yes, looking after you while looking after themselves....i hope they are exercising as well as setting these exercises....i'm no more gloomy, if one had to die more than once, well i might worry and be anxious, but i reckon i'll be able to manage it the once....
Stormy Weather
I think I've mentioned before my brother - heart probs from an early age - God bless the NHS for pulling him back from the brink more times than I can remember (including an airlifting to John Radcliffe for two touch or go ops) but, having to live with pretty certain future demise at any time, he had his own cardiac nurse, on call 24/7 whenever he thought things were not going quite as they should (not for a mo suggesting S_A or 8obs need this level of care but the aftercare aspect is so important, crazy if there is any thought of withdrawing funding)
On a lighter note - I've bought a 2014 calendar! As I left it until Christmas last year they'd sold out of the one I wanted, and I noticed today stocks were in - so I've got a British Steam Trains one which came with a free desk diary! I could use the diary to record weather observations like S_A does (I fear I am turning into an anorak!)
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostI received a lengthy questionnaire from Kings College Hospital today, relating to my recent heart op, asking lots of penetrating questions as to my feelings about being prone to heart problems, as well as more general questions, such as do I think heart attack victims should exercise as before, exercise more or lead an easy life. Unfortunately it is not that easy to say whether or not one is more given to feelings of gloom that previously, as I'm not sure whether my growing pessimism is as a consequence of health problems or having the same grounds for gloom as most other people I know! The questionnaire came with a covering letter, explaining that the point of the exercise is for the heart aftercare team to use the results to justify funding their continuation to their managers! It's good to know someone is looking out for one, but maybe I should have read that before starting on it!
Yes S_A, it's all very depressing when everything is seen first from their financial angle.
When I had a serious lung op at Barts, St Albans, in the 1950s the NHS was young and very good indeed.
I appreciate the reasons for the change but it's worrying as one grows older and more health problems arise.
Good luck and keep taking the tablets
The promised cloudy weather never materialised. Had the local breakfast TV forecaster looked out of the window the most glorious blue sky would have been seen! Apart from a few clouds racing across the sky that's pretty much how it remained. Quite warm too.
The weekend forecast for London has been revised yet again and now looks quite good."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
lovely morning here,although a chilly breeze.
HELP PLEASE I'm serious about this. Every day foxes leave the remains of takeaways,either taken from the bins near a food shop across a park from me or out of someone's bag of rubbish.
It'snot easy for me to pick it up = I think the foxes like my lawn beside the drive. Lotsof frontgardens are entirely paved, which I abhor. Is there anything I can puton the grass to deter the foxes but keepthe grass?
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Sorry Salymap I have no serious advice....
One for Ferney: Up on Farnhill last night....the slow gravel train crawling through Cononley Station with the sun going down below the hill behind the village....even though it was a latelate spring, the farmers have still got three cuts of silage or hay....Farnhill seems to have less mauve heather this year, the bracken is gradually taking over and it's overtaking the Bilberries year on year....still plenty there to wash the Syria debate from my mind for a border collie throwing/ hurling himself into the tall bracken to get his stick was a fine sight....coming down the Bradley hill the grass that blond/Naples Yellow colour that always reminds me of my sons hair when he was 5 or 6....coming through Bradley 4 boys on scooters in middle of road, I crawled behind them letting them have their fun ....again reminding me of one of my finest hours - record runs on my scooter (with a pump brake on the back wheel) down Kings Drive, Bristol and into the carpark at St Bonaventures School....(not so many cars on the road in the 50's....bong ching
Saly, I have no experience of urban foxes, sometimes hear them during mating but they keep themselves to themselves in the fields and woods, plenty to scoff there.
First thing would be an approach to the food shop who leave accessible rubbish in their bins (possibly via your local Council?) Not sure about neigbours' bags of rubbish - here all food waste is icontainers which lock via the handle, bags for dustmen only contain items that cannot be recycled. Again, your local Council/Councillor would be a good place to start. Play the frail little old lady card (no offence meant! You are as feisty as they come when needs be)