Yeah, well it's 11.26 a.m. here and 'cool' at 6C, driving rain and a nasty, sneaping wind.
Stormy Weather
Breezy and cool with the odd shower here - most of the real convective activity having passed to the south and north of us.
When it comes to putting on a good show, the Americans really know how to deliver thunderstorms. Look at this clip of one taking place over Miami, filmed by a couple of lads from an upstairs hotel balcony; I've witnessed maybe 10 this intense in the UK. Fast-forward to minute 6 for really scary stuff - I wouldn't have been out there:
Last edited by Serial_Apologist; 11-05-13, 18:17.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
This hardly competes, but it is "home grown". There was a rather spectacular thunderstorm in August 1985 (the slide is dated) and I had time to set up the tripod and shoot a reel of film from the window at my then home in north Ayrshire. The light on the horizon to the right of the picture is the lighthouse at Toward Point on the Firth of Clyde.
Nice photo mangerton, cannot remember the time we last had a decent lightning storm here, I would quite welcome one at the moment.
Oh dear, this weekend is turning into a disaster. After my insomnia on Friday night I seriously, seriously overslept (10.30am!) this morning, by the time I'd got myself organised to go and tackle outside jobs - it had started raining (again). Plus my kettle keeps randomly switching itself on and off and I've embarrassed myself (since deleted) by confessing to a crush on a guy who works at Waitrose.
At least my Greek casserole was a success, I take comfort in that.
To keep on topic. It's a miserable, chilly, grey, 9.8° and more of the same to come it seems until the end of the month. Any predictions for best time to book holiday in North of England?