Mangerton. There are plenty of flags around as well as red, white, and blue bunting! We're all enjoying a mid-week break from the routine. My husband will probably put out his England flag just to stir things up a bit. When I was young, my grandparents proudly flew the Stars and Stripes side by side with the Belgian tricolor on the 4th of July. Now that it's legal to buy fireworks in Rhode Island, we have flashes and bangs going off all over the neighborhood! The official fireworks display will be tomorrow evening after 9 PM. When is Scottish Independence Day?
Stormy Weather
Well, here's hoping Mangerton! Perhaps it will be in the summer, as are many other independence days or national days...France, Belgium, Switzerland to name three that I have observed in their respective countries. Here in Newport, a French cultural organization called the Alliance Francaise will have a wreath-laying ceremony at the statue of the comte de Rochambeau on 14 July to mark Bastille Day. Gen. Rochambeau was the overall commander of the French forces, allies of the Continental Army, who spent a year in Newport 1780-1781.
Originally posted by marthe View PostWell, here's hoping Mangerton! Perhaps it will be in the summer, as are many other independence days or national days...France, Belgium, Switzerland to name three that I have observed in their respective countries. Here in Newport, a French cultural organization called the Alliance Francaise will have a wreath-laying ceremony at the statue of the comte de Rochambeau on 14 July to mark Bastille Day. Gen. Rochambeau was the overall commander of the French forces, allies of the Continental Army, who spent a year in Newport 1780-1781.
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostWe have a currant bun in sky(now what's it called.................?)When I got up at 7am this morning I was so dismayed to see the rain, yet again, beating on the windowpane. And, worse is to come.
Last edited by Guest; 04-07-12, 17:05.
Originally posted by Anna View PostProbably finally regaining Calais from the English?
Happy 4th of July marthe and enjoy your boiled clams!
BBM, I did hear that piece by Ives yesterday! The local classical station was playing music by American composers, or performances by American orchestras. We had oldies but goodies but some surprises as well. I had never heard RVW's "Cowboy" music before. There were, of course, many renditions of Independence Day musical favorites as performed by the Boston Pops. When I lived in Boston, years ago, I had the good fortune to live near the Hatch Memorial Shell on the Charles River where the Pops did summer concerts. The 4th of July concert was always accompanied by fireworks over the Charles. The 1812 Overture always ended with real fireworks! Well back to work now. I've got to finish my coffee, gather my work stuff, and trot down the road. Weatherwise, it's a perfect high summer day. Sunny , 70s, low humidity. The linden/lime trees are in flower and their delicious scent is everywhere.
Originally posted by marthe View PostBBM, I did hear that piece by Ives yesterday! The local classical station was playing music by American composers, or performances by American orchestras. We had oldies but goodies but some surprises as well. I had never heard RVW's "Cowboy" music before. There were, of course, many renditions of Independence Day musical favorites as performed by the Boston Pops. When I lived in Boston, years ago, I had the good fortune to live near the Hatch Memorial Shell on the Charles River where the Pops did summer concerts. The 4th of July concert was always accompanied by fireworks over the Charles. The 1812 Overture always ended with real fireworks! Well back to work now. I've got to finish my coffee, gather my work stuff, and trot down the road. Weatherwise, it's a perfect high summer day. Sunny , 70s, low humidity. The linden/lime trees are in flower and their delicious scent is everywhere.
Marthe a belated happy 4th July to you and all my American relations. I've rather lost touch with the MBs recently as health is very bad and, icing on the cake, my fridge/freezer has now been off for TEN days and new appliance won't be installed until Friday 13th.
Ready meals are revolting so subsist on filled sandwiches, etc and CuppaSoup. Still people in the floods have had worse things to put up with.
Today has an awful weather forecast and it has been raining here all night.Allthe best to the Midlands etc.
Thank you Marthe! What a treat to hear the Pops 'live' and 1812! I have played the 1812 with the BournemouthSO, when thyey plaued down in Brighton. We did'nt have fireworks but had cannon! Gawd!! :) Great fun and members of the audience comin g up to us sayting thank you for a marvelous experience! (I was in the brass band!!) We alaso entertained the audience as they were arriving to take their seats to much accxlaim(I hasten to add!).:)
Overcast today!! Maybe some of that round yellow thing!!........Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750