Stormy Weather

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38185

    Originally posted by mercia View Post
    lovely fiery sky this morning

    what are the best conditions for "red" skies ?
    1) Anticylones - low sunlight gets reflected through polluted air held down by a temperature inversion or "cap"

    2) Shafts of the rising sun reflecting on the whispy high clouds and undersides of medium-level cloud bands of a frontal system approaching from the west.

    3) Shafts of the setting sun reflecting on the ditto of a frontal system retreating to the east.

    4) Setting sun reflecting on retreating cumulus and cumulonimbus after a showery or thundery day.

    The well-known saying, "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight", is somewhat misleading. Generally speaking, if the red of a sunset is spread low across a horizon more-or-less clear of cloud, this is a good sign for the next day; if the red is reflected more onto, in particular, medium and high level cloud bands to create those especially dramatic sunsets, this is not a usually a good portent unless the sky to the west is more-or-less clear of such cloud, as in 3) above, indicating a stable airstream replacing instability.

    Yellow, or colourless sunsets are generally a bad sign of weather to come.


    • eighthobstruction
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 6527

      Heather and Hawthorns gone brown and yellow....but we still have swallows and swifts....
      bong ching


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38185

        Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
        Heather and Hawthorns gone brown and yellow....but we still have swallows and swifts....
        We still have amazons as well

        The coming weekend looks uncertain weatherwise - it's very unusual these days for the "experts" not to be sure 48-72 hours ahead. This is due to an old tropical cyclone presently near the Azores being expected to track north-eastwards, but the exact track and its speed being uncertain, as there is no obvious steering mechanism, such as the jet stream, which is usually the case at our latitude. It all depends on the timing of the jet stream's southward plunge, expected to cross the UK on Sunday. That will bring cold air down with it which, when it engages with the warm airmass wrapped up in the ex-tropical low, would cause a deepening of the latter; and it's all a matter of precisely where and when this will happen. At present they're predicting a worst-case scenario, so as not to get caught with their pants down, with the cold/warm air engaging over NE France on Saturday, and the consequently deepening system tracking north over SE England, which, if that does happen, will unfortunately mean a lot of rain and strong winds. They have to on the safe side for their reputation's sake, and I don't know any better, so my advice would be to get anything you need done outdoors, done tomorrow.


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
          We still have amazons as well

          The coming weekend looks uncertain weatherwise - it's very unusual these days for the "experts" not to be sure 48-72 hours ahead. This is due to an old tropical cyclone presently near the Azores being expected to track north-eastwards, but the exact track and its speed being uncertain, as there is no obvious steering mechanism, such as the jet stream, which is usually the case at our latitude. It all depends on the timing of the jet stream's southward plunge, expected to cross the UK on Sunday. That will bring cold air down with it which, when it engages with the warm airmass wrapped up in the ex-tropical low, would cause a deepening of the latter; and it's all a matter of precisely where and when this will happen. At present they're predicting a worst-case scenario, so as not to get caught with their pants down, with the cold/warm air engaging over NE France on Saturday, and the consequently deepening system tracking north over SE England, which, if that does happen, will unfortunately mean a lot of rain and strong winds. They have to on the safe side for their reputation's sake, and I don't know any better, so my advice would be to get anything you need done outdoors, done tomorrow.
          So planning a BBQ for Sunday may not be a good idea S_A ? Thanks for that


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 38185

            Originally posted by salymap View Post
            So planning a BBQ for Sunday may not be a good idea S_A ? Thanks for that
            Sorry sal - but it is rather late to be contemplating bbq's...


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              Morning S-A, yes, you're right. Indoor party I think, very cold today and probably Sunday.

              bestio, sal


              • Anna

                saly, if you have 12-14 people for a short while on Sunday, they have, as mangerton says, come to see you and have a chat with other relatives. Endless cuppas and a few packets of biccies will suffice (or, perhaps some bottles of fizzy wine and those nibbles and dips you can pick up in any supermarket, whats left over you can snack on during Downton Abbey!!!)
                Awfully dark here earlier, thankfully it seems to have moved off towards Herefordshire.


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38185

                  Originally posted by Anna View Post
                  saly, if you have 12-14 people for a short while on Sunday, they have, as mangerton says, come to see you and have a chat with other relatives. Endless cuppas and a few packets of biccies will suffice (or, perhaps some bottles of fizzy wine and those nibbles and dips you can pick up in any supermarket, whats left over you can snack on during Downton Abbey!!!)
                  Awfully dark here earlier, thankfully it seems to have moved off towards Herefordshire.
                  Your last sentance is crossing us as I write, Anna. Wind rising, distant horizon now disappeared, heavy rain (which was not predicted! ) anytime now.


                  • BBMmk2
                    Late Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20908

                    Certainly quite colder now! Wearing a jumper fpor the first time!!
                    Don’t cry for me
                    I go where music was born

                    J S Bach 1685-1750


                    • EdgeleyRob
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 12180

                      Just been out walking the dog and it's cold out there!
                      Feels more like the middle of November.


                      • marthe

                        Just back from Vermont where we had glorious, warm weather. Here in southern New England, the weather has turned cool and damp. Autumn is here.


                        • salymap
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5969

                          Originally posted by Anna View Post
                          saly, if you have 12-14 people for a short while on Sunday, they have, as mangerton says, come to see you and have a chat with other relatives. Endless cuppas and a few packets of biccies will suffice (or, perhaps some bottles of fizzy wine and those nibbles and dips you can pick up in any supermarket, whats left over you can snack on during Downton Abbey!!!)
                          Awfully dark here earlier, thankfully it seems to have moved off towards Herefordshire.
                          Thanks Anna and 'morning. Food all organised. Supermarket party packs or whatever plus extras.

                          It's a combined birthday bash for one coz, goodbye to Oz coz and introducing people to each is the problem, house is small and tomorrow is apparently going to be wet and cold. Who cares, it will be fun, which is in short supply on these boreds sometimes.

                          Hope you get better news of your relis soon. bestio


                          • mangerton
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 3346

                            I hope you enjoy your day, salymap.


                            • salymap
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5969

                              Thanks mangerton. What's the weather like up there now?


                              • mangerton
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 3346

                                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                                Thanks mangerton. What's the weather like up there now?

                                It's a lovely sunny day, thank you, not a breath of wind, but rather cool, probably 50 F-ish. I shall shortly walk into town and have a spot of lunch.

