Stormy Weather

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  • Nick Armstrong
    • Nov 2010
    • 26628

    Originally posted by Anna View Post
    What do you wear for cycling in bad weather (Caliban and S-A and the other cyclists here) Do you don Lycra or have a sort of zip-up waterproof boiler suit over your Jermyn Street suits? (Or, I believe they are also called siren suits?) <giggle>
    I wear normal clothes, not a suit though (I can change at the office). If it's raining in the morning, I don't take the bike as I hate arriving at the office soaked. I don't mind getting a thorough soaking on the way home though - quite fun once you're resigned to it. The coat and shoes will dry overnight and everything else goes in the washing machine

    I can put my hand on my heart and say I have never worn an item of lycra!!
    "...the isle is full of noises,
    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38184

      Originally posted by Anna View Post
      What do you wear for cycling in bad weather (Caliban and S-A and the other cyclists here) Do you don Lycra or have a sort of zip-up waterproof boiler suit over your Jermyn Street suits? (Or, I believe they are also called siren suits?) <giggle>
      Like caliban, just ordinary clobber, not the cloned Zorg-look plus machine-like body movements of the grouped cyclopacks who sideways glance superciliously through their impenetrable wrap-around shades down their noses at me huffing and bodily twisting my relative bulk up the local 1 in 10s, as they (both sexes ) steam effortlessly past me in twentieth gear. And the less the better. No helmet - tried one once: they're hot, uncomfortable, look stupid, limit vision, somehow alter the open air acoustic to make direction of sounds ambiguous, and I've never landed on me nut in the 4-5 serious falls I've experienced in 36 years of cycling - only once on my face, for which said head protection would not have prevented my nose being smashed. If it's raining I just let my head get wet. With a No 1 cut it can quickly be dried off with towel. As for those tight nylon shorts... ... I did ask ex-next door if she ever worried about hubby's wearing of these, regarding reputed effects on, er, fertility, and she said, "I'm sure you're right. I had wanted two but **** said one was enough, so we stopped with Ben, and now we're both retired we don't give it any thought" In winter I have a nice puffa-type coat in white, which shows up sufficiently I think to dispense with the yellow fluorescent flimsy otherwise donned after dark. Thick double-layered woollen gloves - from Canada, but still insufficient protection below about minus 5 C.


      • Mr Pee
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3285

        Originally posted by Caliban View Post

        I can put my hand on my heart and say I have never worn an item of lycra!!
        Are you sure? I thought this was you arriving at work :-

        Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

        Mark Twain.


        • Anna

          Oh, thank goodness for that. Around here we have so many cyclists in the full lycra, futuristic air wrapping back to front helmets, shaved legs, and wrap-round shades they look, as they freewheel down the hill, like a horde of invading Alien ants! How nice to think of you cycling, through the mists of the Cloisters or the parks, gently whistling a bit of Elgar, whilst on your trust Raleighs!


          • Nick Armstrong
            • Nov 2010
            • 26628

            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
            Like caliban, just ordinary clobber, not the cloned Zorg-look plus machine-like body movements of the grouped cyclopacks who sideways glance superciliously through their impenetrable wrap-around shades down their noses at me huffing and bodily twisting my relative bulk up the local 1 in 10s, as they (both sexes ) steam effortlessly past me in twentieth gear.
            that's a hell of a sentence! left me as breathless as riding up your 1 in 10!

            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
            And the less the better.

            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
            No helmet - tried one once: they're hot, uncomfortable, look stupid, limit vision, somehow alter the open air acoustic to make direction of sounds ambiguous, and I've never landed on me nut in the 4-5 serious falls I've experienced in 36 years of cycling - only once on my face, for which said head protection would not have prevented my nose being smashed.
            I do wear a helmet... The only time I have had a fall *TOUCH WOOD* the bike came back at me and hit me on the head... the helmet took the pain.

            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
            "I'm sure you're right. I had wanted two but **** said one was enough, so we stopped with Ben, and now we're both retired we don't give it any thought"
            "...the isle is full of noises,
            Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
            Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
            Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


            • Nick Armstrong
              • Nov 2010
              • 26628

              Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
              Are you sure? I thought this was you arriving at work :-

              Looks like panjandrum*

              * well, his avatar...
              "...the isle is full of noises,
              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


              • Mr Pee
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3285

                Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                No helmet - tried one once: they're hot, uncomfortable, look stupid, limit vision, somehow alter the open air acoustic to make direction of sounds ambiguous, and I've never landed on me nut in the 4-5 serious falls I've experienced in 36 years of cycling.
                I know helmets are a bone of contention among cyclists, but I wear one and I was very glad of it last winter when I came off my bike on a patch of ice. My head flipped backwards and clobbered the tarmac with some force- luckily the helmet took the impact. Without it, I think I would have had a very bad headache at the very least.

                And it has also protected my head from one or two low branches on one of the cycle paths I use.

                Love the first sentence of your post though!! I do think the Tour De France wannabees look down on anybody not dressed in Lycra and with less than 30 gears as somehow not being a "proper" cyclist. But I bet they won't be out tonight in the pouring rain and howling gale that I'm about to cycle through on my way to work......
                Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                Mark Twain.


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38184

                  There was an old WW2 helmet in good nick in the attic at my parents' house. Wish I'd kept it now...


                  • BBMmk2
                    Late Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20908

                    Wonder if my dad has his WW2 unfirom somewhere? :)

                    Wild wet and wimndy today! Goodness!!
                    Don’t cry for me
                    I go where music was born

                    J S Bach 1685-1750


                    • Mahlerei

                      Dark 'n' stormy night, so here are pictures of Sky to cheer y'all up.

                      Last edited by Guest; 29-11-11, 20:50.


                      • marthe

                        Lovely pics Mahlerei. In the top one, Sky looks as if she's enjoying a good joke. I hope you all (cyclists and non-cyclists alike) weather the dark and stormy night. A "Dark and Stormy" or two might help!


                        • Mahlerei

                          Hi marthe

                          Yes, she has a mischievous streak a mile wide.


                          • marthe

                            And butter wouldn't melt in her mouth! (As my mother liked to say of us when we were angel-faced but contemplating mischief.)


                            • Anna

                              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                              Aha: the back of the front!
                              And it cleared amazingly quickly to leave a quite fine evening. Early hours were boisterous with squally rain but Dawn's rosy fingers revealed a perfectly blue sky with fluffy clouds and a Southerly wind is now a gentle 8mph

                              Nice pix of Sky mahlerei, beautiful eyes, but you let animals on the furniture?


                              • Nick Armstrong
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 26628

                                Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                                You might well get the tail-end of the line squall I'm afraid, Caliban. Depends on just how fast the front moves through. Hope you have your gloves to hand (no pun intended!) as a temperature drop is anticipated. That BBC site I gave Anna - just type your post code in the top right hand corner box. The chart gives the nearest latest readings and hourly predictions: click on the > at the bottom right hand end.

                                Should be OK for me as my local gig doesn't commence until 8.30 - just have to watch out for wet leaves on the road.
                                The BBC site was astonishingly accurate last night, S_A. I popped out just before 5 and although the pavements were moist, there was still no rain. Then when I left around 6.15pm, there were big puddles everywhere, but the rain had already passed through - exactly the time frame indicated on the weather map hour-by-hour. Indeed, the wind was drying the pavements, the roads were practically dry by the time I reached home.

                                I imagine you cycled to your evening event by starlight, didn't you? It was very clear in the centre...

                                PS I have never seen a dog with more fascinating eyes, mahlerei! What a looker!
                                "...the isle is full of noises,
                                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."

