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  • mangerton
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3346

    Another glorious day here in northern parts - well, it would be; I'm at work.

    Had a jolly day yesterday - out for lunch. Roast beef, not trad for Easter, but delicious nonetheless.

    Anna, your lunch sounds delicious too, especially the rice pud.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38184

      Much, much warmer than yesterday here - that's a bad sign when the barometer stays low, and, on cue, huge mountains of cauliflour cumulus started bubbling up fast around midday, with very threatening blackness just to the north, but no thunder to be heard. All this has now drifted westwards leaving hazy sunshine and a temperature of just under 18 C feeling much warmer than that owing to high humidity. Our mauve lilac is just bursting into flower, the larger sycamores and oaks slowly catching up with their neighbouring hornbeams and horse chestnuts, and I just now spotted an enormous bumble bee, black, white and orange-banded and over an inch long, buzzing its way drunkenly across the path to some dandelions. Some of the regular roses are already in bud here!


      • Thropplenoggin
        Full Member
        • Mar 2013
        • 1587

        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
        Much, much warmer than yesterday here - that's a bad sign when the barometer stays low, and, on cue, huge mountains of cauliflour cumulus started bubbling up fast around midday, with very threatening blackness just to the north, but no thunder to be heard. All this has now drifted westwards leaving hazy sunshine and a temperature of just under 18 C feeling much warmer than that owing to high humidity. Our mauve lilac is just bursting into flower, the larger sycamores and oaks slowly catching up with their neighbouring hornbeams and horse chestnuts, and I just now spotted an enormous bumble bee, black, white and orange-banded and over an inch long, buzzing its way drunkenly across the path to some dandelions. Some of the regular roses are already in bud here!
        I spotted flowering blooms on a climbing rose in St Albans today. Indeed, our potted rose gave us its first incarnadine inflorescence in early April.
        It loved to happen. -- Marcus Aurelius


        • marthe

          Lovely Easter yesterday. Spent part of the day with my mother who was in good form, bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked. The HH and I had ham, asparagus, sweet potatoes for dinner, and Lemon Tea Cake for dessert. Today is Marathon Day in Boston, MA. The sunny, cool weather is perfect for this long race. Let's hope that all goes well this year. For the folks in Massachusetts, today is also a holiday so the 26 mile route of the Boston Marathon will be lined with supporters. As a child, I lived in two "marathon" towns: Hopkinton, where the race starts; Wellesley, where Wellesley College girls cheer on the runners as they pass by the college. I wonder if Hillary Clinton ever did that? Maybe she was too busy protesting. We "townies" not only cheered the runners, but handed out cups of water as well.


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 38184

            Originally posted by marthe View Post
            Lovely Easter yesterday. Spent part of the day with my mother who was in good form, bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked. The HH and I had ham, asparagus, sweet potatoes for dinner, and Lemon Tea Cake for dessert. Today is Marathon Day in Boston, MA. The sunny, cool weather is perfect for this long race. Let's hope that all goes well this year. For the folks in Massachusetts, today is also a holiday so the 26 mile route of the Boston Marathon will be lined with supporters. As a child, I lived in two "marathon" towns: Hopkinton, where the race starts; Wellesley, where Wellesley College girls cheer on the runners as they pass by the college. I wonder if Hillary Clinton ever did that? Maybe she was too busy protesting. We "townies" not only cheered the runners, but handed out cups of water as well.
            Speaking of townies, there was a story from the newspapers in this morning's Today about a family who moved to an old one-time vicarage in the countryside. Soon after moving in, the man complained about the neighbouring church clock chiming out the time every quarter of an hour. Evdentually the authorities agreed to the clock only announcing the hour, but apparently even this was too much. Some people, eh??!!


            • marthe

              S_A, darn city slickers! In our case, townies were those who lived in the town (or the "ville" as some Wellesley girls call it) as opposed to the college.


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38184

                Originally posted by marthe View Post
                S_A, darn city slickers! In our case, townies were those who lived in the town (or the "ville" as some Wellesley girls call it) as opposed to the college.
                The ville as opposed to the coll. I suppose that's preferable to the uni?


                • marthe

                  Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                  The ville as opposed to the coll. I suppose that's preferable to the uni?
                  Good one! A Wellesley girl would never go to Uni...unless it happened to be MIT or Harvard.


                  • amateur51

                    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                    Much, much warmer than yesterday here - that's a bad sign when the barometer stays low, and, on cue, huge mountains of cauliflour cumulus started bubbling up fast around midday, with very threatening blackness just to the north, but no thunder to be heard. All this has now drifted westwards leaving hazy sunshine and a temperature of just under 18 C feeling much warmer than that owing to high humidity. Our mauve lilac is just bursting into flower, the larger sycamores and oaks slowly catching up with their neighbouring hornbeams and horse chestnuts, and I just now spotted an enormous bumble bee, black, white and orange-banded and over an inch long, buzzing its way drunkenly across the path to some dandelions. Some of the regular roses are already in bud here!
                    Roses and clematis in bloom here, strawberry plants in flower, bees and white flutterbyes, great tits, starlings, and sparrers all visiting the fat balls and a robin tucking into the seed-feeders, a purple lilac in bloom down the road in NW6 - marvellous.

                    Suddenly rather mild here today and dry-ish, whereas yesterday was soggy, soggier and soggiest and pretty nippy too.
                    Last edited by Guest; 21-04-14, 19:17. Reason: starkings?


                    • EdgeleyRob
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 12180

                      Glorious sunny day in North Cheshire today.
                      It felt quite hot when out walking the dogs this afternoon.


                      • eighthobstruction
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 6527

                        Lime trees in of my favourite green colours....
                        bong ching


                        • BBMmk2
                          Late Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 20908

                          Rather a mixed bag, I think today. Sunny i9ntervals, with showers, probably.

                          Had a lovely day yesterday. Went pout for a walk in the afternoon, whilst in the morning, worked on my project.
                          Don’t cry for me
                          I go where music was born

                          J S Bach 1685-1750


                          • Pabmusic
                            Full Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 5537

                            We've had a few miserable days - overcast, showers, temperatures as low as 24 degrees C (!!!) - but today it's a lovely, sunny 30 degrees.


                            • DracoM
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 13027

                              Good Grief! Rained here in Ultima Thule for the first time in any meaningful way in a fortnight.


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38184

                                Slow deterioration towards the weekend expected, with lower temperatures leading up to a cold unsettled end of month, and beginning to May, with north/north-westerly winds. So make the most of the next couple of days, heeping the brolly to hand and making sure to dodge any showers.

