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  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    A stonking day today, it's going to be! Abnd weekend! We getting food ready for a picnic today! :) (That yellow round thing that hangs up in the sky is looking rather good! Even though for a time there is some cloud cover!)
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750


    • Anna

      Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
      A stonking day today, it's going to be! Abnd weekend! We getting food ready for a picnic today! :) (That yellow round thing that hangs up in the sky is looking rather good! Even though for a time there is some cloud cover!)
      Where are you going to have the picnic BBM and what food will you take - summery salmon and cucumber sandwiches or more hearty scotch eggs and pork pies?
      Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
      My local (-ish) fruit stall has been selling Spanish ''mountain' peaches (the flat ones) for a few weeks now and their pale scented flesh is delicious and full of juice. Them as know tell us that this is going to be a great year for the English apple crop - let's hope they're right
      Why did I write nectarines? <doh> They are also known as Saturn peaches (and originated in China in the 19th century I now find out.) I've never seen them in a supermarket, only in our greengrocers and on the market stall, they are indeed delicious. There was a programme a couple of days ago about supermarkets and Sainsburys spending 8 years developing a better strawberry. Their spokesman said they make £millions a year from sale of strawbs!! Their main profit maker it seems. As to apples, never seen the trees (except mine!) so laden with blossom.


      • Petrushka
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 12436

        As perfect a summer's day as one could wish. Very sunny and warm, little cloud and, at long last, a gentle breeze instead of a howling gale.

        We once had a plum tree at the bottom of our garden. One year it gave a massive, I mean massive, crop and promptly died.
        "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


        • Richard Tarleton

          Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
          One year it gave a massive, I mean massive, crop and promptly died.
          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          This is the only version I could find. You'll note that the photo is of a Bewick's Swan, which has a note, whereas it should have been a Mute swan.


          • BBMmk2
            Late Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 20908

            Nothing quite like that Annaq. We have to watch what we eat these days! Chcicken sarnies, fruit, etc. A flask, Having tea with it as well!
            Don’t cry for me
            I go where music was born

            J S Bach 1685-1750


            • mangerton
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3346

              Lovely day here, sunny, warm (21º), and breezy - perfect for the two loads of washing I had hung out before 9.30 this morning. I then went shopping. Like you Anna, I much prefer to go early and used to go before 8.00 am, but our Scottish government no longer permits the sale of alcoholic refreshment before 10.00 am*. Got lots of salady things, and some local strawberries.

              *They did this in a bid to stop over consumption. They'd have been far better to limit late opening of pubs and clubs.


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38185

                Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                Lovely day here, sunny, warm (21º), and breezy - perfect for the two loads of washing I had hung out before 9.30 this morning. I then went shopping. Like you Anna, I much prefer to go early and used to go before 8.00 am, but our Scottish government no longer permits the sale of alcoholic refreshment before 10.00 am*. Got lots of salady things, and some local strawberries.

                *They did this in a bid to stop over consumption. They'd have been far better to limit late opening of pubs and clubs.
                Same temperature as here, mangerton!

                I do love strawberries; confirming the above the St Sprees ones lasted a whole week in the fridge, and probably would have done for longer.


                • Beef Oven

                  Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                  Nothing quite like that Annaq. We have to watch what we eat these days! Chcicken sarnies, fruit, etc. A flask, Having tea with it as well!
                  What are you covering up under 'etc' ?


                  • Anna

                    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                    I do love strawberries; confirming the above the St Sprees ones lasted a whole week in the fridge, and probably would have done for longer.
                    How can you make 450g of strawberries last a week S_A? I've been munching a few each time I've gone into the kitchen! They'll certainly be finished by tomorrow.
                    Anyone listening to The Match? Can we breathe a sigh of relief? I really think The Lions have done it!!


                    • amateur51

                      Originally posted by Anna View Post
                      How can you make 450g of strawberries last a week S_A? I've been munching a few each time I've gone into the kitchen! They'll certainly be finished by tomorrow.
                      Anyone listening to The Match? Can we breathe a sigh of relief? I really think The Lions have done it!!
                      Sounds like the Halfpenny/North combo may just have got it sorted, Anna


                      • eighthobstruction
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 6527

                        < I really think The Lions have done it!!>....Wales + A.N.Other don't you mean....<I'm sure you didn'tlike tosay>
                        bong ching


                        • Anna

                          Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                          < I really think The Lions have done it!!>....Wales + A.N.Other don't you mean....<I'm sure you didn'tlike tosay>
                          Final whistle!! I've had the Telegraph live report on and it read: 66 min. Bread of Heaven rings out at the ANZ Stadium. That try was made in Wales and the Lions fans are coming together to recognise it!
                          That was the most points scored by The Lions since 1956. But not plain sailing, I really thought at one point they'd gone to sleep and would mess up and then I could imagine the English press tomorrow ....


                          • amateur51

                            Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                            < I really think The Lions have done it!!>....Wales + A.N.Other don't you mean....<I'm sure you didn'tlike tosay>
                            Well it's nice of you to say that eighth but I couldn't possibly comment I'm so thrilled for Warren Gatland who has taken some heavy stick for his selection of the touring party and then in the final Test but he must be grinning from ear to ear now and I bet that Brian O'Driscoll was among the first to shake his hand
                            Last edited by Guest; 06-07-13, 12:04. Reason: missing you


                            • Anna

                              It's 24.3° here, thank goodness I was up so early (6.00am!) and accomplished necessary outside jobs this morning. Hope everyone else has had a fine, sunny, summery day and BBM had an enjoyable picnic. The rays got too burning to sit out in the sun (although I noticed a neighbour asleep on a lounger!) so it'll be nice later to sit outside and watch the sun go down and then the bats swooping.
                              I got fraught during the rugby and decided to clean the kitchen windows to take my mind off it - I notice they've dried smeary and need doing again.
                              Got some very plump jumbo prawns for basis of salad tonight but unfortunately have nearly finished all the strawbs (bring on the raspberries - they are my favourites)


                              • BBMmk2
                                Late Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 20908

                                Had a lovely daytoday. We didnt go to Wakehurst Place, but to ~Sheffield parki and Gardens. Strongly reccomended, and just by Bluebell Railway as well!
                                Don’t cry for me
                                I go where music was born

                                J S Bach 1685-1750

