Actually Greenilex, hoovering hasn't actually started yet. It is soooo dark and raining, so I caught up with emails instead.Your situation sounds lively with tracking builders. Yes,must start something now, bestwishes
Stormy Weather
Hi Sal
Like night time here, and soggy too. Not looking forward to venturing out later. Naughtily I managed a short snooze to catch up on lost sleep. Can't work out why I can't seem to fall into a deep - rather than a shallow - sleep. Gloom, probably.
Hi Mahlerei, same here, dark as pitch and rain pattering on the roof. I did some hoovering and discovered water on the carpet behind the loo. The pipe seems to be leaking slightly.Clean water but shall have to get it seen to. I am deeply gloomy too. Local coz enjoyed the Praetorius very much. He is a JEG disciple, thinks he can do no wrong and has all those pilgrimages on video or summit. bestio, sal
sigolene euphemia
Your word hoovering startled me and I took action ! I hoovered, have a load in the wash, scrubbed, swept, and now [a rare thing] have my hair up in hot rollers. Had glorious brilliant white sun this day now snow.
sigolene euphemia
salymap, that is funny, I can see animation ofstartled carpets ! It reminds me of a Jack Russel terrier a friend of mine had. She always had him at her shop just off the plaza in Santa Fe. His name Hoover. It still makes me smile when I hear the word Hoover. That, and a little dachshund I met; named caboose.
big dotty
Well, everyone, (while Euda is temporarily out of the loop), the Good News is, that... The good old English winter we all know and love (raincoat and stong umbrella type as opposed to skis and crampons) is now BACK with us, for the forseeable future.
All those of you who are accustomed to what we've just gone through; and all those who have emigrated to places like AUSTRALIA, for the CLIMATE, please now take note.
S-A (unreconstructed)
ditto salymap this perpetual mozart fest is disrupting life as well, whole day of opera instead of cd review etc .... as dreary as the weather [the s richter version of a sonata for violin and piano was like a gruesome alarm clock]According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.