Stormy Weather

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  • greenilex
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1626

    Espalier is very clever and probably needs more detailed attention than I can give - but I certainly intend to keep them well pruned (always supposing they survive their first year in the new location).

    In Victorian times and earlier our area was an orchard to serve the city centre so I know it's apple country. Fingers crossed.


    • Curalach

      I often look at this thread but have never contributed as it feels rather like gatecrashing a private party. However, it is such a beautiful morning here in the West of Scotland, with blue skies, crystal clear air and drifts of snowdrops in the garden, that it seems worth sharing the pleasure of being alive.
      In addition, CDs of Tennstedt's Mahler 8 and Steven Osborne's complete Ravel have just dropped through the letter box.
      Off now though to take my better half to hospital for an MRI scan which I hope doesn't spoil the day.


      • antongould
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 8871

        I hope all goes very well for you Curalach your weather and location sound devine! This is the least private private party I know - everything goes but Mahler I feel is never far away!


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Curalach, Good luck to both of you. As anton says, this is open house, especially to someone who always helps me with URLs on the 'Painting' thread.


          • amateur51

            Originally posted by Curalach View Post
            I often look at this thread but have never contributed as it feels rather like gatecrashing a private party. However, it is such a beautiful morning here in the West of Scotland, with blue skies, crystal clear air and drifts of snowdrops in the garden, that it seems worth sharing the pleasure of being alive.
            In addition, CDs of Tennstedt's Mahler 8 and Steven Osborne's complete Ravel have just dropped through the letter box.
            Off now though to take my better half to hospital for an MRI scan which I hope doesn't spoil the day.
            Welcome to Liberty Hall, curalach

            Best wishes to you & your OH, for today's scan - I hope that all goes well


            • Mahlerei

              Yes indeed, Curalach, good luck for today. MRI scans are fun; for me it was like the Stargate sequence from 2001 - very psychedelic.

              Trying to resuscitate a very slow PC, a rather dispiriting task. I much prefer my Mac, which seems so much more predictable. Sigh.


              • Curalach

                Thank you all so much for your welcome and good wishes - I shall return!!!
                The scan was to identify the disc problem that has been incapacitating my OH and causing her dreadful pain since October.
                We await the results and proposed treatment.
                Still a glorious day here so some garden duty calls.


                • amateur51

                  Sorry to hear about your partner's back problems, Curalach. We specialise in ailments here on Stormy Weather: - salymap has several interesting diagnose, news of which weaves in & out naturally in our conversations.

                  Me? I'm diabetic since I was 55, I've had tinnitus since I was 4, in addition to dodgy knees, sciatica and a bouncy ticker.

                  But hey, I'm still here, enjoying music on Radio 3 and my CDs, and all the banter, serious and otherwise, here on FoR3 and Stormy Weather in particular.

                  And I'm an admirer of the paintings that you have shown us - show more please!


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Morning all. It's not all about health Curalach, we cover weather,of course, gardening, especially apple trees, more or less any subject, even music. I hope you return and I too would like to see more of your paintings.


                    • antongould
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 8871

                      Morning all quite a hard frost here last night which I hope brings a glorious spring day - we shall, as ever, see!


                      • Mahlerei

                        Shiver me timbers, it's chilly this morning. Preparing for the gruesome task of upgrading a PC with new hard drive and software. Past experience suggests it's never as straightforward as it looks. Sigh.


                        • amateur51

                          Originally posted by salymap View Post
                          Morning all. It's not all about health Curalach, we cover weather,of course, gardening, especially apple trees, more or less any subject, even music. I hope you return and I too would like to see more of your paintings.
                          Sorry salymap, I never meant to suggest that we just discussed health matters.

                          My sparrer squadron seems to be eating ever more heartily as Spring approaches - the squabbling over the prime perches on the seed feeder is becoming quite ferocious.

                          And I have eight daffs out in my border, nodding away.


                          • salymap
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5969

                            Am dear, I wasn't even thinking about you,more myself, with these wretched noises etc. You are as bad as me, always think you are the subject of the discussion..I don't know why sparrers are supposed to be scarce,plenty around here and too many big fat pigeons.I'm jealous, only have one daff out.


                            • Pianorak
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 3129

                              One for the gardeners:

                              Bought the following bulbs for £1 from local gardening centre "bargain" box:
                              12 Freesia Double
                              75 Anemone Blanda Mixed
                              6 Narcissus White Cheerfulness
                              40 Narcissus Hawera & Muscari Armeniacum
                              25 Snake's Head Fritillary

                              My first venture into planting bulbs. I'm no gardener and am now wondering why the bargain price? Is it the wrong time to plant them now and if so will they be useless by the time it's the right time?

                              Are you sure those sparrers aren't dunnocks?
                              My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


                              • amateur51

                                Originally posted by Pianorak View Post
                                Are you sure those sparrers aren't dunnocks?
                                Quite sure, pianorak - these are cockney sparrers

                                There are also two dunnocks who visit but they are ground feeders and only interested in loose chewings from the seed feeder.

                                Your bulb selection is a real bargain but I think the experts will tell you that it is too late. However, you've got them and who knows what sort of Spring we'll have? - I'd say plant them & hope for the best. It's only a pound after all. Good luck!

                                Wiser counsel may be forthcoming, however.

