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  • marthe

    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    I imagine that in the kind of winter you are currently experiencing, there could be quite a lot of saving on energy bills by switching off fridges, marthe!
    One would think that S-A but the reality is that we need our deep freeze (appliance that is) to store all the soups etc. that we've cooked. We have one these large, side-by-side fridges that is 2/3 fridge and 1/3 freezer. We got it 10 years ago when our daughter and son were still living at home. It's actually larger than we need though we're not ready to replace it yet. If we lived in Siberia, we could just chuck everything into the front room to keep it frozen ( as seen in a National Geographic article).


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      Thank goodness you don't, Marthe!! Not as find as it has been of late. We ,ay see the golden orb at some point!!
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • eighthobstruction
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 6527

        They (Woodland Trust) are building the most horrible mesh fence in my lovely woods that I go in three times a day....enclosing 50-75% of the wood, so the public can only walk around the edge of it next to a metre high steel mesh fence. It is a hideous eyesore, totally inappropriate, an absolutely appalling straight lined regular monstrosity that will totally spoil the view of the landscape, and dominate the natural beauty, the shapes of the trees, the bend of the beck....I am so so so sad....
        bong ching


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38184

          Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
          They (Woodland Trust) are building the most horrible mesh fence in my lovely woods that I go in three times a day....enclosing 50-75% of the wood, so the public can only walk around the edge of it next to a metre high steel mesh fence. It is a hideous eyesore, totally inappropriate, an absolutely appalling straight lined regular monstrosity that will totally spoil the view of the landscape, and dominate the natural beauty, the shapes of the trees, the bend of the beck....I am so so so sad....
          Something akin to this was done to part of the towpath to the Avon in Bristol when I lived there: a much-loved stretch twisting its way through an overarching cathedral of buddleia was straightened and tarmacked, all buddleia and undergrowth removed and replaced with turf and saplings planted at equidistances. What had once been wonderful a ten minute walk through was reduced to one minute.

          Someone should be talked to about what you describe, 8th. Is there a visitor centre in the vicinity?


          • eighthobstruction
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 6527

            The project manager is nowhere to be found . I've been ringing since Tues,and nobody answers my call....the HQ is in Grantham 100 miles away in Lincolnshire....I doubt the project manager has spent more than a couple of hours on the site EVER....someone with a bit of creativity could have made the project imeasurebly better. So depressing....spent two days writing letters and emails....if I'm not careful I might do myself a mischief trudging about looking for support. I've spoken to 100+ people ALL hate the look and scope of the project.
            bong ching


            • Richard Tarleton

              Has anyone said what the fence is for? Grazing exclusion? Do they have a problem with fly tipping, 4x4s or dogs?

              To save trudging I'd email them to protest, get everyone you know to do the same, and contact a sympathetic writer on wildlife matters....send him some photos....reputation matters to voluntary conservation bodies.....


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38184

                It's 14 degrees C - wow! - time to get the bike out for my first proper ride of this year.


                • eighthobstruction
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 6527

                  I'm afraid it's to complicated to tell just a bit of it (I might start a thread on the Politics and Current Affairs board)'s not what they are doing and with what intention, it is HOW they are doing it....those photos on link are dreadful, not at all like real thing....
                  bong ching


                  • marthe

                    Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                    They (Woodland Trust) are building the most horrible mesh fence in my lovely woods that I go in three times a day....enclosing 50-75% of the wood, so the public can only walk around the edge of it next to a metre high steel mesh fence. It is a hideous eyesore, totally inappropriate, an absolutely appalling straight lined regular monstrosity that will totally spoil the view of the landscape, and dominate the natural beauty, the shapes of the trees, the bend of the beck....I am so so so sad....
                    I read your later post with the link to WT's site giving the what and why. I'm sure it's not the whole story. Is cost of materials a factor in choice of steel mesh fence over something more pleasing to the eye? Is steel mesh the same as chain link fence? It's a sad day when a beloved stretch of wood is tampered with.


                    • eighthobstruction
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 6527

             is a metre post every 9' with 5"x5" steel mesh....the easy way is for me to post the letter I sent to WT on the PC&A board if you know where that is....
                      bong ching


                      • marthe

                        I don't know the PC&A board.


                        • eighthobstruction
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 6527

                          Go to the Forum is on the left hand side Useful says Politics and Current Affairs....
                          bong ching


                          • Anna

                            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                            It's 14 degrees C - wow! - time to get the bike out for my first proper ride of this year.
                            We were hotter here at way over 15° (confirmed by BBC Wales as the Hotspot of the Day! ) and today, not quite such clear blue skies, but over 14°. Slight panic developing as fine weather means the many and varied outside jobs have to now be tackled (including more fence havoc wreaked by the last storm) I have also heard the sound of lawnmowers springing into action ......


                            • BBMmk2
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 20908

                              Hurrah for The Golden Orb! How lovely to see her!! :)

                              Lunch at Chez parents today. I just think how lucky I am to have my parents still!
                              Don’t cry for me
                              I go where music was born

                              J S Bach 1685-1750


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38184

                                Blue skies from Walter Wall today! 16 C now reached seems to be our maximum, but not complaining - washing on the line completely dried out for the first time this year - everyone in the block is at it!

