Originally posted by teamsaint
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Stormy Weather
Don Petter
Typical media scaremongering. The Met's snow area on the map seems to be smaller every time you look.
I suspect any snow won't get south of London. (Maybe a bit in Kent, but they don't count.)
It's 42° and a pleasant enough morning here, though we have no plans for emerging. (Christmas Dinner with neighbours yesterday, so today is our own 'blow-out' day.)
You can have some of our rain ferney, here you are!It started with fine drizzle around midday, then heavier but not pelting down, just steady and the cloud base is now higher and a mix of pale and darker greys. I'd be very surprised if it turned to snow, as Don said above, the area on the map is now small and veering off in another direction but they do have to err on the side of caution.
I woke up very snuffly and sniffly so am not happy.I think, as I'm probably the only one in the UK who didn't see it last night, I might shortly curl up with the repeat of Downton (not that I'm really interested in that dysfunctional family but I do like Ice Maiden Lady Mary's hats and I want to finally see who killed the valet!!) Best Christmas programme of Christmas was Dr. Who - Oh, I did shed a tear, so sad, but loved that Bad Santa with Attitude.
Strange weather here today. I was going off with family to see more family in Fife. At 9.00 am I could see my car was severely iced up. By 11.00 when I left the temp was still -1º C but the bright sunshine had defrosted the car. When we got to bridge level, we were driving through very thick mist, and that's the way it's been since.
Now back home, and I'm about to watch last night's Dr Who. Thanks, Anna, I'll get the tissues looked out.Sorry to hear about your cold. If you're out stargazing, remember to wrap up warmly!
Originally posted by Anna View PostYou can have some of our rain ferney, here you are!
And, I too have a cold - it sort of started on Monday (one of those scrtatchy sore throats and tickly cough affairs that keep you awake all night), let me have Christmas off, and came back this morning.
And there's at least one other Downton-abstainer, here (seriously does not appeal!) and agree about Dr Who (no surprise there) - one particular bit of dialogue had me sobbing; but I do so wish they'd get a decent composer - noisy, sub-Star Wars racket behind every scene. I hanker for the black & white days when terror was matched with silence.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostThanks for the report jean. I wonder if this will reach as far south as here - there was talk of such a possiblity on the local lunchtime news, but no yellow triangle warning given.
Raining heavily and cold here now.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostThanks for the report jean. I wonder if this will reach as far south as here - there was talk of such a possiblity on the local lunchtime news, but no yellow triangle warning given.
Wild wet and windy down here yesterday evening. Rain this morning! :(Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750