cheats', who once tried to 'grass on their dear ol' boss', as featured in the public inquiry.
3rd Viennese School
Off to Margit Beer Festival tommorow!
200 beers.
Be there.
Tracy Emin will be there.
Or in the Margit Art Gallery. Or it might be the the Queen that's visiting that.
3rd Viennese School
3rd Viennese School
Sidcup Beer Festival this weekend!
In Sidcup. Kent. Salymap country.
I'm going straight there from work!
Playing the symphony I'm currently learning, Henze 8!
I've never posted on this thread before .... But Cheers to the guys at the local IT repair shop
who after many hours finally rid my computer of a nasty infection, plus going through some jewellry of our late Aunt I sent it to my sister and she got the amazing sum of £320 for it (we split it 50/50) I shall hopefully get the cheque tomorrow, so that pays for computer repairs and a bit left over for a treat? And it's Friday and the weekend awaits!!
Originally posted by 3rd Viennese School View PostSidcup Beer Festival this weekend!
In Sidcup. Kent. Salymap country.
I'm going straight there from work!
Playing the symphony I'm currently learning, Henze 8!
Best first check the road conditions: