Yes indeed - forecasts predict it remaining dry until around the 10th (apart from the north of Scotland towards the coming weekend, just maybe), after which there's a lot of uncertainty. So, it's best make the most of what is on offer, while it lasts!
Stormy Weather
Originally posted by salymap View PostYes Pet, I met friends in London late on Coronation Day and it was very wet indeed. HM dosn't seem to always be lucky with the weather, but who is?
Still very windy here but lovely sun too.
Having just gone to the newsagent and bought a bloc of vanilla ice cream, my kettle blew up! I wasn't surprised - it had been leaking for some time through the transparent side panel, making me very careful to avoid electrocution from touching the pools of water gathering underneath the separate base, (bad design!). The trouble was, it took out not just the kettle socket but the fridge as well! On a Sunday!!! Checking every known drawer and box of electrical might-be-usefuls-again-one-day, no sign of any of those fat circuit fuses. Lucky, then, that the local hardware shop was open - this is one of the advantages of living in London - and I was able to buy two 15 amp and two 30 amp ones. Terribly expensive, mind - £7.50 in all!!!
Proves the benefit of that old boy scouts' dictum: Be Prepared!
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostI seem to recall that that day was one of the coldest June days on record, saly.
Having just gone to the newsagent and bought a bloc of vanilla ice cream, my kettle blew up! I wasn't surprised - it had been leaking for some time through the transparent side panel, making me very careful to avoid electrocution from touching the pools of water gathering underneath the separate base, (bad design!). The trouble was, it took out not just the kettle socket but the fridge as well! On a Sunday!!! Checking every known drawer and box of electrical might-be-usefuls-again-one-day, no sign of any of those fat circuit fuses. Lucky, then, that the local hardware shop was open - this is one of the advantages of living in London - and I was able to buy two 15 amp and two 30 amp ones. Terribly expensive, mind - £7.50 in all!!!
Proves the benefit of that old boy scouts' dictum: Be Prepared!
I'm scared of electricity after being blown across the room with a faulty electric iron years ago.
Originally posted by salymap View PostYou've had rather a lot of household disasters recently haven't you S_A ? They do go in groups Ifind.
I'm scared of electricity after being blown across the room with a faulty electric iron years ago.
Originally posted by salymap View PostYou've had rather a lot of household disasters recently haven't you S_A ? They do go in groups Ifind.
I'm scared of electricity after being blown across the room with a faulty electric iron years ago.
OT, it was a lovely morning here, but no rain yet.
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostPleasantly sunny here - very different from that day 60 years ago. Just watching some of the complete original 1953 coverage on BBC Parliament.
A typical June day here really though still windy.
On a musical note, I was appalled to hear the over-unctuous Dimbleby start to yammer at the very climax of "I was glad". Plus ça change.... mercifully he was silent during "Zadok".
I wonder how many changes there will be at the next Coronation.
Originally posted by mangerton View PostI've been watching it too. My mother assures me I saw it on the day, but I don't remember very much about it.
On a musical note, I was appalled to hear the over-unctuous Dimbleby start to yammer at the very climax of "I was glad". Plus ça change.... mercifully he was silent during "Zadok".
I wonder how many changes there will be at the next Coronation.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostA republic, maybe?
That emarassment will give us the impetus to demand the creation a republic and William & Kate can 'go Dutch' and live relatively normal lives while we're discussing the hows and whos of the future
A gloriously sunny morning here , a blue sky with a few cotton wool clouds, and a cool breeze
it looks pretty good practically everywhere across the UK for the next 5 or 6 days. Forecasts of temperatures in the upper 20s by the end of the week seem a bit previous to my thinking, though. Maybe for the Western Isles, Lancashire, Wales and the south-west; here we're too near the North Sea, our coldest off-shore waters. Let's hope I'm wrong.
There's been terrible weather in E Europe over the past few days. And I'm thinking of Mercia across The Pond this morning, as the weather system that caused those tornadoes a couple of days ago crossed the eastern seaboard yesterday. Looking at the American chart, I see a tropical cyclone forming in the Gulf of Mexico - which seems incredibly early in the season. Maybe we'll get to hear more.
Originally posted by mercia View PostI think you might mean Marthe
interesting what you say about the effect of the cold North Sea - the northish-facing Gravesend in Kent often seems to record high temperatures
Those high temperatures along the Kent side of the Thames result from winds from a southerly drying out and heating up by compression as they descend the dip slope of the North Downs when there is a temperature inversion aloft. It is an effect quite common in areas to the lee of mountain ranges, eg the Fohn effect north of the Alps and the Chinook to the east of the Canadian Rockies - less so here, though some of our hills are of sufficient height to trigger this under certain condtions. Quite commonly an easterly wind in spring will see temperatures well below normal on the east coast, but on crossing the Pennines the drying out of the descending air can bring clarity and very high temperatures to the Lancashire coastal area.