Stormy Weather

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  • Nick Armstrong
    • Nov 2010
    • 26628

    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    bruised arms ... it's all down to aspirin
    Does that... do that...?

    Yes I'm thinking tube for tomorrow
    "...the isle is full of noises,
    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      My arms are covered with bruises but, although I have to take aspirin as part of my group of tablets every day, the bruises are caused by crashing into door frames.

      My sacro iliac back trouble means my steering is dodgy, even in the house. Ah well.

      Honest, guv, haven't touch a drop of the hard stuff.


      • eighthobstruction
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 6527

        I don't get from bruises from Asprin and I have had stents put in....

        ....Ouch Salymap....
        bong ching


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38184

          Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
          I don't get from bruises from Asprin and I have had stents put in....
          That's the explanation I've been given by the doc, eighth.


          • Anna

            I've just waved goodbye to Kieran, he's rather sweet, he arrived, I switched off R3 so we could discuss today's plan of action and then he very politely asked 'Would it be alright if I choose which radio station we listen to?' So, we had Gold on all day, which is golden oldies interspersed with ads and news from Cardiff and S. Wales, it wasn't too bad but I'm glad to have R3 on now.

            Around midday things got to a critical stage, gas pipes renewed etc., almost ready for blast-off so I didn't go out to lunch, and - Hallelujah! It was tested and I have hot water and heat if I want (in fact I've never known the radiators to get so hot) So it's now on Eco mode for hot water only and - take note 8obs - he recommended the thermostat being set at 15° and if it falls below that then the heating kicks in (By 'eck Gladys, the Welsh are a hardy lot!) (I's all wireless technology with the thermostat, once it gets cold I'll play around with settings and it tells you current indoor temp) I'm just so relieved it went without any problems, I cannot be asked to scrub and clean kitchen of dust so I think I'll have a nice hot bath with my new sweet mandarin and grapefruit luxury foam having had two days without hot water.

            Glad you are feeling better S_A, give the drugs time and if they still cause digestive problems please do not hesitate to consult your doctor/cardiac nurse for possible change of brand. Sorry I cannot offer advice re aspirin and bruising. Oops, ontopic, couple of heavy showers, windy, but nice and sunny now.


            • Nick Armstrong
              • Nov 2010
              • 26628

              Originally posted by Anna View Post
              Around midday things got to a critical stage, gas pipes renewed etc., almost ready for blast-off so I didn't go out to lunch, and - Hallelujah! It was tested and I have hot water and heat if I want (in fact I've never known the radiators to get so hot) So it's now on Eco mode for hot water only and - take note 8obs - he recommended the thermostat being set at 15° and if it falls below that then the heating kicks in (By 'eck Gladys, the Welsh are a hardy lot!) (I's all wireless technology with the thermostat, once it gets cold I'll play around with settings and it tells you current indoor temp) I'm just so relieved it went without any problems, I cannot be asked to scrub and clean kitchen of dust so I think I'll have a nice hot bath with my new sweet mandarin and grapefruit luxury foam having had two days without hot water.
              One of the best (if slightly alarming, in context) uses of the phrase "blast-off" I can recall!

              Congrats, may it all long warm your cockles.

              Originally posted by Anna View Post
              'Would it be alright if I choose which radio station we listen to?' So, we had Gold on all day.
              Presumably this was Breakfast time - the tweets and lollipops clearly leaving Kieran as cold as a Welsh person with a defunct boiler...

              So much for your 'strategy', Roger Wright!
              "...the isle is full of noises,
              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


              • BBMmk2
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 20908

                Very well put there Cali!! Made me chuckle!

                Well, I have been very industrious today. I have put some more touches to the transcription I am doing(time doesn't allow me much fore this activity!), played music as well, and done the ironing!!
                Don’t cry for me
                I go where music was born

                J S Bach 1685-1750


                • eighthobstruction
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 6527

                  A months work ruined in the kiln.....baa to say the least....
                  bong ching


                  • Anna

                    Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                    A months work ruined in the kiln.....baa to say the least....
                    Oh dear, commiserations, was it a power failure? Don't know what to say, do you sell your work commercially, was it an order that was ruined?


                    • Nick Armstrong
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 26628

                      Originally posted by salymap View Post
                      crashing into door frames.


                      Honest, guv, haven't touch a drop of the hard stuff.
                      Do take care, saly.

                      Talk of doors and the hard stuff made me think of this - Arthur Lowe's 'drunk routine' with a tent flap: go to 2 minutes 5 seconds in this clip!

                      "...the isle is full of noises,
                      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                      • eighthobstruction
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 6527

                        Yes, it was 4 largish bowls (5litre) for a commission rush for them, for a friend of a friend of a friend....glaze too thick (due to a mistake I would never ever have made a while back and it was not a months solid work) ....Once upon a time they would have been 2days work, but these days....

                        ....It is (I cannot think of the right adjective)[lets say] interesting how ability and concentration + attention to detail + calculation dim as the amount of personal energy diminishes .... (or mine does anyway)
                        bong ching


                        • amateur51

                          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                          Well, weatherweb seems to think so, BBM!
                          The BBC 10-day forecast for London is suggesting considerable warmth for the middle of next week, S_A but I don't count that as an Indian Summer.

                          An Indian Summer coincides with my washing all my woolies in readiness for Autumn which I then have to put away because of a surprise warm spell - and I haven't got to that stage yet

                          The weather was cool & wet this morning and it's warm and sunny now - a typical British Summer's day in fact
                          Last edited by Guest; 15-08-13, 15:45. Reason: trypos


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38184

                            Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                            The BBC 10-day forecast for London is suggesting considerable warmth for the middle of next week, S_A but I don't count that as an Indian Summer.

                            An Indian Summer coincides with my washing all my woolies in readiness for Autumn which I then have to put away because of a surprise warm spell - and I haven't got to that stage yet

                            The weather was cool & wet this morning and it's warm and sunny now - a typical British Summer's day in fact
                            That's quite true about the Indian summer - thought there always seems to be disagreement about precisely whenabouts a warm autumnal spell may be so described, some claiming not until November.

                            24 C reached here this afternoon, which has quite surprised me.


                            • eighthobstruction
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 6527

                              Some how or another (it may not come off)....I'm going to try to get to Anglesey on Sunday for a few looks quite good....NW Scotland where I really want to go looks like a lot of baddish weather (though you never can tell with Scotland)....Anglesey only 4 hours away....

                              ....noticed Lime keys dropped yesterday....and beech nuts today....(what beautiful discards they are)....
                              bong ching


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38184

                                Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                                Yes, it was 4 largish bowls (5litre) for a commission rush for them, for a friend of a friend of a friend....glaze too thick (due to a mistake I would never ever have made a while back and it was not a months solid work) ....Once upon a time they would have been 2days work, but these days....

                                ....It is (I cannot think of the right adjective)[lets say] interesting how ability and concentration + attention to detail + calculation dim as the amount of personal energy diminishes .... (or mine does anyway)
                                Bad luck, eighth! I bet one of your bowls wouild look great, planted up outside my front door.

