Anna, incoming clouds obscured the moon. It's supposed to be cloudy for the next few days so we'll most likely miss the full moon. Earlier this week, the three-quarter moon was quite beautiful.
Stormy Weather
Originally posted by Anna View PostLovely description marthe!
Did anyone enjoy the cloudless starry night yesterday, moon coming up to full, bathing indoors with brilliant light?
Didn't see the moon last night, but I noticed it on Wed, shining gibbously over the silvery Tay. I'll have a look on my way home tonight. (Black Friday, working till eight.)
"Shining gibbously over the silvery Tay
mangerton said - do yee ken that?
And I say - Ay!""
Never, ever, heard the word 'gibbously' The more I learn of Scots the more I love them (Tunnocks, Nairns, Salmon, men in kilts - what's not to like?)
Mangerton, no bathing involved just going for my morning stroll along the cliffs. The water is still warm enough (just) for swimming/bathing but the air is a bit cool. Newport's Cliff Walk has inspired greater minds and talents than mine (Henry James for one.)
Originally posted by Anna View Post"Shining gibbously over the silvery Tay
mangerton said - do yee ken that?
And I say - Ay!""
Never, ever, heard the word 'gibbously' The more I learn of Scots the more I love them (Tunnocks, Nairns, Salmon, men in kilts - what's not to like?)
Originally posted by Anna View Post"Shining gibbously over the silvery Tay
mangerton said - do yee ken that?
And I say - Ay!""
Never, ever, heard the word 'gibbously' The more I learn of Scots the more I love them (Tunnocks, Nairns, Salmon, men in kilts - what's not to like?)
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostMichael Gove, Tony Blair, Sir Alex Ferguson - I rest my caseThey're aberrations.
Every nation produces them. Two are alleged politicians, and they're a breed apart. I don't think there's been a decent Scottish tory politician since Ecky.
I mean, you wouldn't want me to tar all the English with the brush of (insert name of your least favourite English person here).
I had no idea of Michael Gove's or Tony Blair's Scottish roots!! Well, there's always a couple of rotten apples in the barrel. (Although the latter had an Irish mother I think?) Another lovely starry moonlit night and warm enough to have the bedroom window ajar and a perfect Autumn day, dry, sunny, 15.8C, hoping for a colourful sunset.
I'm in the kitchen, doing my own version of bollito misto* and I must say Saturday Classics is dreadful, again. Piano music from films is not a good choice.
(*Inspired by Caliban's trip to Rome I have come over all Italian in the culinary department ....)
Edit: Typo corrected thanks to that nice M. Vinteuil!
Originally posted by Anna View PostI'm in the kitchen, doing my own version of ballito misto* ...
(*Inspired by Caliban's trip to Rome I have come over all Italian in the culinary department ....)
Oh honestly vints, you do pounce on the smallest typo! I could of course be en-pointe dressed in a tutu whilst preparing my Ballito!!!
Vints, I think my admirers (broken down by age and sex) have gone off the boil!
My recipe is an amalgamation of cotechino con lenticchie and bollito misto using Italian veal, pork and fennel sausages, belly pork and chorizo cooking sausages (did I ever say it was authentic Italian? If Nigella can get away with it, so can I) and Puy lentils. It's terribly earthy, sensual and garlicky. I top it with finely chopped flat leaf parsley and zest of an orange. (acid brings out the depth) My guests will be none the wiser that they have not been transported to Italy and it will be absolutely delicious!!