Originally posted by eighthobstruction
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Stormy Weather
Tuesday could have been described as the perfect day, blue sky and sun from first light, just the occasional white fluffy cloud, high temp of 7.8 (feeling at least 2 degrees colder accounting for wind), yesterday not so perfect, wind had increased and thus feeling much colder. Today - horrible, grey, started snowing late morning but not settling and a greatly increased wind and bitterly cold, only just now cloud lifting and few shafts of sunshine coming through.
I was hoping for warmer weather this weekend as numerous outside jobs need attending to.
It will be no consolation to other posters, but I can report it's bitterly cold here too. It has been sunny recently, but the sun has deserted us today. There are thick clouds up there, and I think something will be falling soon.
I can however offer a ray (ha!) of hope. I am at work on Saturday, and that normally guarantees sunshine.
it is very cold, too cold far any joy in the blue skies and sunshine .... too cold for fresh air in the house or drying much outside .... can't wait for warmer weather to get the windows wide open and the laundry basket empty again ....According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by eighthobstruction View PostDid you that prog last night about the River Trent Petrushka?, it's on again tonight BBC4 2200hrs....well I enjoyed it....
Where is ammy? (I know he was away for the Easter weekend. Off on some other round of pleasure?)
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Isn't Friday Ammy's pie + pint and free concert day? One long round of pleasure for him ......
Miserable day here, it was only just 1.0 when I left this morning and again, wind increased to cut-your-legs-off-at-the-knees syndrome . My sister, in County Durham, is so fed up having entered her sixth month of snow and fields still ice-rinks where standing water has frozen. None of her daffs have dared open yet!
Liverpool must have its own micro-climate, has anyone seem the Aintree Ladies Day outfits online - all bare arms and skimpiness - not a fleece-lined Paddington Bear duffel coat in sight!
Originally posted by Anna View PostIsn't Friday Ammy's pie + pint and free concert day? One long round of pleasure for him ......
Miserable day here, it was only just 1.0 when I left this morning and again, wind increased to cut-your-legs-off-at-the-knees syndrome . My sister, in County Durham, is so fed up having entered her sixth month of snow and fields still ice-rinks where standing water has frozen. None of her daffs have dared open yet!
Liverpool must have its own micro-climate, has anyone seem the Aintree Ladies Day outfits online - all bare arms and skimpiness - not a fleece-lined Paddington Bear duffel coat in sight!
Anna, you keep wearing that duffel coat; these Liverpudlians are nuts.
Bbm, I have it on good authority that spring is on June 14th this year. Summer will be celebrated on June 15th. There will be no autumn, and winter will resume on June 16th, just in time for my holiday.