Currently having a thunderstorm with very heavy rain. Typical Bank Holiday weekend really.
Stormy Weather
A seven-minute hail storm just after 19:05 with hail the size of frozen peas - quite a racket!
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostA seven-minute hail storm just after 19:05 with hail the size of frozen peas - quite a racket!
It didn't wake me
Maybe it vented its fury on NW2 and gave W2 a miss....
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
A mix of sun and cloud today but quite chilly. Anna, I hope your water logged garden dries out so that you can get those Peaches and Cream Heuchera planted.
Originally posted by Caliban View PostI was tucked up, having a snooze
Here, we also had the sudden plunge in temps and torrential rain for over two hours, in fact I confess I flipped the heating on. This morning I see the school's fields (adjoining the river, which is a raging torrent) are lake-like, the watertable is obviously still high from the constant rain/floods in the Spring. Any chance of planting has gone, it's all absolutely waterlogged and our projected sunny bank holiday weekend seems to have been reduced to a couple of hours this afternoon and the same tomorrow and then showers on and off for the next 10 days.
Back home in Moonraker country now, after the hols.
Nice here today, warm, rather breezy, done a bit of gardening.
Here is the view from our holiday cottage window, last week. Looking out towards the mainland coast just north of Mallaig.
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Originally posted by Anna View PostA snooze? Was that in preparation for a heavy Saturday night or recuperation from a hard week Cali?
Here, we also had the sudden plunge in temps and torrential rain for over two hours, in fact I confess I flipped the heating on. This morning I see the school's fields (adjoining the river, which is a raging torrent) are lake-like, the watertable is obviously still high from the constant rain/floods in the Spring. Any chance of planting has gone, it's all absolutely waterlogged and our projected sunny bank holiday weekend seems to have been reduced to a couple of hours this afternoon and the same tomorrow and then showers on and off for the next 10 days.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostLovely picture, teamsaint; nice trees too! Thanks.- with views like that, who needs "hols"?!
The Central Heating (set to 16 degrees) came on of its own free will this morning - 'tho' then there was quite a bit of sun, and I managed to get a 20 minute walk around the "village" and an hour's gardening (I dug up a whole colony of what I hope are weeds). Then, at about eleven o'clock, the rain began and it's chucking itself at us! I hope there's at least one clear day next week - I'm hoping to walk up to the top of Pen-y-Ghent: something I've never done in the 17-and-a-half years I've lived here.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Great picture, ts. I'm glad to see you got the good weather. The person who coined the saying, "There's no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothing." obviously wasn't a photographer.
Enjoy Pen-y-Ghent, ferney. It looks most picturesque from the train whenever I pass it on the scenic Settle to Carlisle line. 17.5 years is nothing. I've lived here 25 years, and there are still things I have to do.