Stormy Weather

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  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    Get better soon salys!!

    I had an asthma attack last night, so feeling rather washed out(hence on PC now!). Hope ithasnt reactinmg to a cold!?!?!?
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750


    • antongould
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 8871

      Snow in the pit heaps, not a lot, but enough to have me, Good King W like, sent out to brush it off the car!


      • mangerton
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3346

        About an inch fell here overnight, judging by the parked cars. The roads were clear because they had been well treated. It's just damp and depressing now.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38184

          Originally posted by mangerton View Post
          About an inch fell here overnight, judging by the parked cars. The roads were clear because they had been well treated. It's just damp and depressing now.
          Sleet observed before midnight here, despite "only rain" being forecast. Amazing leap in temperatures overnight as it's now 10 C. A secondary cold front has just passed through with 20 minutes' worth of fairly heavy rain, leaving a very messy sky, but with the sun trying to break through.

          Must check those local weather sites so kindly provided by Anna, now.


          • vinteuil
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 13194

            ... inspired by Anna's ventures in to barometer world, Mme V has rescued an old barograph she had inherited down from the loft and set it working - and it does, miraculously, seem to be working - I anticipate some nice up-and-down action over the next day or so as various fronts move across us...


            • Nick Armstrong
              • Nov 2010
              • 26628

              Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
              I anticipate some nice up-and-down action

              Should keep you warm as and when the temperature drops again, vinchaud!

              "...the isle is full of noises,
              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


              • Anna

                Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                ... inspired by Anna's ventures in to barometer world, Mme V has rescued an old barograph she had inherited down from the loft and set it working - and it does, miraculously, seem to be working
                What exciting news! Can we have a look at it please?
                Similar conditions here to S_A, at midday it was 10.5° after rain all evening and this morning pressure was down to 1003. No further rain though and reasonably sunny afternoon.
                I had a look at the weather station mangerton mentioned at Dundee Uni, there was a link to another at Dundee West End and more links so I clicked on Auchterhouse on the map of Scottish network of weather stations - my goodness I am impressed with their site, masses of detailed information, charts, records, live displays etc., but it seems Auchterhouse is only a tiny village!! It's far, far, superior to our local site.


                • BBMmk2
                  Late Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20908

                  I thinkAnna has everyone ontobarometers!! :)
                  Don’t cry for me
                  I go where music was born

                  J S Bach 1685-1750


                  • mangerton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3346

                    Originally posted by Anna View Post
                    What exciting news! Can we have a look at it please?
                    Similar conditions here to S_A, at midday it was 10.5° after rain all evening and this morning pressure was down to 1003. No further rain though and reasonably sunny afternoon.
                    I had a look at the weather station mangerton mentioned at Dundee Uni, there was a link to another at Dundee West End and more links so I clicked on Auchterhouse on the map of Scottish network of weather stations - my goodness I am impressed with their site, masses of detailed information, charts, records, live displays etc., but it seems Auchterhouse is only a tiny village!! It's far, far, superior to our local site.
                    Yes, I do hope vints posts a pic. It's 992 mb on my barometer at the moment. I've not been out all day, but it still looks damp and miserable out there.

                    Anna, Auchterhouse is scarcely even a village, only a few houses just outside Dundee. Sixty years ago, it did have a railway station, so perhaps they think a weather station is the next best thing, and they're probably right. Seriously, it is amazing that it should have all that mass of data.
                    Last edited by mangerton; 03-12-12, 17:58. Reason: longer than I thought


                    • marthe

                      Originally posted by salymap View Post
                      Thanks marthe for your kind thoughts and a happy Advent to you and yours.

                      I'm very slow now but have sent my cards to the US and Oz in good time. local cousin is running me up to the supermarket today so I shall just have to walk home. {And it's 'downhill all the way'- what is that verse/poem ?]

                      Your greenery for Christmas sounds lovely. I'm ashamed to say I just have a little artificial tree now, but every ornament or bauble from people no longer with me bring back good memories.
                      saly, I hope you're feeling better and that the downhill trudge from the supermarket was not too tiring...nor through rain or sleet. Here it's practically summer with temps hovering near 60 F and the sun shining to boot.

                      I remember the lovely little tree (artificial) that my mother-in-law had and how much we enjoyed unwrapping her ornaments and hanging them on the tree. My now-grown children have fond memories of Christmas with Grandma/Grandad-in-England (as they were called by the children.) We'll be getting our own tree in for this coming weekend which means I've got to do a major clear-out of the room where we usually put the tree! I also love to remember people as I unwrap the tree ornaments. Every ornament holds a memory.

                      Take care, m.


