Bloody HUGE storm just kicked off here.
Stormy Weather
After a shocking day yesterday with heavy rain and strong winds - the car was covered in leaves this morning - it's been dry, overcast and mild (14ºC at 5 pm) here today.
Good luck with your cowl, Anna. Get a granny. (well, that's what they're called here!) I used to like watching them spin round in a high wind.
Walkinm tothe surgery for tests earlier I met a wet,windy spell- impossible to keep a brolly up, jacket was as wet af it had been washed and left to drip.
Lucky S_A [well, in a way], I had to wait an hour and a half while the nurses took a lunch break.
All the best Bbm, be happy in yournew home.
I watched Teamsaint's storm in the distance at just after 8. Actually it was one of a row stretched right across the western sky - quite frequent lightning. That decided me on staying in rather than going to my usual gig, but in fact the thunder had died out by the time the storms arrived here as mere heavy showers though that may not be the last of it for tonight. The wind has died down however, temperatures 14 C - amazingly warm for this late in the season.
Next Monday looks like our date with the first real gales of the autumn - at the moment Brummie Simon is being very sanguine about what he considers exaggerated warnings in the Daily Depress. Not sure I agree with him.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostNext Monday looks like our date with the first real gales of the autumn - at the moment Brummie Simon is being very sanguine about what he considers exaggerated warnings in the Daily Depress. Not sure I agree with him.All being well, which I imagine it won't be ....
Mangerton - I had no idea the cowls that swing around were called Grannies, does this come from your Granny always watching you and having eyes in the back of her head? Anyway, I spoke to a chimney sweep last night who was as much help as a chocolate chimney. Dick Van Dyke would have been a better bet I'm sure
Lovely to have had a totally dry, sunny, day here, seems we're ok until Friday, which looks horrendous. Oh, and just realised, clocks go back this weekend, welcome to Winter.
Originally posted by Anna View PostI heard a warning on BBC news that if you had anything significant planned for Monday - keep a close eye on the forecast. Well, I have something significant planned, my back door and some windows are being removed!All being well, which I imagine it won't be ....
Mangerton - I had no idea the cowls that swing around were called Grannies, does this come from your Granny always watching you and having eyes in the back of her head? Anyway, I spoke to a chimney sweep last night who was as much help as a chocolate chimney. Dick Van Dyke would have been a better bet I'm sure
Lovely to have had a totally dry, sunny, day here, seems we're ok until Friday, which looks horrendous. Oh, and just realised, clocks go back this weekend, welcome to Winter.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostAh yes! Almost dark by 5 pm this time come Sunday, (about 10 minutes later for you Anna). I wish they'd b. well stick to BST!
Lerwick sunrise 09:03
sunset 14:56
Dundee sunrise 08:45
sunset 15:35
Newcastle upon Tyne sunrise 08:31
sunset 15:38
London sunrise 08:06
sunset 15:51
Please bear in mind too that sunrise tends to be the time when temperatures begin to rise, and ice and frost to melt.Last edited by mangerton; 23-10-13, 17:48.
Originally posted by Anna View PostI heard a warning on BBC news that if you had anything significant planned for Monday - keep a close eye on the forecast. Well, I have something significant planned, my back door and some windows are being removed!All being well, which I imagine it won't be ....
Mangerton - I had no idea the cowls that swing around were called Grannies, does this come from your Granny always watching you and having eyes in the back of her head? Anyway, I spoke to a chimney sweep last night who was as much help as a chocolate chimney. Dick Van Dyke would have been a better bet I'm sure
Lovely to have had a totally dry, sunny, day here, seems we're ok until Friday, which looks horrendous. Oh, and just realised, clocks go back this weekend, welcome to Winter.
Anna, I hope you are door- and window-less for as brief a spell as possible. Not sure if you've got the concept of a granny. A granny cowl rotates at high speed, rather than just swinging into the wind. Your derivation of the word however sounds absolutely spot-on. I looked on-line for a pic last night but retired defeated. I'm sure there will be some still around locally which I could photograph, but it'll have to wait till the weekend, as it's already too dark to take pictures before and after work.
During the day, however, it was very pleasant here. The trees are a mass of lovely colours, and the temp was a mild 14ºC.
Originally posted by mangerton View PostYes, but in December, blink and you miss it.maybe July though.
In the meantime, I prefer a return to GMT.
Getting up for work is tough enough, without 10 am sunrise.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.