Originally posted by Cellini
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Stormy Weather
By the way, a few days ago the Today programme dealt with the issue of whether or not to clear snow from the pavement in front of your house. The person on the show said that the likelihood of being sued if someone subsequently slipped is an urban myth and would only be an issue if it could be shown that the pavement-clearer had deliberately covered ice with snow, etc.
I really do think that if people cleared their pavements it would make life enormously easier for everyone the snow isn't the problem, it's the ice that the snow gets compacted into.
i have lived in the street for 23 years and this morning is the very first time it has been cleared of snow and gritted .... and would you just know it, the snow began to fall as the tractor turned the corner ....According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
For those who hate ice as much as I do, these spiky shoe nets are lifesavers:
I really ought to get another pair, as I lost one of mine last year romping through a four-foot high snow drift like a little kid. Hey, it was fun-- don't knock it! This year, I was even thinking of getting myself a sled. Highly recommended!
For those of you who enjoyed reading my long-winded blather in the old "No Subject" thread, I'll continue the tradition in the Private Forum on my Profile Page-- just click my icon! I'll try to keep my posting time to the wee hours when I can't sleep...just think of it as "The Insomniacs' Corner". I haven't felt like getting back into it quite yet, but am sure I'll be rattling on in no time. There's a little up now...do feel free to drop by anytime: have a read, grab a soft blanket and a cup of hot chocolate and make yourself at home.
Cheers! ~E.
sigolene euphemia
Whew, got through the ice ! Having lived at the base of a glacier never fell those 10 months of the year called winter having yaktracks...then in a temperate climate a bit of melting snow...tennis shoes and ka-blam...I fell having my first surgery ever. Broke my right knee.
Good Morning all !
As I posted earlier, last year I bought a pair of the YakTrax Walkers that your link points to. They were absolutely superb on the ice we had then. I'm sure there are other similar devices but these is the only one I have used and now swear by them.
They are also available from the company direct:
Originally posted by johnb View PostI really do think that if people cleared their pavements it would make life enormously easier for everyone the snow isn't the problem, it's the ice that the snow gets compacted into.
Originally posted by sigolene euphemia View Posttennis shoes and ka-blam...I fell having my first surgery ever. Broke my right knee.
Needs more chapters though...the plot development is seriously lagging.
sigolene euphemia
sigolene euphemia
Three winters ago I was in Toronto when the snow dumped. The city ran out of snow removal budget. The wars I saw with neighbors clamoring over where to pile the snow, your yard or mine. It would really make you steam Eine Alpensinfonie.
sigolene euphemia
We are warm and for supper rissoto with comte cheese and a small french rack of lamb. requested by my daughter for this special eve. Risotto is easy and quick in a pressure cooker. I know nearly all the recipes by heart from Lorna J Sass. A gift from my Dad for sailing nearly17 years ago. But this book remains a favorite and who knows ~ ~ ~ Eudamonia may well cross paths with Lorna in the Big Apple.
Lorna Sass, America's leading authority on vegan and pressure cooking. Order personally inscribed copies of her bestselling cookbooks.
"One day, when I was 28 and studying for my doctorate in medieval literature at Columbia University, I happened upon a published version of manuscript recipes from the royal household of Richard II, dated 1390. I couldn’t believe my eyes!
I checked the book out and started trying the recipes. My experiments led to teaching to children at the Cloisters and then to the publication of To the King’s Taste by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Before completing my doctorate, I also wrote To the Queen’s Taste (about Elizabethan cooking), Dinner with Tom Jones (about 18th century English cooking), and Christmas Feasts from History (which traces Christmas specialties from the ancient Roman times through Dickens.) During the 70s, I gave lectures and taught workshops on the history of gastronomy all around the country.
Cooking Under Pressure
During the 1980s my career took a turn when my mom brought a pressure cooker back from India and started turning out delicious soups and stews in 15 minutes. A lightbulb went off in my head: why aren’t we all using pressure cookers to get healthy food on the table quickly?
Cooking Under Pressure was published in 1989 to wide acclaim and went through 24 printings. It is now out of print and somewhat of a collector’s item; however, a revised 20th anniversary edition will be published in November of this year."
Absolute chaos out here. No trains running at the moment, none of the roads gritted and cars/buses unable to get up the hill. It really is inexcusable, as the Met Office has been warning of this for days. In the mean time the snow keeps on falling. A good four inches or so now.
Sunny but cool here in Rhode Island. No snow yet which is a blessing because I haven't yet cleared up all the leaves! Sigolene: thanks for link to Lorna Sass. A friend and co-worker is vegan. She might be interested if she doesn't already know about Sass's books. Pressure cooking has much to recommend. We did a lot of it when first married and living in a caravan while working at a Saxon excavation in the Trent Valley in the Staffs. countryside.