Stormy Weather

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    Originally posted by Pianorak View Post
    Wouldn't we all! Alas, you'll have to work it out yourself - all you need is a Tephigram. and

    A mate of mine has this to say on cloud bases: The cloud bases are to some degree predictable from the convergence of the reported surface temperature and dew point and there is even a formula which has been known to occasionally work: temperature-DP spread multiplied by 400ft, so if the surface temperature is +10C and the DP is +4C you might expect the bases to be around 2400ft. This works with some cloud types better than others.
    DP = dew point

    Aaaaargh! I'd need to get a wet bulb/dry bulb thermometer, and there's nowhere here to put a Stevenson's screen!


    • Anna

      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
      Thanks for going to the trouble, Anna!
      Voila! Here is a list of weather stations.

      It's a very long list and not arranged very logically so you'll have to read through it all (the London ones are not all grouped together) There are two in Dundee (for mangerton) and one in Bexley (for saly) but I cannot see any listed in Dulwich for you! - but my geography for that area is hazy, to say the least.
      Barometer still rising slowly, 1014, not too cold overnight at -1° but very frosty.


      • BBMmk2
        Late Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 20908

        Thank you Anna, for that information, regarding the barometer! It has really inspired me for a Crimbo pressie for my wife!(What you think??)

        Hope Caliban and Salys get better soon! As Mangerton says, no stinting with the FG!!

        Another hard frost last night but at least the sun is out with bright blue sky! So I expect it be rathedr cold today as well! havnt ventured out yet but I am going for sunday lunch to parents'place later!!
        Don’t cry for me
        I go where music was born

        J S Bach 1685-1750


        • Anna

          Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
          Thank you Anna, for that information, regarding the barometer! It has really inspired me for a Crimbo pressie for my wife!(What you think??)
          Difficult question as I don't know Mrs. BBM but certainly it's a gift that lasts forever and they are very decorative items but only you would know if she'd appreciate it or want to use it. Have a browse online at the different types. This is the link to where I bought mine. I chose them because others I looked at were not temperature compensated, which gives greater accuracy


          • mangerton
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 3346

            Anna, I must add my thanks to BBM's for that list. What a fascinating list! I scrolled down the whole thing, and you begin to think there's a pattern, then it goes off at a tangent. I found two more for "Dundee" near the end, one very close, on top of the University Tower Building.

            Anyway, another v cold (-1°C this morning, only 3°C now) lovely sunny day. I see snow is forecast for parts of the country. Dundee is probably too low/near the coast to get much, but the ski-ing areas will get some, I should think.


            • Anna

              Originally posted by mangerton View Post
              Anna, I must add my thanks to BBM's for that list. What a fascinating list! I scrolled down the whole thing, and you begin to think there's a pattern, then it goes off at a tangent. I found two more for "Dundee" near the end, one very close, on top of the University Tower Building.

              Anyway, another v cold (-1°C this morning, only 3°C now) lovely sunny day. I see snow is forecast for parts of the country. Dundee is probably too low/near the coast to get much, but the ski-ing areas will get some, I should think.
              Glad you found it interesting mangerton, I was really surprised that there are quite a few weather stations near here that I didn't know about. You can compare your barometer readings with the one at the University!! (Then you'll be a proper anorak! )
              I really hoped the list would show a site near to S_A.... Shall we have a whip round to get him his very own weather station?


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38184

                Originally posted by Anna View Post
                Glad you found it interesting mangerton, I was really surprised that there are quite a few weather stations near here that I didn't know about. You can compare your barometer readings with the one at the University!! (Then you'll be a proper anorak! )
                I really hoped the list would show a site near to S_A.... Shall we have a whip round to get him his very own weather station?
                THanks v much Anna - v busy today (Sunday my busiest day of the week!), and will check when I get back from the afternoon Grape & Grain sesh (v friendly lady vocalist of N Ireland origin accompanied by my ever-glum friend at the keys!).


