Stormy Weather

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  • marthe

    The sun's out now! Crazy weather. We've not been able to see the Perseids because of cloud cover and light pollution. I do remember Hale-Bopp from nearly 20 years ago. It was quite visible and prominent in the spring sky of that time. I remember marvelling at its beautifully formed tail. Halley's Comet, by contrast, was a disappointment. It was far too blurry and blobby to make anything of. My best memory of the Perseids goes back to our time in deepest Staffs. We were walking home from the pub down a dark country lane when the sky appeared alive with hundreds of shooting stars. Quite a memorable sight. Light pollution dims these celestial events.


    • Anna

      Originally posted by marthe View Post
      The sun's out now! Crazy weather. We've not been able to see the Perseids because of cloud cover and light pollution. I do remember Hale-Bopp from nearly 20 years ago. It was quite visible and prominent in the spring sky of that time. I remember marvelling at its beautifully formed tail. Halley's Comet, by contrast, was a disappointment. It was far too blurry and blobby to make anything of. My best memory of the Perseids goes back to our time in deepest Staffs. We were walking home from the pub down a dark country lane when the sky appeared alive with hundreds of shooting stars. Quite a memorable sight. Light pollution dims these celestial events.
      Best star gazing I have ever had was on a hill high above Criccieth, I swear the constellation Aries actually baa'ed! Hale Bopp was spectacular one night, seen reflected in the River. Halley - not sure when that was and Kahoutschek? Was not that considered a damp squid but inspired Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon and Kraftwerk? I love stargazing, bring on Brian Cox to primetime tv!!


      • Osborn

        Originally posted by Anna View Post
        Best star gazing I love stargazing, bring on Brian Cox to primetime tv!!
        Did you hear BC tell about Gia (his wife) and their v young son watching him on TV?
        She said "Who's that then?"
        The little boy replied "That's Professor Brian Cox!".
        Lovely story


        • Anna

          Not a post about meteors, Brian Cox or rain but .... have seen a report about the effect our odd weather this year is having on the birds in our gardens. Reading it I've realised that I haven't seen the usual robins in the garden this year and I usually have two of them, although there are still plenty of sparrows (a noisy bunch, forever bouncing around), blackbirds and thrushes. Have others noticed lack of certain birds (and, I think it's an ongoing thing but I haven't seen a starling for about 2 years) and I've seen very few swifts.
          Cold, wet weather has affected the chicks of species such as blackbirds, song thrushes and robins, RSPB survey shows


          • salymap
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5969

            I see plenty of starlings, sparrows, the occasional blackbird or robin and still far too many pigeons.
            No bluetits, greattits or other small birds,probably because ofthe rooks/crows and the seagulls that come, I imagine, over from the Thames Estuary, not far away.


            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
              Gone fishin'
              • Sep 2011
              • 30163

              Totally unforecast warm, sunny day all today.

              We had plenty of birds around the garden up til around three weeks or so ago. Recently very few visitors, and little birdsong noticable: even the rooks are silent.
              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38184

                Breezy in Oxford Street today. 400 yards was cordoned off due to a "suspect package", causing massive traffic and pedestrian congestion. "I bet this'll be in tonight's news", I told a woman, "Nah", she replied, "happens all the time here". She was right. The Marks and Sparks I was trying to get to was within the cordon; the other branch nearer the Tottenham Court Rd end didn't have the particular jacket I was after; and, god, they are a glum lot in Next. Where Charing Cross Road used to start at the north end, by Centrepoint, it's one huge boarded off building site. Took me ages to figure out from where to cycle down to Traf Square. So, a frustrating day, only alleviated by a pint of ice-cold lager sitting in the late sun outside the Crown and Hound in Dulwich village.

                It's expected to get hot tomorrow for the Pussy Power demo outside the Russian Embassy. I'll make sure it does.


                • mangerton
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3346

                  Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                  It's expected to get hot tomorrow for the Pussy Power demo outside the Russian Embassy. I'll make sure it does.
                  Can you really do that? I'm on leave now till 28th. Do your powers extend to Scotland?


                  • antongould
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 8871

                    Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                    Can you really do that? I'm on leave now till 28th. Do your powers extend to Scotland?
                    Of course his powers do - he is the Almighty........


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38184

                      Originally posted by antongould View Post
                      Of course his powers do - he is the Almighty........
                      I don't think so - I'm contemplating making a will...


                      • handsomefortune

                        a glum lot in Next

                        tis too!

                        hope all goes well at the russian embassy serial apologist - (take your english/russian dic with you just in case you need it)!

                        don't forget your mum's advice: remember not to point, cover your mouth when you cough and do try not to end up in a russian goulash, or whatever they're called.


                        • salymap
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5969

                          Originally posted by handsomefortune View Post
                          a glum lot in Next

                          tis too!

                          hope all goes well at the russian embassy serial apologist - (take your english/russian dic with you just in case you need it)!

                          don't forget your mum's advice: remember not to point, cover your mouth when you cough and do try not to end up in a russian goulash, or whatever they're called.

                          S-A Iwant to ask about the 'building site' near Centre Point when you get let outof'goulash; Sounds messy

                          Augener moved from Gt Marlborough St [Salle Erard building] to a little place next door to Centre Point in the CX road. We stood on our flat roof and saw the great tower of blocks going up, slotted into place.

                          Has it all gone then? I await your report S-A


                          • BBMmk2
                            Late Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 20908

                            Had a quick in and out(as far as NHS hospitals go!), with MrsBBM, have a carpel tunel domne on her right hand. First full day of post op! See how it goes, with me asd nurse(Haha!! :)) Well, I was one for a while!!

                            Hot and humid today.
                            Don’t cry for me
                            I go where music was born

                            J S Bach 1685-1750


                            • salymap
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5969

                              Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                              Had a quick in and out(as far as NHS hospitals go!), with MrsBBM, have a carpel tunel domne on her right hand. First full day of post op! See how it goes, with me asd nurse(Haha!! :)) Well, I was one for a while!!

                              Hot and humid today.
                              Well,good luck to her, and you of course


                              • BBMmk2
                                Late Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 20908

                                Thank you, salymap! It be fine! :)

                                Got one of my nephews getting married tomorrow!!
                                Don’t cry for me
                                I go where music was born

                                J S Bach 1685-1750

