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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
    Ah! Flares!

    So-called because to wear them was to send out a distress signal.
    The most annoying thing about flares was the draft they set up around the lower legs as one ambulated. I couldn't wait for the '70s to be over. Cut my shoulder-length hair down to the wood after busting up with a girlfriend. People at work asked, "Have you become a fascist?" "No" I said, "A Buddhist".


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
      Fraid not salymap
      What a pity am!!

      Going to parents today for Sunday Roasties!! Hopefully with son and GF in tow!
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • mangerton
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3346

        I opened the curtains this morning and found it had snowed overnight - about 5 cm.

        It was snowing heavily again about ten minutes ago, but it's now stopped and the sun is out.

        Off to church soon, and then Mother's Day lunch.


        • Globaltruth
          • Nov 2010
          • 4326

          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
          I had thick curly auburn as a child and my mother dinned it into me that I must therefore only ever wear brown and green

          I spent my childhood and most of my adolescence dressed as a tree

          Fortunately I was able to break free once I'd left home. I returned one Christmas with a rather fetching pair of maroon flares. On catching sighting of them my mother waved her spatula at me and asked "What are those?" in the manner of Lady Bracknell. Scenting that I had caught her offguard with my sartorial innovation I told her "These mother are flares"

          "Yes" she replied without missing a beat "But your legs flare the other way"

          I'm in therapy now and doing quite nicely, thank you for asking
          Could you just start your own thread on your sartorial behaviour through the decades?

          Sadly I'm (meant to be) working this morning instead your posts have me laughing out loud despite the snow, enforced labour and general grayness.


          • salymap
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5969

            Originally posted by mangerton View Post
            I opened the curtains this morning and found it had snowed overnight - about 5 cm.

            It was snowing heavily again about ten minutes ago, but it's now stopped and the sun is out.

            Off to church soon, and then Mother's Day lunch.

            Have a nice holiday mangerton, regards, saly


            • amateur51

              Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
              Could you just start your own thread on your sartorial behaviour through the decades?

              Sadly I'm (meant to be) working this morning instead your posts have me laughing out loud despite the snow, enforced labour and general grayness.
              Glad to have been of service, GT

              After all they do say that a problem shared is ... some bloke in the corner wettimg himself with laughter

              Work well


              • eighthobstruction
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 6527

                See what you get when you try to speak sympathetically and openly about childhood trauma....

                .....that and tinnitus banging its incessant socialist drum beat in your ears....<should be no surprise to certain posters>
                bong ching


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                  See what you get when you try to speak sympathetically and openly about childhood trauma....

                  .....that and tinnitus banging its incessant socialist drum beat in your ears
                  ....<should be no surprise to certain posters>
                  Tinnitus apparently takes many forms and mine is more or less like a Lear jet taxiing on a runway, waiting for the all-clear from the control tower .

                  Most of the time my brain can ignore it but at the cost of cutting out lots of other stuff too. At night when there are few visual inputs the noise gets louder so I have my transistor radio in bed with me, playing quite quitly so as to distract my brain and this works very well.

                  There are quite a few other tinnitus-sufferers on this Board and I'm sure our noise is quite individual - just don't tell us we're neurotic


                  • eighthobstruction
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 6527

                    Yes, my youngest son has had it since 14 yrs....
                    bong ching


                    • eighthobstruction
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 6527

                      I don't go to town often these days (Skipton)....but was amazed to see that 30% of the market stalls missing on a Friday....usually full to the brim of the cobbles....even the £1 stalls were missing....
                      bong ching


                      • amateur51

                        Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                        Yes, my youngest son has had it since 14 yrs....
                        I hope he's coping ok 8tho


                        • eighthobstruction
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 6527

                          He is of course neurotic....
                          bong ching


                          • eighthobstruction
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 6527

                            He's 27 now and due to some lack-lustre treatment by a consultant, lost those three tiny bones in his right ear that vibrate to give proper hearing ....and ended up with tinnitus too....because he will only rarely wears a hearing aid (the usual type don't really help that sort of hearing loss)....quite frankly it means (to quote me) "He doesn't really know what he has missed" at school /college etc....He too likes to have the radio on low....
                            bong ching


                            • Globaltruth
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 4326

                              Tinnitus is something I would never find in the slightest amusing, being a fellow sufferer.

                              My soution is to listen to music all the time as a distraction; which may explain a lot...I find this quite a positive remedy and luckily I can ignore it at night.
                              Can I just mention that I used to belong to the BTA - frankly found them hopeless - interested if anyone has any better suggestions as I'm always up for trying products etc...


                              • marthe

                                Originally posted by Anna View Post
                                Oh, I do agree S_A, men seem to be locked into a black/navy/taupe scenario. It's very unfair isn't it? There was, I think, some sort of backlash very many years ago about men wearing pink shirts? As not being 'manly' and effete? Stuff and nonsense! If you wish to wear pink, or lemon or baby blue - then do it!
                                Come to Newport, RI in the summertime and you'll see men wearing red, lime-green, or Madras plaid trousers. This look has been popular with the boatie types for years. Also boat shoes with no socks.

                                Update on the Handsome Husband. He came out of hospital last Sunday after spending several days in while having his blood pressure brought down gradually to an acceptable level. The Nurse Ratchett who told him that he could have had a real stroke saved me hours of fruitless nagging on the subject of "lifestyle changes." Nurse m. has been peeling grapes and making cups of tea, offering sympathy etc. for the past week. HH will be returning to work tomorrow but will now need to watch his diet very carefully. Alas, Hartley's Pork Pies, Bangers and Mash and other salt-laden goodies are on the proscribed list. Thank goodness for online viewing of rugby and footie to while away the time spent in recovery. I hope all FoR 3 friends are well, especially saly.

                                Weatherwise, it's sunny and warmish today. Mid-week, we had several days of wintery mix and high wind so the sunshine is especially sweet right now. our clocks have gone ahead this AM so we are now on Eastern Daylight Time. Longer days are here!

