Stormy Weather

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  • marthe

    Bbm, I hope all is well with your mother. You have my complete sympathy. Fingers crossed that 2014 brings health and happiness to us all, or at least the strength and grace to cope with any problems that might beset us.

    On the weather front, New Year's Day in Newport, RI is calm, sunny, and seasonably (as they say on TV) cold. We're in for a much rougher ride tomorrow and Friday as storms "bump" and grind their way across the region. Very cold temps are predicted with a low of 0 F at night. Snow and strong wind will be coming our way as well. We're promised at least a foot of white stuff. Sorry, the weather people here don't do metric. It's still feet, inches, and degrees Farenheit.


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      Thank you Marthe, for your well wishes! Musch appreciated. My mother is now back at home and I will be going over there shortly to take her to the doctor to have her medication looked at. Hoping everything be fine and she reovers well.

      On the music front, the American University that I am working with, is really looking forward to my current project to be completed!! :)
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • eighthobstruction
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 6527

        My dog Mykey in the garden, sitting errect and proud on a green wheelie bin looking over the wall and down the back lane....he doesn't know that that is the sun, but you can tell he drinks in it's light and warmth.....
        bong ching


        • amateur51

          Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
          My dog Mykey in the garden, sitting errect and proud on a green wheelie bin looking over the wall and down the back lane....he doesn't know that that is the sun, but you can tell he drinks in it's light and warmth.....
          Great observation eighth - Mykey & I have this in common I think, I got very fed up with yesterday's grweyness & wetness and today is totally different and my mood has lifted dramatically. I can't guarantee to clamber onto a wheelie bin but I'm certainly going for a walk soon


          • eighthobstruction
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 6527

            Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
            Great observation eighth - Mykey & I have this in common I think, I got very fed up with yesterday's grweyness & wetness and today is totally different and my mood has lifted dramatically. I can't guarantee to clamber onto a wheelie bin but I'm certainly going for a walk soon

            ....going out to widdle on your lamposts???
            bong ching


            • amateur51

              Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
              ....going out to widdle on your lamposts???
              Oh pur-leaze that's always a possibility


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38184

                Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                Oh pur-leaze that's always a possibility

                I know what you mean about sunshine lifting the spirits. Juast seen at least two couples of about my age group out walking hand-in-hand on a day of not many about. It may be only just over 7 C in the shade, but the sun's giving out a surprising amount of warmth*. I shall be on the bike this afternoon checking out the Clapham Park area in the opposite direction to last time, so the sun will be largely behind me. ("It's behind you!!!") The westerly type of winter we're currently on offers us odd days of this kind, between the rain and the gales. It's either this or cold - which Brummie Simon'as predicting from about the 15th to the 25th. This is too good to miss - the calm before the storm (tomorrow ).

                (*Not that Marthe, across the Pond, will agree. Just seen her weather forecast - right now just as she predicted above, with snow accompanied by winds stronger than anything we've had here).


                • marthe

                  Reporting from Newport, RI: nothing much is happening at the moment though tonight and tomorrow will be another story. Right now (12:00 noon EST) its quite calm with a few lazy flakes drifting down. The HH's place of employment is closing early and has cancelled work for tomorrow as a precaution (he works at a local college where students are still on Christmas break). Stormy weather is expected. The local weather gurus have revised the temperature low from 0 F to about 9 F...a bit of a reprieve! At the moment it is just about at the freezing point. Local shops are very likely selling out of bread, milk, and Sno-Melt/Rock Salt, so necessary for keeping the front steps safe for the postman!

                  Bbm, how exciting about your music project! Which American university, if I may ask? Hope your mother is well.

                  All the best,


                  • Anna

                    I've been away since Sunday pm with no internet access and very little access to weather news (I feel like I've been in Purdah rather than Lancashire) I had one dry day (yesterday), NY Day it never stopped deluging. Just arrived home now and I've never seen such floods between Leominster and Hereford. Journey to Hereford station, which is up hill and down dale crosscountry took on aspects of a logflume ride with flooded roads, trains between Cardiff and Hereford were cancelled due to floods, today as I was approaching Shrewsbury it was announced train would terminate at Newport due to floods between there and Cardiff. Just now it's black as pitch and raining heavily, local river was over again NY Day but doesn't look too high at the mo.
                    Just catching on on posts - glad to see our Weather Guru back in the saddle and best wishes to marthe on latest weather situation, bws to BBM's Mum as well.
                    (Quite glad to be back and able to turn on R3 rather than some awful Sky programme being constantly on both 48" flatscreens from daybreak onwards!! Looking forward to catching up on Sherlock as well)


                    • amateur51

                      Welcome back to civilisation, Anna - did you at least get some decent black pudding?