                • BBMmk2
                  Late Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20908

                  Well Anna, yes mrsBBM does like that kind of thing! It has my brain cells working now! I will starting perusing this afternoon!
                  Don’t cry for me
                  I go where music was born

                  J S Bach 1685-1750


                  • marthe

                    Just checking in and I see that saly and caliban are not well so I'm sending good wishes across the Atlantic to both. If I were in the neighbourhood, I'd pop in with a get-well-soon treat. Weather here is milder (50s F), windy, with intermittant showers. HH, fooled by warmish temps, took the MG out and got caught, top down, in a downpour on his way home from the pub! It's nearly time for the MG to hibernate in the garage. Yesterday, I cut greenery in my garden and filled the garden urns with said greenery to decorate for Christmas. Overseas cards went out on Friday.


                    • Nick Armstrong
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 26628

                      Originally posted by marthe View Post
                      Just checking in and I see that saly and caliban are not well so I'm sending good wishes across the Atlantic to both. If I were in the neighbourhood, I'd pop in with a get-well-soon treat.
                      marthe, how sweet you are!

                      In fact I think I've repelled the virus so it remained a headcold and didn't turn into one of those really annoying sore throat / endless cough things!

                      But your treat sounds good!!

                      Happy Advent!
                      "...the isle is full of noises,
                      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38184

                        Originally posted by marthe View Post
                        Just checking in and I see that saly and caliban are not well so I'm sending good wishes across the Atlantic to both. If I were in the neighbourhood, I'd pop in with a get-well-soon treat. Weather here is milder (50s F), windy, with intermittant showers. HH, fooled by warmish temps, took the MG out and got caught, top down, in a downpour on his way home from the pub! It's nearly time for the MG to hibernate in the garage. Yesterday, I cut greenery in my garden and filled the garden urns with said greenery to decorate for Christmas. Overseas cards went out on Friday.
                        Yes I see it's really mild with you, marthe, but it cools down from mid-week. Chilly here: frost all day on the tables outside a nearby pub.


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38184

                          Originally posted by Caliban View Post

                          But your treat sounds good!!

                          Definitely not to be sneezed at!


                          • marthe

                            Originally posted by Caliban View Post
                            marthe, how sweet you are!

                            In fact I think I've repelled the virus so it remained a headcold and didn't turn into one of those really annoying sore throat / endless cough things!

                            But your treat sounds good!!

                            Happy Advent!
                            Caliban, so glad to hear that your virus is not virulent and hope that your headcold gets better soon. Many thanks for the Advent wishes. I lit the first candle on my Advent wreath (custom from childhood recently revived by me) while trying to recall all the wonderful hymns, all in Latin, that my parents used to sing when we were children. I shall have to see if I can do a listen-again with the Advent service from SJC. Happy Advent to you and all who celebrate it.


                            • marthe

                              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                              Yes I see it's really mild with you, marthe, but it cools down from mid-week. Chilly here: frost all day on the tables outside a nearby pub.
                              S_A, I heard it here first! Thanks for the advance weather report. I'll have to see how Anna gets on with her new barometer. It might be a comforting ritual to tap the barometer everyday. During my last year in high school, I was the stage manager for the Drama Club's annual production. The play was Noel Coward's Hay Fever for which I had to procure a barometer because one of the characters had to tap a barometer. I had a hard time finding one until a classmate's great-uncle kindly lent his.


                              • salymap
                                Late member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 5969

                                Thanks marthe for your kind thoughts and a happy Advent to you and yours.

                                I'm very slow now but have sent my cards to the US and Oz in good time. local cousin is running me up to the supermarket today so I shall just have to walk home. {And it's 'downhill all the way'- what is that verse/poem ?]

                                Your greenery for Christmas sounds lovely. I'm ashamed to say I just have a little artificial tree now, but every ornament or bauble from people no longer with me bring back good memories.

