Stormy Weather
Originally posted by Caliban View Post
Anna branded you a "tinker" in fact. Not sure which is worse...
I'm not sure which is worse either. It's a bit like "When did you stop beating your wife?"
And I wouldn't describe you as a tinker or a stinker...
Originally posted by mangerton View PostAnd I just get called a cruel wee tinker for my pains. There's no justice in this life.
Ahem, still very warm, 13.6 max today, 9.2° at present yet people were complaining it's too warm ... no pleasing some!
Originally posted by Anna View PostA'm sairy tae hae cried ye that - Ah shuld nae huv tried tae spick th'leid. Ah wullnae dae it again!!
Ahem, still very warm, 13.6 max today, 9.2° at present yet people were complaining it's too warm ... no pleasing some!
Got your barometer yet?"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Caliban View Post
Got your barometer yet?
Originally posted by Anna View PostNo, not ordered yet, no time today, but yesterday talking to near neighbour her husband has an antique one handed down through the family and he had it serviced by the very firm in Devon I intend to buy from! Well, I thought it a happy coincidence and he's a Methodist Minister so that's all good, as far as recommendations go, isn't it?)
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Anna View PostA'm sairy tae hae cried ye that - Ah shuld nae huv tried tae spick th'leid. Ah wullnae dae it again!!
Ahem, still very warm, 13.6 max today, 9.2° at present yet people were complaining it's too warm ... no pleasing some!
Very mild here too for Nov 9°C and 1013 mb and rising.
Methodists wrote some great hymns and tunes, but I don't know that they were renowned as experts on barometers.
(Seriously, I'm sure it'll be fine.)
Today is the sort of day when it hardly seems worthwhile reporting on dull, dank, non-existent weather. Started off misty, now is thicker mist and that nasty mizzly rain, the hills have completely disappeared and it's rapidly getting dark. Temp is 10.3°, 96% humidity, barometer dropped to 1008.1
However, I'm quite excited because tomorrow I'll forget about the weather as I am going to make preserved Moroccan lemons, never done it before (they take about 4 weeks to mature) and I shall also cook a tagine. And finally order my barometer. So that's all good for the weekend. Sorted.
Originally posted by Anna View PostToday is the sort of day when it hardly seems worthwhile reporting on dull, dank, non-existent weather. Started off misty, now is thicker mist and that nasty mizzly rain, the hills have completely disappeared and it's rapidly getting dark. Temp is 10.3°, 96% humidity, barometer dropped to 1008.1
However, I'm quite excited because tomorrow I'll forget about the weather as I am going to make preserved Moroccan lemons, never done it before (they take about 4 weeks to mature) and I shall also cook a tagine. And finally order my barometer. So that's all good for the weekend. Sorted.
Cod in cheese sauce, boiled spuds and carrots is my Friday solace, for tonight.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostCod in cheese sauce, boiled spuds and carrots is my Friday solace, for tonight.
Don't like the sound of the freeze in early December by your mate Simon. I thought he said the Winter would only be 1 or 1.5 degrees colder than normal and drier than usual? How freezy does he mean, I hope not snow! I wouldn't say here we've had an early 'fall', the oaks have only just changed and aren't shedding but the Ashes are bare.
Originally posted by Anna View PostToday is the sort of day when it hardly seems worthwhile reporting on dull, dank, non-existent weather. Started off misty, now is thicker mist and that nasty mizzly rain, the hills have completely disappeared and it's rapidly getting dark. Temp is 10.3°, 96% humidity, barometer dropped to 1008.1
However, I'm quite excited because tomorrow I'll forget about the weather as I am going to make preserved Moroccan lemons, never done it before (they take about 4 weeks to mature) and I shall also cook a tagine. And finally order my barometer. So that's all good for the weekend. Sorted.
Barometer a minute ago was 1000 mb, and falling like a stone.Dreich day here, 7°C.
Curry tonight - I'll order it in due course. Your tagine sounds yum. Tomorrow I have a number of domestic tasks to perform, and I'm going to make lentil soup.
A man's work is never done!
Anybody else cooking anything seasonal?
Originally posted by mangerton View PostWhat are Moroccan lemons? Do they taste good in gin?
Sorry about that. Curry takeaway, typical bachelor on a Friday night. I am interested however in your lentil soup (love lentils!)
Edit: Off now, for quite some while.
Originally posted by Anna View PostHae ye ne'er hud a nicht een Morocco?
Sorry about that. Curry takeaway, typical bachelor on a Friday night. I am interested however in your lentil soup (love lentils!)
Edit: Off now, for quite some while.
I made the soup, had some at lunchtime, and the rest has been frozen. You'll be delighted to hear that it contains, in addition to lentils, lots of leeks (essential for Scottish soupmaking) and carrots. Many Scots use ham ribs or shank to make the soup; I don't. It was fine, but would have been improved by some fresh parsley which I carelessly forgot to buy when shopping yesterday.
Originally posted by mangerton View PostNo, unlike Webster's dictionary, I've never been Morocco bound.good one!
It's a damp dank day today, ideal for warming food. Tomorrow, like last Sunday, cold and bright - before a rainy week, am I right?
Hope the Tagine is good, and your curry too, mangie... I trust that (as ammy would say) Johnny Cash will not be serenading you when you awake on Sunday.
I had a surreal work trip to Morocco some years ago. Had some delicious Tagine near Marrakech, but the real gastro treat was Pastilla: minced spiced pigeon meat in pastry parcels with icing sugar dusting... Like a sort of sexy exotic samosa... Really amazing"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."