Stormy Weather

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  • antongould
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 8871

    After what seems like months of worrying that the terrible stuff would stop far flung daughter getting home - she is here and happy and you can appreciate a beautiful clear, crisp White Christmas - something that a couple of years ago I thought we'd never see again!


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      Hi Sigolene. I enjoyed the Mozetich but there is a lot going on there. I shalltry to listen again to it.

      Strangest pressie so far, a friend knew Susanna Walton and Ihave been sent a tea towel he received from her a year or two ago. A recipe for Il limoncello from Ischia with full details and lemony pics. A while ago I received some pepper chocolate that she had sent him. If she ate that no wonder she was such a fiery lady.


      • sigolene euphemia

        Originally posted by salymap View Post
        A recipe for Il limoncello from Ischia with full details and lemony pics.

        I adore lemons. I had two lemon trees in California and was astonished at their thorns. Under the cutlery are clips of many of my favorite recipes with lemon. I especially enjoy oven roasted potatoes with lemon zest. I love citrus fragrances, bergamont, lemon, grapefruit.

        Off to make a coffee while the sun is peaking out,


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          A wonderful morning, phone calls,emails, pressies,callers and I have just slept for 2 hours on my bed and woke up thinking it morning. I do that a lot now!

          Must get a snack,cup of tea, want to hear Lizzie's recommendation, Carols from Winchester, 6pm,BBC2.

          Hope you are all having an enjoyable day


          • Mahlerei


            Glad you've had a good day. My Christmas dinner still awaits :)


            • Chris Newman
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 2100

              Best wishes, everyone. Piglet is letting dinner go down to make room for seconds at supper.


              • amateur51

                Glad you're having a good day, salymap - that snooze sounds excellent! Shall we see if The 2 Hour Snooze can be woven into the fabric of London Olympics 2012? We'd face some stiff competition I'd say, but praps you & I could become the Redgrave & Pinsent of British Snoozing?!

                Season's Greetings to all!


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38184

                  Hi Saly, Anton, Mahlerei, Sigolene and Eudaimonia!

                  A very merry Xmas to y'all, before 'tis too late! My, how fast does the Christmas day go. Lovely programme on Satie on R3 earlier on - recommend checking out the IPlayer if you missed.




                  • marthe

                    Merry christmas to all, and to all a good night. Dinner eaten, washing up done, sherry has been sipped by the fire and now off to bed. Stormy weather is on it's way, quite literally, with blizzard warnings in effect from noon tomorrow in southern New England. 15-20 inches of heavy, wet snow are predicted. Snow shovels are at the ready and must hunt for my snow boots tomorrow am. We're supposed to be having a Boxing Day party but it may well turn into a blizzard party if any one shows up. Family from NY will not be driving up here tomorrow in this.



                    • salymap
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 5969

                      Good morning Marthe and good luck with the weather problems. Having always had relatives in the US as my mother's sister married a Canadian after WWI and lived first in Philadelphia and later in Linwood [?] NJ,we always said that your weather came to us a week or two later. I hope it's not true in this case.
                      I enjoyed your comments on Santa Claus/Father Christmas. Lucky you. We just hung up stockings on Christmas Eve but there were always bigger presents that wouldn't fit, luckily. A different branch of the family now live in Greenwich, Conn. so I must have a lot of unknown cousins in the US. Happy New Year to all of you.


                      • Eudaimonia

                        Morning, all! Well, it looks like we're finally in for a blizzard...although it's not as bad as it could be!

                        New England got unexpectedly clobbered in March 1888 when 40 inches of snow fell in a day and a half. Businesses were closed and streetcars abandoned as screaming winds whipped the drifts into house-devouring hills as deep as 50 feet. Thirty trains were paralyzed near New York City, their passengers taken in by nearby residents, and the city’s fire engines lay mired in the streets, unable to respond to calls. “Despatches between Boston and New York were sent by way of London” due to downed lines, reported the Albany Cultivator & Country Gentlemen, and “for two hours on Tuesday people crossed the East river on an ice floe brought up by the tide.”
                        The forecast had been “clearing and colder, preceded by light snow.”


                        • marthe

                          So far we're having "little snow" as in the saying, "big snow little snow; little snow big snow." This is supposed to mean that large flakes flying fast and furiously means little accumulation. Small flakes drifting down slowly means that it's just the beginning and fast, furious flakes will follow as the storm intensifies.

                          Salymap, thanks for your good wishes. Sounds as if you have many connections over here. Have you ever been to visit? You may be right about weather crossing the Atlantic. Sometimes we watch Countryfiles and laugh when they show the weather report because we can see those low pressure systems that have dumped snow or rain over us, just hovering off the coast of Canada waiting to cross the pond. I hope you don't get this storm. I'm sure you've had enough already.

                          Euda, great picture of NYC in 1888 after an epic snow storm. Reminds me of pics my mother sent me of Boston after the infamous blizzard of 1978 when New England was covered by 3 feet of snow and life as usual stopped dead in its tracks for a while. I missed out on all the fun because I was living in the wilds of Staffordshire at the time.


                          • salymap
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5969

                            Thanks marthe. During the war my mother was going to send me over to her sister in the US but due to the ship that was sunk by the Nazis, full of evacuee children, I didn't go. Later there was talk but for various reasons I'm afraid I didn't get there. We had lovely parcels of clothes during the war though and I was the proud possessor of a green suede zip-up top that was the envy of my class of 10 year olds.

                            Avery happy New Year and I hope the weather improves for both of us. I'm forbidden to go out by my family at the moment. Regards saly


                            • marthe

                              Thanks for your good wishes, Saly. Sounds as if you were better off staying put during the war. My grandmother, who was over here for the war was frantic about her family in Europe. She went over in 1946, on a flight that took 48 hrs, and was shocked to see how thin everyone was. Later my older cousins would talk about how hungry they had been during the war. As post-war children growing up during the boom time of the 50s, we were shocked at the notion that anyone in the family should ever have been that hungry. It was an eye-opener for us. The green suede top sounds wonderful.

                              Back on topic, we're in the midst of a winter wonderland of wet, heavy snow. About 6 inches on the ground now with more to come tonight. Our Boxing Day party has been postponed to another evening as most of our friends, and our daughter don't want to be out on the road tonight (nor would we want them to be). Even walking is getting treacherous and will only get worse as the wind picks up. Meanwhile we have plenty to eat and drink, logs on the fire, cats curled up on various beds. It's quite cozy really.

                              I hope conditions improve for you, that you are warm and well, and that you have all that you need. Good New Year's wishes to you too!



                              • BBMmk2
                                Late Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 20908

                                Ah, we gave our parent! We would go out instead!!

                                BBC's Countryfile weather forecast for the week said more snow on the way!!
                                Don’t cry for me
                                I go where music was born

                                J S Bach 1685-1750

