There won't be many stars visible if it stays like this. Absolutely down here and coming under front door too.
Stormy Weather
What!? Literally!!?
Don't live near a river do you?
May I suggest sandbags, rallying the neighbours etc.?
Pleased to see a male Brambling on the seed today, first of the new year. No Blackcaps yet this winter though..Originally posted by salymap View PostThere won't be many stars visible if it stays like this. Absolutely down here and coming under front door too.
We've had little dusting of snow (on top of ice) just to remind us that it really is January. My next job is to get the front steps de-iced so that the mail lady can put the post in our box with out slipping and falling. More snow is predicted for tonight/tomorrow but that is "predictable" for this time of year!
Originally posted by marthe View PostWe've had little dusting of snow (on top of ice) just to remind us that it really is January. My next job is to get the front steps de-iced so that the mail lady can put the post in our box with out slipping and falling. More snow is predicted for tonight/tomorrow but that is "predictable" for this time of year!
Originally posted by salymap View Post.
S-A there is a 7 day weather update on Country File on Sunday evening, I expect you know?)
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostAnd then for you it gets milder again, marthe - which though predictable in not so "expected" mid-January, I think. Here we're back to the damp, breezy and drizzly westerly type, with snow a possibility for next week, said the weather man. The Met Office clearly knows something I don't!
And it seems also in Shakespeare's Loves Labours Lost Biron is like an envious sneaping frost,
That bites the first-born infants of the spring. Lovely word, never heard it before.
"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"! We now have about 3-4" of white fluffy stuff on the ground with more coming down. Time to put the new snow shovel to work!