Stormy Weather

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  • Anna

    Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
    ....and nobody in the Archers appears to have cell phones....
    Oh, they do but due to floods there is no signal according to that link I've just read!! I don't listen to The Archers but I did in fact hear the recent episode where someone was being sucked into a culvert and thought to myself 'Well, how can this be, we've had no heavy rain at all lately!!' Is Scruff alright ....? Will I now have to start listening to The Archers to find out ...... ?

    On topic, yesterday's Metro said the East of England would be hotter than Morocco at 18° - here it's reached 14.7° but unfortunately the wind, the wind .... is a constant irritation and gusting at 28mph pushing temps down by around 3° so being outdoors still requires several layers and isn't condusive to garden clearance as it whisks away the collected leaves and debris. But, I'm not complaining, it is lovely to have such a clear blue sky without a single cloud.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38184

      Originally posted by Anna View Post
      Oh, they do but due to floods there is no signal according to that link I've just read!! I don't listen to The Archers but I did in fact hear the recent episode where someone was being sucked into a culvert and thought to myself 'Well, how can this be, we've had no heavy rain at all lately!!' Is Scruff alright ....? Will I now have to start listening to The Archers to find out ...... ?
      That's the problem with the Archers: one year behind with the weather, fifty with everything else!

      On topic, yesterday's Metro said the East of England would be hotter than Morocco at 18° - here it's reached 14.7° but unfortunately the wind, the wind .... is a constant irritation and gusting at 28mph pushing temps down by around 3° so being outdoors still requires several layers and isn't condusive to garden clearance as it whisks away the collected leaves and debris. But, I'm not complaining, it is lovely to have such a clear blue sky without a single cloud.
      It's just managed 13 here, but with winds less strong. I really should get out instead of spending what is a lovely sunny afternoon on here arguing with Beef Oven!


      • EdgeleyRob
        • Nov 2010
        • 12180

        Glorious sunny day in the Cheshire countryside.
        Don't know what the temp was but it felt very warm.


        • Dave2002
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 18104

          A slight diversion -

          Better than listening to t'Archers, anyway!


          • LeMartinPecheur
            Full Member
            • Apr 2007
            • 4717

            Standard-issue Cornish drizzle-mizzle-fog-mist here. Disappointing when R3 said it would be sunny in the South. This obviously means that, for today at least, we're not in the South! So I guess we're back in the West again...? It really is very confusing down here

            And even when we get a forecast that actually talks about the SW, we can pretty much rely on it being wrong
            I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


            • BBMmk2
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 20908

              I don't know what members think but when watching the BBC local news programme, our weather girl doesn't half look silly in the outfits she wears?
              Don’t cry for me
              I go where music was born

              J S Bach 1685-1750


              • Anna

                Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                I don't know what members think but when watching the BBC local news programme, our weather girl doesn't half look silly in the outfits she wears?
                You mean she looks like she's off to a cocktail party in a posh frock and too much make up or is usually dressed most inappropriately for the season, bare arms in January?
                We have a new weatherman on BBC Wales - Owain Wyn Evans, he's lovely, young, gay, with ginger hair and nice suits!
                Ontopic: Same as Cornwall this morning, low mizzle-drizzle, cloudbase right down, promised to improve later this afternoon, wind dropped, reasonably warmish.


                • eighthobstruction
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 6527

                  Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                  I don't know what members think but when watching the BBC local news programme, our weather girl doesn't half look silly in the outfits she wears?
                  A subject that I have considered too bbm....we have 4-5 regular such women and a very annoying jokey man on our local bbc news....the women wearing figure hugging dresses with a straining lump in their backs where the microphone unit sits - most off much so that I hardly every hear the weather report but I am mesmerised by the figure shape of the woman and mannerisms....and in the case of the man: the bright clashing colours of tie and shirt....Also the annoying handover repartie betwwen newsperson and weatherperson....I'm sure the bbc could save a great deal of money by wittling down this glut of weather people in local TV and Radio . If you thinkabout the number of different regional newsrooms (what15 or so on TV alone) x that by 6 =90 + all the radio blaa blaa blaa point is TOO MANY....blaa blaa damn them....cods wallop weather miming....blaa blaa.... telling us what clothes we will need to take with us/take off blaa blaa....waste of space , good only for the garish garment making economy....blaa blaa
                  Last edited by eighthobstruction; 08-03-15, 13:16.
                  bong ching


                  • Petrushka
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 12436

                    It's much the same for the BBC West Midlands forecast where we have 4 -5 regular forecasters. Actually on a recount, I make it 7. One or two of them can be found reading the news bulletin in the early morning or late at night but there surely isn't any need for so many. It could be though that the early morning ones perform the same duty for the other regions as well so maybe not so bad. Our two locally based forecasters (both women) are excellent.

                    Back on topic: some heavy rain this morning but not too cold. Very different from yesterday though the wind was a real problem then, pushing the temps down.
                    "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38184

                      My favourite weather forecaster on the London programme sometimes at 1.45 pm wears a goth/New Age look: thick black hair, low-cut dress sporting some kind of pagan necklace, and twines finger movements sensuously in the manner of Balinese dance, like Sian Lloyd used to do on ITV. Her forecasts are usually the most accurate, and I visualise her peering into a glass ball prior to making them. Many of the others (of either sex) make a terrible job of the delivery, leading me to question the oft-repeated assertion that all weather presenters are qualified meteorologists.

                      The format of the forecasts doesn't help either, though when the last alteration took place we were assured against all the complainants that we would get used to them. They used to be criticised for leaving out Scotland. Now what happens is that they first alight on London and the Home Counties at 8 in the morning for the communters for a brief second, so you miss the details, then whizz you off up the east coast to linger awhile around a somewhat shrunken flat-topped Scotland, the Lake District and N.Ireland, than, nauseatingly, reverse down the west coast, (whjich is rather like travelling with ones back to the engine), taking in Wales and the SW en route, and, if you're lucky, but not always, offering a tiniest departing gllimpse of hereabouts.

                      Meanwhile, it managed to reach 14 C earlier, but it's now clouded up here (boring old stratocumulus). Do I go out on the bike, risking any rain that may still be on that cold front? The next decent day looks like being Tuesday. Decisions, decisions.


                      • Flay
                        Full Member
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 5795

                        I find it far too distracting when Lucy Verasamy does the weather report!

                        It was a briefly beautiful morning here in York but dull and drizzly now.
                        Pacta sunt servanda !!!


                        • Flay
                          Full Member
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 5795

                          And now the sun is shining!
                          Pacta sunt servanda !!!


                          • BBMmk2
                            Late Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 20908

                            The sun was shining but overcast now. Thanks for the comments people, btw!
                            Don’t cry for me
                            I go where music was born

                            J S Bach 1685-1750


                            • BBMmk2
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 20908

                              Looks like it's going to be a sunny day in these parts? And a busy working day and looks like it's going to be overcast, for the rest of the week?
                              Don’t cry for me
                              I go where music was born

                              J S Bach 1685-1750


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38184

                                Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                                Looks like it's going to be a sunny day in these parts? And a busy working day and looks like it's going to be overcast, for the rest of the week?
                                Yes - looks like get on bike time for me this afternoon.

