Yes - July has (so far) been pretty glorious in the Pennines, too (as witnessed on the "Avez-vous une cuppa" coverage). A couple of heavy showers on Monday morning aside, it's been a sunny, warm week.
Stormy Weather
Spent a lovely three days in York.
Currently some 10 miles away from Whitby ...planning an assault on the beach and castle building whenever weather permits...
So far the weather (despite forecasts) has been kind... so we hit the beaches tomorrow !!
(Famous last words or what !!?)
The past fortnight in Yorkshire has been great - and though an avid fan of South West England - I'm reminded of how beautiful my home county is
Ahem that rose should be white !!!
Very warm again today, close and muggy and next to no wind. Temperature thingy at the railway station said 26 degrees at 5.30!
Reports are that next week should see the promised heatwave = just in time for my visit to the Proms!"The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Phew, wot a scorcher! A glorious Summer morning up here. Not a cloud in the sky and not a breath of wind. Temp must be about 24 degrees already. The over-cautious weather forecasts are not really telling it how it is, perhaps stung in the past by silly predictions of a 'barbecue summer' and the Michael Fish moment. Dismal July? Let's have more of it!
Some heavy rain is supposed to be coming from the West tonight."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by mangerton View PostI'm at work today until 8.00, then I'm off on two weeks' leave (yay!) so I confidently expect the rain to start at 20.01 this evening!
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostSome heavy rain is supposed to be coming from the West tonight.
Originally posted by Anna View PostWhere are you off to this time mangerton, and does it involve trains?but only to get to my destination - London, where inter alia I am going to see Monty Python at the O2.
OT, my prediction yesterday came to naught. It hasn't rained yet, even although I tried to help things along by washing my car this morning.