Stormy Weather

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  • Anna

    Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
    Caliban can now kick in with more sophisticated legal advice. But it may cost you. Ask what he charges for each fifteen minutes...
    I suspect Cali follows current practice and charges per six minutes .... hence client looks at watch, assumes he's had his fifteen minutes and then gets billed for eighteen minutes ..... But on the subject of Wills and being serious, please don't get it done by a will writing firm, we have just had to unravel a horrendously badly written will written by one of them for a family member which basically was a cut and paste from various google sites which was totally ambiguous and open to interpretation by any crafty lawyer.

    I'm glad the Londoners have had bright and sunny weather, it started to rain here around 11am, by 1pm it was coming in torrents non-stop until around 3pm, briefly clearing and now cloud building up again and further rain is forecast overnight. However, the improvement here will only result in 22C, Londoners will get 30C (so I'm not jealous of that as it will be impossibly humid and muggy for them)


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      Originally posted by Anna View Post
      I suspect Cali follows current practice and charges per six minutes .... hence client looks at watch, assumes he's had his fifteen minutes and then gets billed for eighteen minutes ..... But on the subject of Wills and being serious, please don't get it done by a will writing firm, we have just had to unravel a horrendously badly written will written by one of them for a family member which basically was a cut and paste from various google sites which was totally ambiguous and open to interpretation by any crafty lawyer.

      I'm glad the Londoners have had bright and sunny weather, it started to rain here around 11am, by 1pm it was coming in torrents non-stop until around 3pm, briefly clearing and now cloud building up again and further rain is forecast overnight. However, the improvement here will only result in 22C, Londoners will get 30C (so I'm not jealous of that as it will be impossibly humid and muggy for them)
      No, don't be jealous Anna, today I've had one of those really bad headaches and have spent my day trying to get out of the glaring sun. Okay, some people are never satisfied


      • EdgeleyRob
        • Nov 2010
        • 12180

        Rain today,I am off to doss around a pool somewhere very warm for 2 weeks from Monday with an i-pod full of Vaughan Williams and prog rock,so there.


        • amateur51

          Originally posted by EdgeleyRob View Post
          Rain today,I am off to doss around a pool somewhere very warm for 2 weeks from Monday with an i-pod full of Vaughan Williams and prog rock,so there.
          I hope that you have an excellent time, ER and return to us duly refreshed


          • Anna

            Best wishes for happy hols from me too Rob. Poolside lounging is not really my thing, although I have indulged, I prefer trolling around castles, churches, cathedrals and museums. But, best thing about going abroad (and I assume it is proper abroad, rather than quasi-abroad like Tenby?) is having loads of local cuisine and getting stuck in to the local culture and coming back laden with olive oils, chorizo and various saucissons sec, olives and really smelly cheeses!


            • handsomefortune

              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
              For some silly reason this message reminds me of a story

              and here's some more stories

              Noah's Knits features a beautifully illustrated story of Noah and his Ark. Interspersed with the story are knitting patterns for Noah and his wife, plus fift...


              • EdgeleyRob
                • Nov 2010
                • 12180

                Thanks for the best wishes Am 51 and Anna,after 50 weeks of the year running around like headless chickens, there's nothing my wife and I like better than doing nothing for 2 weeks in Lanzarote.


                • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 9173

                  doing nothing for 2 weeks
                  a most portable enjoyment ER ... please have a perfect zzzzzzzzzzzzz of a fortnight

                  here in the middle kingdom we are sultry and torpid ....
                  According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                  • antongould
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 8871

                    The Grauniad says that London is to have the 2 hottest days of the year and the rest of the country is to have torrential rain (stotting off the pit heaps as I type!) and potential flooding!
                    S_A as the being who controls such things is this fair?


                    • salymap
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 5969

                      Originally posted by antongould View Post
                      The Grauniad says that London is to have the 2 hottest days of the year and the rest of the country is to have torrential rain (stotting off the pit heaps as I type!) and potential flooding!
                      S_A as the being who controls such things is this fair?
                      Morning Anton, I'd swap our weather with somewhere less humid, sticky and airless although 'stotting' rain sounds nasty. Translation needed there


                      • antongould
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 8871

                        Morning to you

                        I thought stot was just a Geordie word heard down the Quayside (or Keyside as a lad at work spelt it!) on a Saturday night but my free ipad dictionary has the answer

                        Verb stot (stotted stotting)

                        To bounce, rebound or ricochet.

                        Still stotting.......


                        • Nick Armstrong
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 26628

                          Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                          This reminds me of the old joke..... "And to Joe, who I promised to remember in my will - Hi there, Joe!"

                          Apart from advising that reading the above with a Scottish accent in the mind's ear makes it work perfectly (never heard it before - love it!), I can offer no advice to top vinchaud's super summer soaraway legal giveaway, as I'm not a probate / equity lawyer. I do know now why my ears were burning yesterday afternoon though!!

                          (Btw very rare now to do the 'six minute unit' charging, Anna - the majority of fees in what I do are fixed fees, agreed ahead with the client for particular work )
                          "...the isle is full of noises,
                          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                          • Anna

                            Originally posted by antongould View Post
                            I thought stot was just a Geordie word heard down the Quayside (or Keyside as a lad at work spelt it!) on a Saturday night but my free ipad dictionary has the answer
                            Verb stot (stotted stotting) To bounce, rebound or ricochet. Still stotting.......
                            Does the word have a connection with stotty, which I've only ever seen/eaten in Co. Durham? If you dropped a stotty is it supposed to bounce?


                            • salymap
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5969

                              Originally posted by antongould View Post
                              Morning to you

                              I thought stot was just a Geordie word heard down the Quayside (or Keyside as a lad at work spelt it!) on a Saturday night but my free ipad dictionary has the answer

                              Verb stot (stotted stotting)

                              To bounce, rebound or ricochet.

                              Still stotting.......
                              Thanks Anton, just popped to the local shop before it gets too hot. Asian shopkeeper mopping his brow and not liking it either. I suppose other countries don't have the humidity of this country.

                              Sounds too hot to stot today. bestio


                              • antongould
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 8871

                                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                                Thanks Anton, just popped to the local shop before it gets too hot. Asian shopkeeper mopping his brow and not liking it either. I suppose other countries don't have the humidity of this country.

                                Sounds too hot to stot today. bestio
                                Did the shop have any stotty cakes?

                                Anna - this thick Geordie has never made the connection before - I shall research this..........................

