Originally posted by salymap
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I'm not sure how "clout" = "hit" is pronounced in the vernacular, but I suspect it would rhyme with "out". In Scotland, the woman you heard would have said, "Dae that again an' I'll clout ye ower the lug!"
There's also the variant "clourin' " or "cloorin' ", which means hitting or beating - or as below, more broadly, damaging. Here's a poem from Scots poet William Soutar:
Black Day
A skelp frae his teacher
For a' he cudna spell
A skelp frae his mither
For cowpin owre the kail.
A skelp frae his brither
For clourin his braw bat:
And a skelp frae his faither
For the Lord kens what.
"skelp" of course is similar to "clout", but rather lighter in touch!
