Out on the streets protesting yesterday....
Stormy Weather
Originally posted by eighthobstruction View PostThat's a big one....in Skipton near to me we have one that can take 50-75 people + a community hall....a few miles away is the valley in which Quakerism started....
Looks lie a great day weather wise but unfortunately we will probably have to say goodbye to our cat. Who is ten years old and not very well. His recurring condition has reared it's ugly head again, and it just not fair to see him suffer. Ok I know with medication, he will recover, but it seems to recur at an alarmingly increased regularity.Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
It's chilly today - just 4° when I went out shopping, a nasty NE wind and still under 8° now, yesterday was beautifullly warm and sunny, but perhaps it'll improve as the day progresses. Rain tomorrow seems less than originally forecast. Yesterday I went to Church for the Good Friday Passion, wonderful choir (nearly all members of the choral society) but was surprised at low attendance, whereas the Catholics (who chucked out at the same time) seemed to have had a full house. Just back from shopping when Jehovah's Witnesses turned up on the doorstep, haven't seen any of them for years (marthe's Quaker meeting house looks lovely) Just having a coffee and a hot cross bun so I am in full Easter mode!!
mangerton, thanks for the continued offer of a fish supper, it makes a change from "You'll have had your tea then?"Calum's second earthquake made the R4 6 o'clock news!!! Let's hope things do not come in threes ........
BBM, so sorry about Shearer, I've had to do the final trip to the Vet too often, hence I no longer have a cat, it's heartbreaking having to make that decision.
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostLooks lie a great day weather wise but unfortunately we will probably have to say goodbye to our cat. Who is ten years old and not very well. His recurring condition has reared it's ugly head again, and it just not fair to see him suffer. Ok I know with medication, he will recover, but it seems to recur at an alarmingly increased regularity.
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostGreat news!! Shearer has something else wrong with him which will be treated!! Happy cat owner now I am! The vets said he's picked up a tummy bug! So0 well worth going to the vets! Phew! Much relieved now!!
Glad to hear the panic is over."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostGreat news!! Shearer has something else wrong with him which will be treated!! Happy cat owner now I am! The vets said he's picked up a tummy bug! So0 well worth going to the vets! Phew! Much relieved now!!
Wonderful couple of days here weatherwise,not the warmest,but dry and quite sunny.
BBM, I'm so glad to hear that Shearer is on the mend. The HH and I are so attached to our two cats that we go gaga over them (as HH says). We've lost 3 in the past 15 years so I understand the anguish of losing a furry friend.
Eigth, did you mention Bradford curry houses a few posts back? I've never been to one but the HH frequented a few while he was at uni in Bradford...a place called the Kash comes to mind.
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostLooks like the biggest resurrection job since....
Dismal day yesterday, woke to low rain clouds and chill wind but it stayed dry until after lunch, rain not particularly heavy until around 7pm when it closed in, nil visibility and there was a downpour. Watched the Pope's Urbi et Orbi which meant I got a plenary indulgence (always handy), was treated to traditional Easter roast lamb and best of all, a beautiful rich creamy old-fashioned homemade rice pudding, heavy on the nutmeg and lemon zest.
All this spring cleaning and decorating means I've finally sorted and pruned cds, ditto cupboards, found stuff I'd completely forgotten I had. All packed ready for charity shop. Today dawned bright, sunny, seems to be set fair until late afternoon then heavy rain, thereafter showers for majority of the week I think, but not cold.