Allez les bleus!
3rd Viennese School
Beer festival, sun and fun in Margit on Friday and Saturday. 200 Beers. Millions will atend. It's even on the news.
So congratulations to SouthEastern who have decided to stick engineering works on that railway line. And run the replacement bus only one an hour.
it used to take the full soviet apparatus to make cock ups like that 3VS .... now SouthEastern do it all on their own ....progress eh ...
happyfest wherever ...are you not cycling?
According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
3rd Viennese School
Can't stick my bike on the bus going back!
I will cycle to Upnor on St.Georges day however. I used to write a piece of music every year for that but dont anymore. I can't write to order!
jammy dodgers
600g rhubarb
300g blueberries
2 limes, the zest and juice
700g sugar
Wash rhubarb, top and tail then chop into evenly sized pieces (I usually run a knife down the middle of the stalks then chop into roughly 1cm sized pieces). Place in a glass bowl and pour the sugar over the top. Cover with a plate or cling film and leave overnight, by which time the sugar will have soaked up the juice from the rhubarb.
Place the grated lime zest and blueberries in a pan, adding 3 tblsp of lime juice. Heat gently and simmer for 15 minutes with the lid on, until the berries are cooked and surrounded by juice.
Pour the rhubarb and sugar into a jam pan and stir over a low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the blueberries and lime, turn up the heat and cook at a rolling boil until setting point is reached (a small dollop of the syrup on a cold plate will readily form a skin when left to cool slightly). It took me 10 minutes to achieve this and I advise that you keep an eye on it and give the occasional stir whilst it cooks as the mixture is apt to burn if you're not careful.
Skim if necessary. Pour into hot sterilised jars, put a circle of waxed paper on the surface of each one and seal.
whatever happened to radicalismAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
3rd Viennese School
¡VIVA INDIGNACION!Last edited by aka Calum Da Jazbo; 24-05-11, 10:32.According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.