                      About 45 minutes ago, the sky darkened quite suddenly and then with an almighty thwack a huge thunderstorm was upon us here, simultaneous thunder & lighting and a deluge.

                      And just as suddenly, it was over and now we have sunshine in a blue sky with white clouds scudding by at a high rate, thanks to the very blustery wind.

                      What a day!


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38184

                        Originally posted by Anna View Post
                        I've been away since Sunday pm with no internet access and very little access to weather news (I feel like I've been in Purdah rather than Lancashire) I had one dry day (yesterday), NY Day it never stopped deluging. Just arrived home now and I've never seen such floods between Leominster and Hereford. Journey to Hereford station, which is up hill and down dale crosscountry took on aspects of a logflume ride with flooded roads, trains between Cardiff and Hereford were cancelled due to floods, today as I was approaching Shrewsbury it was announced train would terminate at Newport due to floods between there and Cardiff. Just now it's black as pitch and raining heavily, local river was over again NY Day but doesn't look too high at the mo.
                        Just catching on on posts - glad to see our Weather Guru back in the saddle and best wishes to marthe on latest weather situation, bws to BBM's Mum as well.
                        (Quite glad to be back and able to turn on R3 rather than some awful Sky programme being constantly on both 48" flatscreens from daybreak onwards!! Looking forward to catching up on Sherlock as well)
                        Brief but heavy thunderstorm here just over an hour ago, and it seems to have set off high winds in its wake. Welcome back, Anna, at least you managed to get home. One of the most noticeable things when cycling around the roads of suburban S London in yesterday's sunshine was the amouint of admittedly minor flooding where I was forced to dismount and take to the pavement. Water from previous rainfalls was just pouring across the roads leading downhill from higher ground. The BBC weatherman on the 1 o'clock news reiterated information about the warm/cold divide across the States triggering the extra-strong transatlantic jet stream (the strongest on record I hear); the temperature at Toronto was minus 13 C at last reading with a 23 mph northerly wind, and it was expected to get even colder next Tuesday!


                        • Anna

                          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                          Welcome back to civilisation, Anna - did you at least get some decent black pudding?
                          No black pudding I’m afraid – Mine Hosts don’t like it! I did have a lovely Chinese meal on NY Eve plus a second Christmas roast dinner on NY Day (not turkey – chicken but with pigs in blankets etc.) plus THREE meals which included CHIPS!! (Chips are a rare treat for me) Plus a real retro dessert yesterday – a Viennetta! Oh, and lots of lattes with gingerbread syrup and delicious homemade Christmas cake with homemade marzipan. Next week I embark on the 5:2 diet ...... When I passed through Stockport there and back I wondered if I was on the viaduct that EdgeleyRob had posted a picture off where he walks the dogs - so I gave a virtual wave.
                          Ontopic: I think we're in for some more rough stuff tonight and on Sunday?


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38184

                            Originally posted by Anna View Post
                            No black pudding I’m afraid – Mine Hosts don’t like it! I did have a lovely Chinese meal on NY Eve plus a second Christmas roast dinner on NY Day (not turkey – chicken but with pigs in blankets etc.) plus THREE meals which included CHIPS!! (Chips are a rare treat for me) Plus a real retro dessert yesterday – a Viennetta! Oh, and lots of lattes with gingerbread syrup and delicious homemade Christmas cake with homemade marzipan. Next week I embark on the 5:2 diet ...... When I passed through Stockport there and back I wondered if I was on the viaduct that EdgeleyRob had posted a picture off where he walks the dogs - so I gave a virtual wave.
                            Ontopic: I think we're in for some more rough stuff tonight and on Sunday?
                            Particularly Sunday where you are, I'm afraid, Anna.

                            (Btw are pigs in blankets how they're looked after, or consumed?)


                            • mangerton
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 3346

                              Nice to hear from you Anna, and your news of the weather, TV, and culinary details. You seem to have had a fine time.

                              The weather in the south and west of the country looks particularly bad. I hope those flood-hit get sorted out quickly.

                              (Pigs in blankets used to be known around here as "kilted sausages".)


                              • Anna

                                mangerton - having been subjected to the worst of what Sky can offer (have you ever seen Honey Boo-Boo or endless programmes about US storage contents being auctioned and programmes about US pawn shops? - it's strengthened my resolve never to get a subscription!!) However, I did manage to put on the NY Day concert from Vienna for some light relief. Also, re TV, I saw HD for the first time, quite a difference, just like a Pixar movie for realism .......
                                S_A, I've just checked the forecast for here - thanks. but the Met Office says tomorrow will be worse than Sunday for rain. I see there is now a flood warning for undefended areas on the main river here and a mobile home site on the riverbank has been evacuated .....
                                Belated Happy New Year to all!

