Stormy Weather

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  • eighthobstruction
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 6527

    Yep this thread has got to #11685 by putting aside the kick and run , the push and shove, the strut and baboon bottom of all the other know what I is a thread which has always avoided controversy....can we please return it to it's usual metre....

    ....sorry is the hardest word....
    Last edited by eighthobstruction; 15-02-14, 13:44. Reason: coz
    bong ching


    • Nick Armstrong
      • Nov 2010
      • 26628

      Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
      Yep this thread has got to #11685 by putting aside the kick and run , the push and shove, the strut and baboon bottom of all the other know what I is a thread which has always avoided controversy....can we please return it to it usual metre....

      ....sorry is the hardest word....

      ... ah look, the sun's come out here

      Very relieved the buffeting of the night is over (some real weather here in the last 18 hours, Anna)... at the back is a big demolition site with a massive crane - the way it was swaying and swinging around (coupled with the violent flapping of 100s of m² pf plastic sheeting) was alarming! Nothing came adrift. (Chilling, the building collapse in Holborn though - I cycle over that very spot every evening ... Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time...)
      "...the isle is full of noises,
      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


      • Petrushka
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 12436

        Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
        I feel like I've been told off
        Not so. See 11676.
        "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


        • MrGongGong
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 18357

          Just to be clear to those on the high horses
          MY comment to BBM was addressed to his apparent calling to some higher power to explain why bad things happen
          nothing to do with making light of people sadly loosing their lives

          So to be clear

          There is no "god"
          Sh*t happens

          There is a stick
          each end is different
          one is covered in velvet
          the other in barbed wire
          some people like to pick up the wire end


          • Stillhomewardbound
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1109

            Originally posted by Caliban View Post
            Chilling, the building collapse in Holborn though - I cycle over that very spot every evening ... Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time...)
            I concur entirely, Caliban. Massive chunks should not be falling off buildings in such a wealthy city as London. A case for criminal charges I would have thought, in time.


            • BBMmk2
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 20908

              Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
              More details here:

              Seems to have been something of a freak event with the cruise ship having set out on January 5 and was returning from the Azores. Not really a story for flippant remarks or a row of laughter emoticons.

              thanks Pet, for that.

              Cali, we have that yellow thing too! (What's it called!?!?!?:))
              Don’t cry for me
              I go where music was born

              J S Bach 1685-1750


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26628

                Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                (What's it called!?!?!?:))
                I think it's called "the calm before the storm"...

                Still calm here though, and apparently will be tomorrow too.
                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • Anna

                  I think yesterday was worse than Wednesday's storm. It really didn't amount to anything (apart from rain) until around lunchtime. Then the wind really picked up, a steady 30mph gusting at just over 50mph. A very strange weather occurance around half-three. It seemed as if the outside world had suddently disappeared, like a dense fog, but it was extreme rainfall, impossible to see more than about 12" (for statistic lovers the weather station reports that it was coming down at 175mm/hr) After a while it eased off, then returned, then all of a sudden it was gone and it was deathly calm, not a puff of a breeze. Strange.

                  Anyway, about an hour after than all hell let loose and gale force winds buffeting and howling. When the electric went off around 11pm - off I went to bed! It finally blew itself out mid-morning, quite nice and sunny now, stiff breeze. Just walked to town and back, 2 miles, by the river which was rather nice (if muddy)

                  Accidents can happen anywhere in this weather, on the Welsh news a man killed by falling tree as he went to tend to his chickens - 5 mins earlier or later - he would have been ok.


                  • Serial_Apologist
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 38184

                    Originally posted by Anna View Post
                    A very strange weather occurance around half-three. It seemed as if the outside world had suddently disappeared, like a dense fog, but it was extreme rainfall, impossible to see more than about 12" (for statistic lovers the weather station reports that it was coming down at 175mm/hr) After a while it eased off, then returned, then all of a sudden it was gone and it was deathly calm, not a puff of a breeze. Strange.
                    There was youtube footage of a similar storm somewhere in the Midlands last summer, I think, Anna. Lots of shrieks of either delight or terror! I'll try & find it.


                    • Beef Oven!
                      • Sep 2013
                      • 18147

                      Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                      ....sorry is the hardest word....
                      Unless you're Chinese, then I think it's 'squirrel'.


                      • marthe

                        Calm before the storm here...Quintus is on its (his?) way. Another storm, named Pax, is waiting in the wings. The weather service is now naming winter storms. Until recently blizzards were identified by year, as in 'The Blizzard of '78'.


                        • Anna

                          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                          There was youtube footage of a similar storm somewhere in the Midlands last summer, I think, Anna. Lots of shrieks of either delight or terror! I'll try & find it.
                          Ooh, I wondered if it had a special name or was some freak occurance? I cannot recall seeing anything quite like it before. Hope you find the footage.
                          Loads of roads blocked by trees, flood, etc. My neighbour told me once he'd seen a hydrology map of here and how the underground streams flowed down the hill towards the river and now you can see them appearing as the watertable has risen so high.
                          Marthe, we are certainly keeping an eye on your latest snow event! S_A, am I right in thinking that Monday's low has another waiting in the wings for Wednesday?
                          Last edited by Guest; 15-02-14, 15:19. Reason: just seen marthe's plus query


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38184

                            Originally posted by Anna View Post
                            Ooh, I wondered if it had a special name or was some freak occurance? I cannot recall seeing anything quite like it before. Hope you find the footage.
                            Loads of roads blocked by trees, flood, etc. My neighbour told me once he'd seen a hydrology map of here and how the underground streams flowed down the hill towards the river and now you can see them appearing as the watertable has risen so high.
                            Marthe, we are certainly keeping an eye on your latest snow event! S_A, am I right in thinking that Monday's low has another waiting in the wings for Wednesday?
                            Unfortunately I couldn't find the footage I was after, but I did find these clips from a big storm over Newcastle in 2012:

                            I have seen storms like this before, but never in this country. I filmed the awesome storm that hit Newcastle on 28th June 2012. Was just amazed at the she...

                            Some of the best youtube storm footage I found was the stuff I posted on this thread last year from the California Monsoon season.

                            The weather's back to "normal" next week, Anna - nothing as dramatic as we've had, just frontal systems associated with mid Atlantic depressions passing through.


                            • alycidon
                              Full Member
                              • Feb 2013
                              • 459

                              Folk in my general area, about a twenty-mile radius of Inverness, are tending towards a guilt complex when we see the terrible things that are happening in most other parts of the UK. We are experiencing the most benign conditions that we can remember. At ground level at least, there has been no snow worthy of the name, very little ice, and although my own village has been awash from time to time, this has been because nearly every gulley is completely choked. Yes, we have had some heavy rain, but usually no longer than a few hours at a time. Very little wind, too.

                              It is truly dreadful to see what is happening elsewhere, with all that devastation.
                              Last edited by alycidon; 15-02-14, 18:24. Reason: Words missing!
                              Money can't buy you happiness............but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery - Spike Milligan

