Stormy Weather

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  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    Rather cold today. With a light frost early morning, sleeting later and overcast from the afternoon onwards!!
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38185

      Originally posted by mercia
      hope we don't get continental Europe's weather - minus 29 degrees in the Balkans I think I heard
      Well we already are getting it. But "fortunately" the airstream gets warmed up crossing the North Sea, thus accounting for much higher temperatures here than on the Continent. Still, my heart went out to the little Romanian woman with the freezing hands selling The Beeg Eeshoo outside Saint Spree's this morn.

      As predicted, it looks as though the weather will be back to normal wet-and-windy by Sunday!


      • Anna

        Indeed, the Met Office say Milder conditions are likely to arrive from the northwest during Saturday and Sunday (with a snow risk expected during the transition), but with temperatures likely to rise above threshold values in all regions thereafter To be fair, compared to last Winter when we were constantly around -8 and a low of -13.7 this one has been positively balmy!! We shouldn't complain. We got to 4 degrees yesterday afternoon, today it's only climbed to 2.4 so it's a warming veggie curry and spicy dhal this evening!


        • marthe

          Mild temps seem to be entrenched here...mind you, I'm not complaining! Tomorrow is Groundhog Day (and Candlemas) so we'll have to see what Punxsetawny Phil (the Pennsylvanian Groundhog) has to say about the longevity of winter. Today it was mild and sunny again after brief showers in the morning.


          • aka Calum Da Jazbo
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 9173

            a dusting of snow in the middle kingdom this morning ..... clearing skies but a bleak light .... yep only mildly freezing .....
            According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


            • BBMmk2
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 20908

              Mercia, whereaaboiuts in Sussex do you live? Because its quite sunny down my way!! But freeeeeeeezing cold!!!
              Don’t cry for me
              I go where music was born

              J S Bach 1685-1750


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38185

                Absolutely beautiful day here in London - with the atmosphere clear as a bell, features on Highgate Hill likewise through binoculars, 12 miles to my north, and just a few fair weather cumulus to the south, if only this were June or July!!! Deceptive, of course, given that the shade temperature is still a degree below freezing and there appears to be quite a breeze.

                The official forecasters are still hedging bets on whether the milder air will break through to this side of the country on Saturday, or then be pushed back westwards; and so am I, for the time being. ?


                • BBMmk2
                  Late Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20908

                  We certainly don't want any of that 'white stuff'!! :)
                  Don’t cry for me
                  I go where music was born

                  J S Bach 1685-1750


                  • pmartel
                    Full Member
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 106

                    Here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, one word describes the winter so far. BIZZARE!!

                    This has to be the first year in ages, we've had NO major snow of any accumulation and when it does snow, it doen't last.

                    Now that said, north of the city has been normal in many ways.

                    Yesterday topped out at 9 degrees C here, I went to work with a t-shirt on.

                    I am developing a theory that because of all the construction of hi-rise condos, a micro climate is developing. Everywhere you turn another 50 storey building is going up

                    A few years back in 2004, I remember waiting for a bus for HALF AN HR at -37 degree windchill.

                    Last year around this time I went down to my partner's in Ohio and came back from Cleveland to Erie PA with a miserable freezing rainstorm. That was a fun bus trip..

                    It IS Groundhog day here and the Canadian rodent DIDN'T see his shadow, so an early spring. That said, Environment Canada was stating a warm February anyway, thanks to El Ninio


                    • Anna

                      Originally posted by marthe View Post
                      Tomorrow is Groundhog Day (and Candlemas) so we'll have to see what Punxsetawny Phil (the Pennsylvanian Groundhog) has to say about the longevity of winter
                      The Washington Post says Punxsetawny Phil predicts another 6 weeks of Winter for you marthe! (Of course it's all just a bit of silliness, do any of the predictions come true?)
                      When I left the house first thing this morning it was a rather chilly -3.4 BUT, being bright, clear, and no wind, it was rather nice to be bathed in the, warmish, sunshine as I waited for the bus However, it has only climbed to 1 degree and we are still promised light snow for Saturday ....
                      edit: crossed with pmartel about groundhogs!


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38185

                        Originally posted by Anna View Post
                        The Washington Post says Punxsetawny Phil predicts another 6 weeks of Winter for you marthe! (Of course it's all just a bit of silliness, do any of the predictions come true?)
                        When I left the house first thing this morning it was a rather chilly -3.4 BUT, being bright, clear, and no wind, it was rather nice to be bathed in the, warmish, sunshine as I waited for the bus However, it has only climbed to 1 degree and we are still promised light snow for Saturday ....
                        edit: crossed with pmartel about groundhogs!
                        Hasn't even reached Zero today in this neck o'the woods - already -2 C, and that wind, brrrrrrrr!

                        It seems Siberia has bagged most of the real cold in the northern hemisphere this winter.


                        • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 9173

                          It seems Siberia has bagged most of the real cold in the northern hemisphere this winter.
                          ... and they are most welcome to it, we have quite enough to be getting on with ....
                          According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                          • Anna

                            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                            Hasn't even reached Zero today in this neck o'the woods - already -2 C, and that wind, brrrrrrrr!
                            But, look, S_A, it's Winter! This is normal, it gets a bit chilly this time of the year Jump around a bit and put on another jumper, or a thermal vest ........


                            • Nick Armstrong
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 26628

                              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                              Hasn't even reached Zero today in this neck o'the woods - already -2 C, and that wind, brrrrrrrr!

                              It seems Siberia has bagged most of the real cold in the northern hemisphere this winter.
                              Been cycling in it, S_A? Makes the eyes water heading east in the mornings, for me... but nice to get a push in the back going home of an evening. At least it's dry!!! And it's SO nice to get home and into the warm!
                              "...the isle is full of noises,
                              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                              • Anna

                                Originally posted by Caliban View Post
                                Been cycling in it, S_A? Makes the eyes water heading east in the mornings, for me... but nice to get a push in the back going home of an evening. At least it's dry!!! And it's SO nice to get home and into the warm!

