Originally posted by Serial_Apologist
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Stormy Weather
A lovely sunny early Spring morning here in the Southern Metrollops. Lots of new greenery in my tiny garden, clematis at the forefront. It's certainly very mild too, tho' I see that there's a bit of a breeze shaking the greenery.
Perishing cold here today, was only 5° when I went out, struggling to get to 7°, nasty heavy cold rain in squally showers, wish I'd remembered my gloves as wind is icy. However, blue spells now and again but more rain coming. Overall not a bad week though, more sun than rain, reached 12.8° yesterday (warmest so far this year) Tomorrow is promised to be good, Sunday (here) we are in for a deluge and more strong winds, Monday not much better Surprised no-one has commented on the perfectly clear starry nights with brilliant moonlight (it was full on the 14th), very good for stargazing.
Lots of catkins, some hedgerow white blossom (Blackthorn?), carpets of snowdrops, some primroses, daffs very slow, they'd better get a wriggle on to be ready for March 1st!!
Those showers haven't got here yet - in fact as it drifts across the sky, borne on the fresh SW-erly like a flotilla, the cumulus is flattening out, indicating an inversion at around 8,000 feet. 8 degrees C. Nature seems to be at about the same degree of progress as in your part of the world, Anna. Great weather for my afternoon strolls, but unfortunately I'm on Day 5 of an exceptionally tenacious and unpleasant cold.
Brummie Simon's new prediction of a bit of a delay in that much heralded high pressure build-up to the south reminds me of similar postponements we had to endure from that quarter last October-November, remember?
Strolling along Marylebone Road past Madame Tussauds tourist entrapment area, heaving during half-term (heraving at most times it seems) i noticed miniature daffodils, croci, and best of all magnolias in bud, with a few starting to show the first sings of flowering.
I think I saw a cherry tree in full blossom yesterday but this was from a bus.
It's enough to cheer anyone up
Still mild here when the breeze isn't blowing and beautifully sunny
Full-on warm sunshine now and a definite breath of Springtime in the air, a few trees full of blossom, much burgeoning going on, squirrels racing around in trees, magpies & pigeons on a playing field investigating what lies beneath, strangers acknowledging each other on the bus.
Originally posted by Flay View PostHope spring's eternal
Nice punning apostrophe, Flay!
I concur with ammy in re: the springlike atmos. the last couple of days - blue skies and crocuses going crazy in the parks a particular source of pleasure"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."