Stormy Weather
Originally posted by Anna View Post(broken down by age and sex)
Lovely, fresh (= "bloomin' chilly") yesterday in the Pennines - and a gorgeous full moonlit night sky. It's supposed to be moderate rain all day today, and it started that way - stopped now and the sun is out again. Time for another bracing (= "bloomin' chilly") walk.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by salymap View PostEveryone I know is coughing and sneezing with dreadful bugs that seem to be going around. I hope to have my flu jab next Saturday - hope it will be in time to help me what I laughingly call 'fit'.Very chilly here today. Brr.......
There's an epidemic of whooping cough at the moment, in adults as well as children. Someone was telling me yesterday his wife has been very ill with it (I had assumed with vaccination it had more or less been wiped out) Dull, dark, dreary, but dry here today. My sister has phoned to tell me all about her trip to St. Petersburg, sounds absolutely wonderful <sigh and envy emoticon> Do flu jabs give you mini-flu? Never knew that, best wishes for speedy recovery in advance Ams!
Originally posted by Anna View PostThere's an epidemic of whooping cough at the moment, in adults as well as children. Someone was telling me yesterday his wife has been very ill with it (I had assumed with vaccination it had more or less been wiped out) Dull, dark, dreary, but dry here today. My sister has phoned to tell me all about her trip to St. Petersburg, sounds absolutely wonderful <sigh and envy emoticon> Do flu jabs give you mini-flu? Never knew that, best wishes for speedy recovery in advance Ams!
I heard a whooping cough specialist explaining about this whooping cough vaccine they want to start using on babes - apparently it does not confer a lifetime's immunity
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostI heard a whooping cough specialist explaining about this whooping cough vaccine they want to start using on babes - apparently it does not confer a lifetime's immunity
Pertussis isn't wiped out. No vaccine works in everyone, but if enough are covered then the illness is kept at bay. Smallpox has been eradicated, it is being tried with polio, but whooping cough will be here for a long time. Because there was a poor uptake some years ago, more adults have not been protected, so it is spreading (even some who have been jabbed will inevitably be unprotected if they failed to respond to it). You cannot immunise newborns because their immune systems aren't mature eough. The idea is to boost the pregnant mother's imunity so newborns have "passive" immunity from antibodies which go through the placenta.
This is important. Pertussis is a very nasty debilitating and potentially fatal disease. Please encourage everyone to have the jab.Pacta sunt servanda !!!
Oh, thanks Flay. I have no idea if I've been vaccinated, should we ask our GPs whether we should have the jab?
Just as well I'm not a hypochondriac - but almost wish I hadn't read this about pertussis, as I have been having coughing fits and sore throat (but no temperature) for the past 10 days, now slowly improving. Surgery phoneline engaged, engaged, engaged - so gave up in the end. To add insult to injury: got a flu jab appointment for 27 Oct. Should I bother?My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)