A surprisingly cold, overcast, drizzly and windy morning! So chilly in fact that my fingers went dead with cold doing the Saturday morning shopping. Difficult to believe that we were sweltering this time last week.
Stormy Weather
As to Npower - branch of family in East Lancs decided to change from them to Scottish Power. Final bill arrived showing a debit of £500 (bills had always been paid via DD and meter is in box on outside wall) So this was queried, lots of corrspondence, then it was noticed that the meter number on the bills was not the number of their meter Further correspondence and Npower said in fact they would refund £1,500. Further correspondence etc., etc., it's now reckoned that Npower owe them £5,000. This has been going on since August 2013 ..... Top Tip of the Day: Always read your meter monthly and check your bills - they'd been paying on direct debit for years at £256 per month dual fuel.OK, 2 adults, 2 children under 12, but with Scottish Power they're now paying £154 pm
Ontopic: The week has been hot, 22°-24°, dipped down to 20° yesterday, rain early hours, thunderstorm (more thunder than rain) around 7pm. Today rainy when I went out early, now big blue patches and quite nice All in all not the horrendous heavy rain we were forecast.
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostI know someone who claims never to have been billed for any energy use since changing supplier. I doubted this but seems it could have been right. I just wonder who the 'worst suppliers' might be as there seems to be no shortage of likely candidates, just need to pick the worst of the worst.
I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!
I suppose no-one has posted lately as there's been no weather to speak of! Another beautiful Summer's day here but Autumn is around the corner according to this:
Nature is hurtling “helter-skelter” through the seasons and after the wettest and stormiest winter on record autumn is already beginning to appear, conservationists have said.
After an early spring and summer, autumn, which normally arrives in late September, is already making itself known in the hedgerow and woods, according to Matthew Oates, a National Trust naturalist. Mr Oates said: “Looking at this year, where does it want to be? It raged its way through winter, then we went into an incredibly early spring, and then it rushed helter-skelter through spring without stopping for breath.”
He said: "There are really strong signs of autumn already here, like the beech nuts, it's an amazing beech mast year and the nuts are incredibly well developed.
"We're ahead still, remarkably ahead, birds have largely stopped singing, a lot of butterflies are very early and are still coming out early," he said, pointing to early arrivals of high summer butterflies including chalk hill blues and purple emperors.
Glorious weather over the weekend for the Newport Flower Show. Now we're battening down the hatches as juicy tropical air pushes in. Arthur,the first named storm of the season, is churning around out in the Atlantic.
Originally posted by marthe View PostGlorious weather over the weekend for the Newport Flower Show. Now we're battening down the hatches as juicy tropical air pushes in. Arthur,the first named storm of the season, is churning around out in the Atlantic.
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostI hope that Arthur stays away from your door marthe - somehow Hurricane Arthur doesn't sound one of the dodgy kind, but I could be wrong
I should be out on the bike as it's such a lovely day, and not excessively warm, but there's an interesting Afternoon on 3 today, including some Leo Ornstein, who I believe was a sort of John Cage precursor, and whose music I haven't heard before.
Originally posted by marthe View PostGlorious weather over the weekend for the Newport Flower Show. Now we're battening down the hatches as juicy tropical air pushes in. Arthur,the first named storm of the season, is churning around out in the Atlantic.The best of the BBC, with the latest news and sport headlines, weather, TV & radio highlights and much more from across the whole of BBC Online
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post"Brummie Simon then predicts poor weather until halfway through next week, followed by a brief break of dry weather, followed in turn by a dismal July, I'm afraid. So, make the most of it while we can, say I!
BBC says a wet weekend but the weather's been well-nigh perfect all July so far!!"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
I'm agog!
I'm a gog too, as it goes