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38184

                        Having checked the list of weather stations kindly looked up by Anna, there are surprisingly few for London. My two nearest, in Streatham and Brixton, are four miles distant. I don't know who keeps checks on these local stations, or verifies their data and record-keeping, but the Streatham station is way off beam, registering 989 mb pressure and temperatures of 9.5C. The Brixton centre gives the same pressure reading, but at least registers 7.5C, which is what I would expect, 5C being what it is here - there's normally a 2 and 4C difference between here and most of the central London built-up area accoutable to height above sea level (250 feet here), being north-facing here, and building heat retention - pretty exposed here. These wouldn't account for temperature or barometric reading differences - and so I'm sticking by those given by the BBC for Hyde Park as my nearest station (!)

                        Hence: bright sunshine, very little cloud, moderate WNW-er, steady 1004 mb.

                        Details not really interesting enough to go into at depth, but it's looking like we're all in for a pretty changeable week, temperatures a couple of degrees C below normal, breezy at times, especially on Saturday, rain or sleet mostly in the form of showers up to the Liverpool-Hull line, sleet or snow north of that, maybe some settling, especially Friday into Saturday, dependent on elevation.


                        • Anna

                          That's interesting S_A, the difference in temps, didn't realise you were so high up and exposed. Sounds like Dulwich is mountainous terrain! I've been using local weather station for min/max temps and wind gusts, but as we have several round here I'll keep an eye on discrepancies. The barometer differences seem odd. I don't have an outside thermometer, difficult to see where I could fix one out of sunlight. I fancied one of those indoor/outdoor ones with sensors but fail to see how to position unless the sensors trailed through the letter box ....? I don't suppose those stick on window ones are any good?

                          I'm warmer than you, around 6.6° but not a breath of wind, although breezy this morning, and sunny all day. The BBC forecast gives us a very cold night tomorrow and very low temperatures on Thursday.

                          Thanks for forecast, I did hear a BBC one which said very cold here Wednesday night and on Thursday. Are you betting on a White Christmas?


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38184

                            Originally posted by Anna View Post
                            That's interesting S_A, the difference in temps, didn't realise you were so high up and exposed. Sounds like Dulwich is mountainous terrain! I've been using local weather station for min/max temps and wind gusts, but as we have several round here I'll keep an eye on discrepancies. The barometer differences seem odd. I don't have an outside thermometer, difficult to see where I could fix one out of sunlight. I fancied one of those indoor/outdoor ones with sensors but fail to see how to position unless the sensors trailed through the letter box ....? I don't suppose those stick on window ones are any good?

                            I'm warmer than you, around 6.6° but not a breath of wind, although breezy this morning, and sunny all day. The BBC forecast gives us a very cold night tomorrow and very low temperatures on Thursday.

                            Thanks for forecast, I did hear a BBC one which said very cold here Wednesday night and on Thursday. Are you betting on a White Christmas?
                            Do you have a north-facing wall, Anna, with a window ledge or something like a drainpipe to which you could lash said thermometer? Mine seems to give readings pretty close to the official ones, even in summer when exposed to sun early in the mornings and in the evenings. Stick-on-window thernmometers I hadn't heard of, but they wouldn't be any good unless the windows concerned are double-glazed to minimise inside heat transference through the glass. And even then there's heating of the inter-surfaces gap on windows exposed to direct sun.

                            It's too far off from Christmas to hazard any guess as yet.


                            • salymap
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5969

                              Originally posted by marthe View Post
                              saly, I hope you're feeling better and that the downhill trudge from the supermarket was not too tiring...nor through rain or sleet. Here it's practically summer with temps hovering near 60 F and the sun shining to boot.

                              I remember the lovely little tree (artificial) that my mother-in-law had and how much we enjoyed unwrapping her ornaments and hanging them on the tree. My now-grown children have fond memories of Christmas with Grandma/Grandad-in-England (as they were called by the children.) We'll be getting our own tree in for this coming weekend which means I've got to do a major clear-out of the room where we usually put the tree! I also love to remember people as I unwrap the tree ornaments. Every ornament holds a memory.

                              Take care, m.
                              thanks marthe, I'm not too bad but have several problems that keepme from posting much. I am sure you wouldlike to send best wishes to Mahlerei - he has a detatched disc in one eye that could damage his retina
                              and is going to Guys' Hospital shortly for an operation. He still reads the MBs sometimes I know.

                              Very cold and murky here today but thankfully no snow as yet. best wishes


                              • marthe

                                saly, please send Mahlerei my very best wishes for his operation. Fingers crossed that all goes well. If I could wave a magic wand and influence the weather gods, I'd send you some of our warmth and sunshine.

