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  • Anna

    cheese omelette and chips sans ketchup but with green salad is food heaven!
    saly, I always prefer to cook meat on the bone, it's just so much more flavoursome (and the joy of chewing lamb bones and that lovely caramelised fat ....)
    Oh dear, now I am very hungry!


    • Nick Armstrong
      • Nov 2010
      • 26628

      Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
      well it is very chill and windy in middle kingdom dark grey skies and the looming change of the clocks make it a miserable day the cheese omelette chips and ketchup was most welcome at lunchtime!

      as was the Mahler 4 Rob played this am ...
      The Mahler (Mvts 1-3) accompanied a journey this morning - I enjoyed it very much. Lots of swoopy portamenti!
      "...the isle is full of noises,
      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


      • mangerton
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3346

        Originally posted by Anna View Post
        cheese omelette and chips sans ketchup but with green salad is food heaven!
        saly, I always prefer to cook meat on the bone, it's just so much more flavoursome (and the joy of chewing lamb bones and that lovely caramelised fat ....)
        Oh dear, now I am very hungry!
        Living on my own, I rarely get the chance these days to have what used to be called (is it still?) a "joint". Last week, at Mrs mangerton's, I got the opportunity to cook lunch for four with roast rib of beef - on the bone - as the centrepiece. I greatly enjoyed both the cooking and the eating!

        Anna, Caliban, and anyone else who's interested, "snell" is used to describe a sharp, piercing, bitterly cold wind. It's the wind rather than the temperature itself which is so described.

        A moment ago I found this which describes it rather well. ("gey" means "very".)


        • EdgeleyRob
          • Nov 2010
          • 12180

          Very cold in Manchester today,winter is upon us..


          • ferneyhoughgeliebte
            Gone fishin'
            • Sep 2011
            • 30163

            Originally posted by EdgeleyRob View Post
            Very cold in Manchester today,winter is upon us..
            Very parky in the Pennines today, and due to get worse overnight. On the bright side, milder weather is forecast for the end of next week.
            Last edited by ferneyhoughgeliebte; 27-10-12, 11:07.
            [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


            • marthe

              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
              Temperature 8.5C right now on the north-facing wall here - which would be about right... for late November!!! Surprised to find it didn't seem as cold as one might expect, but this might be partly down to the NE breeze being only gentle to moderate, hence not too much wind chill, and my theory, anyway - that when told to expect cold we psychologically "cushion" ourselves in expectation of something much worse and mentally compensate.

              I just checked to see if yesterday's chart for the eastern States for next Monday-into-Tuesday wasn't a bad dream yesterday, and I'm afraid it still looks about as awful as imaginable, with the centre of the giant low hitting New York smack on on Monday night, with winds averaging 35 mph, so, double that for maximum gusts at least, then. I guess we'll be getting headlines nearer the time.
              S_A, this potential storm has already been dubbed "Frankenstorm" and is being well and truly hyped up by the media. I believe it is also supposed to blow through on the 20th (?) anniversary of "The Perfect Storm" of book and film fame. A perfect storm chez m. looms for weekend as daughter, nearly 30, moves back home for a while. Have any off you gone through the experience of having adult children return to the nest?


              • mangerton
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3346

                marthe, I hope Frankenstorm has been over-hyped and that you are not badly affected.

                On topic, it's been snowing here this evening. Not heavily, and very fine, but snow nevertheless, and it's still only October.


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38184

                  Very windy down here tonight - this northerly is leaking its way into the room through our ancient Crittall windows, and I may have to vacate soon. Hope this is not a harbinger of more to come!


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Cold here this morning and see raindrops on the window now.

                    Query, why do costs go up and services go down? My Gas supplier used to service a small gas fire in the living room as well as the boiler for a certain amount.

                    Now gas fire is not included and they want £100 to check the chimney and clean the fire..


                    • BBMmk2
                      Late Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20908

                      As is here Salymap! 1C, Ibelieve!!
                      Don’t cry for me
                      I go where music was born

                      J S Bach 1685-1750


                      • antongould
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 8871

                        Originally posted by salymap View Post
                        Cold here this morning and see raindrops on the window now.

                        Query, why do costs go up and services go down? My Gas supplier used to service a small gas fire in the living room as well as the boiler for a certain amount.

                        Now gas fire is not included and they want £100 to check the chimney and clean the fire..

                        Because I would suspect in the eyes of the company your fire is no longer "standard" and so they feel they can effectively charge what they like. The days of the chap who can service anything are more or less gone..........


                        • antongould
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 8871


                          oh and on topic we have a few centimetres of snow - inches also having more or less gone........


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38184

                            Originally posted by antongould View Post

                            oh and on topic we have a few centimetres of snow - inches also having more or less gone........
                            Must be quite a bit colder where you are than here then, anton. It only just touched zero last night, but I saw the first flakes of snow of the "winter" here at about 7.30 in a passing sleet shower. Very hard work cycling against the northerly wind en route for E Dulwich just now, even though most of it is downhill! Lots of squelchy leaves to be traversed, with extreme care! One compensation is that the clarity of the air brings out the autumn tints magnificently


                            • amateur51

                              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                              Must be quite a bit colder where you are than here then, anton. It only just touched zero last night, but I saw the first flakes of snow of the "winter" here at about 7.30 in a passing sleet shower. Very hard work cycling against the northerly wind en route for E Dulwich just now, even though most of it is downhill! Lots of squelchy leaves to be traversed, with extreme care! One compensation is that the clarity of the air brings out the autumn tints magnificently
                              I agree S_A, there are some wonderful colours out there at the moment, it's worth getting wrapped up to see them, it's what autumn's all about


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38184

                                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                                Cold here this morning and see raindrops on the window now.

                                Query, why do costs go up and services go down? My Gas supplier used to service a small gas fire in the living room as well as the boiler for a certain amount.

                                Now gas fire is not included and they want £100 to check the chimney and clean the fire..
                                I know it's a drag, saly, but the only thing you can do is go over the small print of the arrangements you have with your gas maintenance firm with a large magnifying glass; if it says nothing about appliances of a certain age being excluded from the "agreement" you could try a challenge, and threaten to change your supplier. There's nothing to lose by so doing.

