Stormy Weather

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  • johncorrigan
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 10509

    Had to dig my way into a parking space about half a mile from work and trudge in - as Billy Connolly would say, 'If it wisnae fur yer wellies, where wid ye be?'


    • mangerton
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3346

      Originally posted by salymap View Post
      Life's rich pattern, as someone said. Local relis, having dug out car, are bringing me shopping. Downside, Council are cutting back huge trees on verge, men hanging from ropes, etc, and my drive- way completely blocked atm.

      Take care on that bike, super tyres or not
      Men hanging from ropes? Sounds rather severe. What had they
      done wrong?


      • Bryn
        • Mar 2007
        • 24688

        Originally posted by salymap View Post
        ... I'm not walking in a busy road,thanks. Yours, slightly grumpy.
        Quite right, salymap, that was Cornelius Cardew's fatal mistake. There again, if one keeps to the Highway Code and faces the oncoming traffic, getting off the road and back onto the footpath may not be too much of a problem if traffic is reasonably light.


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Originally posted by mangerton View Post
          Men hanging from ropes? Sounds rather severe. What had they
          done wrong?

          Oh ha ha.To be precise, tied round their middles while they sway about with chainsaws, mangerton.


          • Nick Armstrong
            • Nov 2010
            • 26628

            Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
            Had to dig my way into a parking space about half a mile from work and trudge in - as Billy Connolly would say, 'If it wisnae fur yer wellies, where wid ye be?'
            You may be annoyed or envious to know that the roads here are not only free from snow but completely dry! It's as if the snowy weekend never happened (bar the odd car with a little patch of snow still nestling on its windscreen wipers).

            Nasty mean cold east wind, though but...
            "...the isle is full of noises,
            Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
            Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
            Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


            • Serial_Apologist
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 38184

              Certainly a slow thaw - half of most roofs are now exposed around here, but it'll take a bit longer for compacted ice on pavements to clear. It will turn colder again tomorrow and Friday, but should the sun manage to break through this persistent stratus, snow will continue to go, and the process will speed up rapidly with the change to a more normal south-westerly that now seems agreed due by all parties on Saturday and Sunday, starting from the west.


              • mangerton
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3346

                Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                Had to dig my way into a parking space about half a mile from work and trudge in - as Billy Connolly would say, 'If it wisnae fur yer wellies, where wid ye be?'
                Sorry to hear that, jc. Don't know where you work, but for the benefit of forum members who may not know, "a bit west of kirrie" is no distance from Dundee. There's no snow here to speak of; those Sidlaw Hills were a great invention.

                Just back from Fife, where round the coast of the east neuk is fine, but there had been a lot of snow on the higher ground - and it was falling heavily again this afternoon.


                • Anna

                  Further snow showers on and off all day, late morning a total white-out with very large flakes adding to the accumulation, consequently none of the new snow has thawed, even on roofs, but luckily roads and pavements still look clear (although obviously wet which will be a hazard tomorrow morning) after re-gritting a couple of hours ago, it's remained very misty all day unfortunately. Weather station now reports depth of 12cm. Of the three junior schools, one hasn't opened at all, one closed at lunchtime and the third has remained open all day (!) Friday's change in the weather will, according to forecast, bring more snow here as it makes the transition from cold to warmer.


                  • EdgeleyRob
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 12180

                    No snow in Manchester since last weekend but bitterly cold.


                    • Anna

                      It didn't get to below freezing last night so no problem with ice this morning and, although a bit misty, a lovely sunny and calm day with no wind. Temperature rose to 3.5° and some more thawing on roofs and tarmac, still very thick on fields and hills, a pretty pale pink sky at the moment and on the opposite side of the sky a large moon (soon to be full) hanging over the hill but temp rapidly dropping to around 1° now and it promises to be a very cold night. Some cars coming into town this morning with at least 10" on roofs, The mountains of snow at road junctions and side of roads dumped by the ploughs will hopefully disperse when rain eventually arrives as they are a bit of a hazard.

                      I have never known people to be so complimentary about the Council and the way they've sent every bit of snow clearing kit to side roads that in the past have had no treatment. Of course the cynics are saying that will give them justification for a massive Council Tax increase!


                      • BBMmk2
                        Late Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 20908

                        Ah yes, anna, they will! And they pronbably boast about it come election time too(the councilklors that is!)

                        No white stuff here sofar, thank goodness!!
                        Don’t cry for me
                        I go where music was born

                        J S Bach 1685-1750


                        • mangerton
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 3346

                          It started to snow here shortly after 7.00 this morning, and it's still snowing, though not particularly heavily. After careful discussion, my colleagues and I have concluded that what we need is one of these. It appears to be reliable in every way.


                          • eighthobstruction
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 6527

                            In a similar situation to Anna, though -4 last night....-1 now, plus bitter wind....Iwill be glad to reclaim my workshop from my dogs [they usually live out of doors] as they have been in there at night. Sunday will be vacuuming dog hair....and at last back to work ....
                            Last edited by eighthobstruction; 25-01-13, 14:43.
                            bong ching


                            • Anna

                              Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                              It started to snow here shortly after 7.00 this morning, and it's still snowing, though not particularly heavily. After careful discussion, my colleagues and I have concluded that what we need is one of these. It appears to be reliable in every way.
                              That made me laugh: Stone is wet = it's raining; stone is dry = it's not raining Good luck to them if they can make money out of it!
                              Freezing fog descended last night and coldest night of the year at -5.6° Today has been a day of nothingness, misty, dull, temp struggled to get to 2.5°, dropping now, no noticeable thaw. Fine flakes falling just now in advance of sleet/rain promised to start around 6pm and lasting a few hours. However, tomorrow and Sunday could be sunny here with rain confined to the night hours both days.
                              EighthO, do you dogs live outside all the time except in severest weather then? Do they like that?


                              • eighthobstruction
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 6527

                                They love it Anna.... they are the most relaxed ,unquerky, healthy, non barking [mostly]of dogs. They can see me in the kitchen and workshop. I always clean up after them, I liken it to a bit of a dog zen garden and they have the run of it....they live in a shed with 9" of carpet for insulation and each has his own kennel type thing full of cotton and wool waste.....bloody luxury!!
                                bong ching

