i always felt that to be an irrelevance in my quaffing daze .....
3rd Viennese School
Dover Beer Festival this weekend!
Beers start from 5% and go upwards. To at least 12%!
And its supposed to snow!!
How am I supposed to get back!!???:
(got to choose some compact discs tonight)
pop song
I'm tired of choosing desire
I've been saved by a blessed fatigue
The gates of commitment unwired
And nobody trying to leave
Sometimes I'd head for the highway
I'm old and the mirrors don't lie
But crazy has places to hide in
That are deeper than any goodbyeAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
3rd Viennese School
This is set to one of my 12 note rows presumably.
Left Dover 10pm Saturday and there was no snow.
Got back to my home town of Gillingham and it was a complete white out! Slipped on the snow, twisted my foot et all.
Well, there you go.
3rd Viennese School
3rd Viennese School
Aka Calum.
Did you have in-depth discussions with Simon about my serial rows for my up and coming new work?
Diese Meldung (inklusive Anhänge) und "geschickt für den ausschließlichen Gebrauch von dem Teil, es ist angesprochen und kann 'enthalten vertrauliche Informationen durch das Berufsgeheimnis oder anderweitig stillen abgedeckt. Wenn sie nicht die richtigen Empfänger der Nachricht, und "von jeglicher Nutzung, Veröffentlichung, Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe davon verboten. Wenn Sie diese Nachricht irrtümlich erhalten haben, benachrichtigen Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie den Vorfall von seinem System diese Nachricht und Anhänge sofort. DankAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.