Stormy Weather

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    Originally posted by salymap View Post
    I'm having terrible trouble with BBC iPlayer S-A. It heads up but I can't getbeyond a blamk screen.
    Iwanted to watch 'Who do you think you are' about Celia Imrie. I tried everything I can think of but it's not responding. I managed to get part of a concert on sound only but can't activate any films.

    I'm switching off now. Hope your problems are solved too.
    Saly - if you can get that programme about Celia Imrie, do watch it - for me it was the best of all the series so far, and quite a history lesson in itself. Her great grandfather x 9 was charged with being part of a conspiracy to assassinate King Charles II in 1688, in which several other of her ancestors lost their heads; she's lucky in fact to be here at all!


    • Anna

      I watched a programme on iplayer at first light this morning, no problems at all, perhaps it's a problem local to the area you and saly are in? Wrong leaves on the ethernet or something? I did see the Celia Imrie, fascinating, plots, accusations, beheadings, an enquiry into impotence and virginity (that was so, so, unfair was it not, how many midwives, and he just had to ........ (I won't spoil it for saly!) And, she's a very fine actress.
      Staying on topic, we were promised torrents of rain around 4pm, so far just a bit of drizzle .... we must have escaped. Good.


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38184

        Originally posted by Anna View Post
        Staying on topic, we were promised torrents of rain around 4pm, so far just a bit of drizzle .... we must have escaped. Good.
        You must be where a weaker section in the frontal system crossed, Anna. I've just been watching "Brummie" Simon's predictions on that wonderful site drawn to our attention a few posts ago, and he thinks it's going to say pretty miserable and cold for the remainder of the month!


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
          You must be where a weaker section in the frontal system crossed, Anna. I've just been watching "Brummie" Simon's predictions on that wonderful site drawn to our attention a few posts ago, and he thinks it's going to say pretty miserable and cold for the remainder of the month!

          For some time I've had a cracked touch pad on my computer - tomorrow Argos should be delivering a simple mouse. The cursor is very volatile ATM and flickers about all over the place. I may be shouting for help with the mouse, IF I can even switch this laptop on. Wish me luck.


          • BBMmk2
            Late Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 20908

            Anna, we have!!
            Don’t cry for me
            I go where music was born

            J S Bach 1685-1750


            • Richard Tarleton

              Originally posted by Anna View Post
              we were promised torrents of rain around 4pm, so far just a bit of drizzle .... we must have escaped. Good.
              You wouldn't have put a fox out of a henhouse round here today, it was that wet.


              • Anna

                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                For some time I've had a cracked touch pad on my computer - tomorrow Argos should be delivering a simple mouse. The cursor is very volatile ATM and flickers about all over the place. I may be shouting for help with the mouse, IF I can even switch this laptop on. Wish me luck.
                saly, I had to change my much loved ancient mouse, he was old and as comfortable as anything but so clogged with debris I couldn't take the cover off and clean the ball so I swopped to an optical one (going begging at work so I filched it and glowing deliciously red) It glides like a dream but I really have to whack the left hand button at times to get him to respond.
                No rain still here, checked the omimous green blob on the Observations - yes, it's gone elsewhere and our local weather station is reporting still over 15 degrees but BBC says Pembs have had it bad. Off to cook shortly so offline and tomorrow, not sure, think it's ok and dry.
                Last edited by Guest; 11-10-12, 17:05. Reason: going offline, just saying


                • salymap
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5969

                  Thanks Anna [who has gone,] but found something odd about accessing iPlayer TV. It says I am in N.Ireland, whereas I come under the London area. When I click London on the list it goes straight back to N Ireland.

                  I've just done a scan and it was okay. I'm logging off soon so perhaps someone can help tomorrow.



                  • mangerton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3346

                    I must apologise to board members. I am now on leave until Mon 22nd, so this deplorable weather is obviously my fault. If it's any consolation, it's bucketing down here, but does anyone know what it's like in W Yorks. where I'm going tomorrow?

                    Saly, sorry to hear about your iplayer problems; I hope they are soon resolved. And your simple mouse. But is it a singing mouse? I heard about (and heard!) this on this morning's R4 news.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38184

                      Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                      I must apologise to board members. I am now on leave until Mon 22nd, so this deplorable weather is obviously my fault. If it's any consolation, it's bucketing down here, but does anyone know what it's like in W Yorks. where I'm going tomorrow?

                      Saly, sorry to hear about your iplayer problems; I hope they are soon resolved. And your simple mouse. But is it a singing mouse? I heard about (and heard!) this on this morning's R4 news.
                      I see it's expected to be fine in W Yorks tomorrow, moderate breeze, up to about 12 C. Take a mac just in case of a shower, I'd advise.


                      • Anna

                        Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                        I must apologise to board members. I am now on leave until Mon 22nd, so this deplorable weather is obviously my fault. If it's any consolation, it's bucketing down here, but does anyone know what it's like in W Yorks. where I'm going tomorrow?
                        By Eck Lad. Ift I knew where N. Yorks wur I'd send t'whippet oot wi' a bucket of bladderwrack to hang on't barn door!
                        Actually, wiki is rather vague, N. Yorks seems a rather nebulous affair, stretching from Leeds to Calderdale
                        Anyroadup Pet, I'll say you're all reet till Wednesday week hence, after that it'll fair come over Will's Mother and drowned rats wilt feel fair at home!!


                        • mangerton
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 3346

                          Originally posted by Anna View Post
                          By Eck Lad. Ift I knew where N. Yorks wur I'd send t'whippet oot wi' a bucket of bladderwrack to hang on't barn door!
                          Actually, wiki is rather vague, N. Yorks seems a rather nebulous affair, stretching from Leeds to Calderdale
                          Anyroadup Pet, I'll say you're all reet till Wednesday week hence, after that it'll fair come over Will's Mother and drowned rats wilt feel fair at home!!
                          H'mmm. Bladderwrack. Is that something else that you cook? If so, please provide a recipe.*

                          Anyway, I actually said W Yorks, but since it's not all that far from Leeds (Bronte country, specifically) I suppose it might be N Yorks after all. This E/W thing is all very confusing. (Useless knowledge alert: Liverpool is further east than Edinburgh.)

                          Thank you for your kind words and weather forecast - and to S_A for the more traditional version. I shall certainly pack a mac.

                          * I've just taken the sensible course of looking up "bladderwrack", and your barn door remark now makes perfect sense. I suppose you might cook with with it; I remember being given laverbread on my first visit to Wales.


                          • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                            Gone fishin'
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 30163

                            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                            I see it's expected to be fine in W Yorks tomorrow, moderate breeze, up to about 12 C. Take a mac just in case of a shower, I'd advise.
                            Sounds about right; the predicted downpours didn't occur today and tomorrow is forecast fair for the Pennines. Light rain shower forecast for Leeds tomorrow afternoon at about 4.00 pm.
                            [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                              Anyway, I actually said W Yorks, but since it's not all that far from Leeds (Bronte country, specifically) I suppose it might be N Yorks after all.
                              Well, Haworth itself is still West Yorks, but the weather forecast is for a rainy morning but clear, sunny afternoon, and rain again in the evening. A lovely, Pennine town; hope you enjoy your visit, mangerton!
                              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                              • Anna

                                It did rain last night in the end, but only from about 7pm to 9.30pm, we got off lightly, there were flash floods elsewhere, including my Mum's birthplace, Bedlinog, about the first time a place halfway up the mountain at the end of a track has been newsworthy!! Today has been rather nice, couple of horrendously sharp showers lunchtime but again, very warm, no need for waterproofs, in fact only one layer and a light jacket required. Lovely.

