Lovely sunshine yesterday, two or three torrential downpours in the morning but – the icy wind enough to slice you right through. And then, what a wild and tumultuous evening and night! Plenty of hail but not the forecast sleet/snow. I’d bought some violas and left them outside on the doorstep overnight, but they’ve survived the onslaught.
Today, sunny, few heavy showers, struggling to get to just under 8° but take off about 3° for windchill, Intended to do gardening but heavy hailstorm soon put paid to thoughts of that, it’ll have to wait until Sunday (promised to be better) as I have no wish to get chilled through (I admit I turned the heating back on yesterday evening ……) Haircut today by new hairdresser (mine having moved to Penzance!) called Joseph, very camp and he looks like a woodland sprite/elf/faun in a ballet, all cropped hair and enormous dark bambi eyes with threaded eyebrows!
Good cutter though.
Today, sunny, few heavy showers, struggling to get to just under 8° but take off about 3° for windchill, Intended to do gardening but heavy hailstorm soon put paid to thoughts of that, it’ll have to wait until Sunday (promised to be better) as I have no wish to get chilled through (I admit I turned the heating back on yesterday evening ……) Haircut today by new hairdresser (mine having moved to Penzance!) called Joseph, very camp and he looks like a woodland sprite/elf/faun in a ballet, all cropped hair and enormous dark bambi eyes with threaded eyebrows!
Good cutter though.
