Originally posted by salymap
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Stormy Weather
sigolene euphemia
Happy New Year, everyone!
Sal: Once you get your computer sorted, here's a link to a bunch of Dick Tracy films and radio specials online. Don't forget to have a search around; lots of good old stuff in the public domain. Cheers!
Agh! Whoever mentioned Burl Ives, thanks a lot! Now I've got one of his catchy songs rattling around my poor brain:
I feel I should apologise for this one to any members of the pagan and Wiccan communities out there, as the lyrics are profoundly insensitive (if not offensive). I only think to mention this because my ex used to start singing the chorus every time I mentioned an acquaintance of mine he didn't care for. Bwahahaaha! Now I can't hear it without thinking of her...terrible, just terrible. I'm dreadfully sorry, I truly am. It's still hilarious though.Last edited by Guest; 01-01-11, 11:17.
Thanks Euda, liked the Burl Ives and will look out for the films. I slept right through the New Year, although a local poster says there were fireworks. My friends and family never seem to have made much of it.
However I once went to the Chelsea Arts Ball at the RAH, now that WAS an experience!! Best to all.
Is there any way these video clips can be presented here without causing my browser to judder every time I try to scroll past them? It happens ON Safari, Firefox and Opera.
Originally posted by Mahlerei View Postff
Is there any way these video clips can be presented here without causing my browser to judder every time I try to scroll past them? It happens ON Safari, Firefox and Opera.
for those of you who have friends that have lamented the solar warmth of Arizona, have you peeked into the weather ?
i would recommend a spring trip to the Az mountains, with all the water the desert bloom should be spectacular!
According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Where are the floods in Australia, does anyone know? I have family in Adelaide, Port Noarlunga, to be precise, and Salisbury Heights, SA.
We've had some horrible weather recently,although the snow was 'pretty' until one needed to go shopping but this is the time of year for really dreadful disasters. Spare a thought for the people who suffer landslides, floods, anything that means they lose their homes and sometimes their lives. It's an uncertain old world. Stormy weather indeed. Has anyone made New Year resolutions? I never do!
Where would we be without storms, though, salymap? On the Moon or still worse on Mars, without our precious blue cloak of atmosphere...
I agree we could devote far more in resources to trying to prevent and minimalise the effects of natural disasters. If only we could stop producing man-made ditto. I'm still feeling bad about those oil-spill fishermen.
Originally posted by salymap View PostWhere are the floods in Australia, does anyone know? I have family in Adelaide, Port Noarlunga, to be precise, and Salisbury Heights, SA.
We've had some horrible weather recently,although the snow was 'pretty' until one needed to go shopping but this is the time of year for really dreadful disasters. Spare a thought for the people who suffer landslides, floods, anything that means they lose their homes and sometimes their lives. It's an uncertain old world. Stormy weather indeed. Has anyone made New Year resolutions? I never do!
sigolene euphemia
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Posti have indeed sigolene euphemia; my son is in Mammoth Ca for the new year with his wife and in-laws - he is a snowboarding fan so powder up to his eyes is heaven [snow that is!] but my pals in Az are freezing, ducked out of Sedonia retreat to get back to Phoenix in the nick of time and a miserable call to report watching a new year parade in a temperature of 6C, emails with pics of the snow in Sedonia!
i would recommend a spring trip to the Az mountains, with all the water the desert bloom should be spectacular!
I as well know Arizona, more than ever imagined by me, as I was assisting my Grandmother moving back to the USA from Micronesia to marry at the age of seventy nine to a gentleman who settled in PAYSON, Arizona ( near Strawberry and Pine ) to be near great-grandchildren in the Phoenix metro area.
Well as life goes, death came to my grandma's husband three days from their taking their marriage vows. We were stunned. I went into labour at the microwave. So a 79 year old and a 40 year old birthed a baby. We knew no one. And I was as chesty as a strutting peacock, did not meet anyone at the local hospital, as my baby was to arrive in about six weeks time. But we were blessed by neighbors who came at the end to hold my hands.
So, yes - - Payson, never heard of it until then. Surrounded by the Mogollon Rim that Barry Goldwater would write of with fondness. Geographically dead center of the state. Now a breeze of a commute from Scottsdale on the new 'Beeline' highway. We watched the great saguaros being moved and tended to during the road building. The Sonora desert of Tuscon vicinity is brimming with life and is a place I find the finest for star gazing. Blooms magnificent as you say, aka C da J. The last time I was in Payson was when a lightning strike set the grasses ablaze and we traveled in to remove my grandmother as her breathing became difficult The pine beetles had decimated the largest standing ponderosa pine forest in North America, but the fires....
hotshot teams from all over the USA - such young young men
horses who were trained to drag boulders to make break lines
a camp formed just north of Payson of a thousand firefighters
and the local airport turned into a military landing strip
former Gov now on the Obama Administration team, J Napolitano even came for a day to talk with the community
Anyways, It was such a dark time. The smoke, the falling embers, ash. The orange sun at sunset; some of the few moments one even saw the sun. I was told that the daytime darkness was similar to a place where bombs have been set off by one who had just returned from a war stricken country.
The most magnificent sculpture of my lifetime was a lightning strike by grandma's that struck the sand and turned molten. When cooled it is rock and beautiful.
And snow .. .. gorgeous in Canyon de Chelly and Hopi Land, tho the great snowplow in the sky usually has it cleared in 24 hours ! { and tell your powder loving snowboarding son, to head for Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico. A MUST. They just this year, well och aye, last year, [2010] opened the mountain to snowboarders. The skiing, the sky, the powder, Al's Run, Snake Dance. Ahh that is a challenge those runs !
But Phoenix at such a temp, freezing of late, when I have flown in and walked out the airport doors to a thermal blast of 117 degrees of dry heat. Hard to imagine.
Perhaps many of you will feel this should be on a private comment, because it goes on and on, but I feel you FoR3 shall let me know.
And O!, just one more thing before I go, the classical music stations are sore in Arizona, especially from Flagstaff. Payson had a station where for one hour on weekdays classical was played from cd's that locals brought in....... .......
kind wishes,
ps, salymap your Australian relatives, are they well and safe from the enormous flooding ?
Yes thank you sigolene. They are the other side of that big country in South Australia, but one lives very near the coast so I was concerned at first. Your message wasn't a bit too long, very interesting.
Ihave Countryfile on TV for 7day forecast. I heard that four letter word beginning with Sn..mentioned earlier. bye for now saly
Belated Happy New Year stormyweatherites. I've been in bed with a nasty flu for a couple of days and am only now catching up with emails and the like. Must be up early tomorrow as #1 son is heading back to San Francisco first thing in the morning.
Yes, all my lot have been ill over the past few weeks, son with swine flu. Light dusting of snow here and very cold.