According to Met Office, this January has been warmest since 1659 (how accurate thermometers were in those days I do not know) but am I the only one who has throught this Winter, in it's mildness has, in fact been really boring? We have loads of magnolia trees here, I think they like the soil, but today I noticed the early ones (the pink ones) have really fat buds emerging and even the purple, later flowering, are well forward. As someone said, we'll pay for this later! I missed the Delius programme, on too late, it will have to be iplayer. Another Ken Russell coming up I see.
Stormy Weather
A mixed bag today. At the moment, it sunny.
Last night at the school, where I work at, at orchestra, the Assistant Director of Music asked me if I could take the brass section for a sectional! Iwas rather flabbergasted! It went very well though. Especially as I am not familiar with the piece, which was Richard Strauss's 1st Horn Concerto, last movement!Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
OMG ......... It's snowing! How can this be? It's been tipping down with rain and now big white feathery flakes are falling ....... I thought something had gone wrong with my eyes!Luckily it won't stick as everything is sopping wet
Edit: very surprised, at waking this morning I see the snow has stuck on the hills. Met Office now forecasting cold snap for the next 4 weeksLast edited by Guest; 27-01-12, 08:29.
good day one and all, cheerful blue skies this morning in the middle kingdom ..... but the Torygraph warns of a battle between Siberian East Cold and Atlantic West Wet likely to result in a win for for East weather ... freezing cold and snow through February ... what do you think S_A?According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Postgood day one and all, cheerful blue skies this morning in the middle kingdom ..... but the Torygraph warns of a battle between Siberian East Cold and Atlantic West Wet likely to result in a win for for East weather ... freezing cold and snow through February ... what do you think S_A?
Rainy all day. It's supposed to clear and be sunny tomorrow. All trace of last weekend's snow is now gone. It's very much a soup day!
This weekend is the annual RSPB bird watch. I've done it for the past three years, others may also like to take part. You just need to observe birds in your garden for one hour and then submit results on line. The link is here (no need to download and print the recording sheet, you just need a piece of paper)