Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro
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Stormy Weather
Originally posted by Anna View PostObviously not my grandma ........
Next door are firing up their barbie and I am going to prepare my semi-veggie salad type meal before I get tuned into the track events tonight. And, to those on this thead who mocked me for not liking rocket, I had a bit of a St. Paul conversion mo and I am now growing it and it's looking good!!
Edit: offline until tomorrow.- but lots of rocket grazing has never seemed to be a great problem, I must say
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostWhat a sultry day yesterday!! Myself and MrsBBM went out for a jolly withmy jamming partner and his respective toas medeival event at Bodium Castle.Great day!! Must've been late 20sC there!
also love the places in Suffolk/Norfolk where I used to spent holidays with relis, now sadly gone.
It's a bit muggy here today but quite a nice breeze.
No thunder down here in the south predicted for today? It's quite a humid 26C and there's a lot of activity going on up there at the moment, but we're waiting on that magical "trigger" to set the whole thing off, so I'm not yet counting my chickens....just hoping it doesn't spark off while I'm watching one of my favourite local jazz singers over at the Grape & Grain this afternoon.
It's just started to rain - which wasn't forecast. Cloud sneaked onto the Pennines yesterday and had covered the sky by late afternoon. Just in time to block out any hope of seeing the Perseid meteor shower: again!It did exactly the same thing last year!!
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by salymap View PostVery humid in the sarf-east. A short shower would clear the air, as long as we had some more sun afterwards.
So yes, saly - not a "short shower" today exactly, but a spell of light to moderate rain between lunch and supper time, followed by some late, low sunshine. I'm "banking" on a vivid sunset.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostIs it now back to square one of the 2012 "summer"? Well, not quite. The whole conveyor belt has moved south again, but the main activity is at least now to the west of the UK, trapped out in the mid-Atlantic, rather than going on right over our unlucky heads; meaning that although, yes, we will be getting the associated rain belts throughout this week, they'll be sweeping in from the south west, with warmish southerly winds ahead of them. Wednesday looks to be a bit of a shocker at the moment, so best to replan any outdoor activities intended that day. Thursday pretty windy, especially in Wales and the south west. (Sorry, Anna!)
So yes, saly - not a "short shower" today exactly, but a spell of light to moderate rain between lunch and supper time, followed by some late, low sunshine. I'm "banking" on a vivid sunset.