Stormy Weather

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    Originally posted by Anna View Post
    When I said I admire "the cyclists here" I meant here on the MB, those who cycle in London, which I certainly wouldn't have the courage to do and of course I don't have experience of how they may behave to other road users or pedestrians. Where I am of course cycling any distance is the province of the super fit, due to lack of flat surfaces upon which to pedal!!
    It's not that bad cycling here in London, Anna; and I speak as a 65-year old. For one thing, there are a lot of bus/cycle lanes here, and if you cycle at the speed many of the lycra louts do here, or even at my speed, ahem, you can usually keep ahead. These lanes were opened for motor cyclists also to use a couple of years ago; I was very scared that this might mean additional danger, but as a regular cyclist, this has not proved the case, for me at any rate. Several cases of cyclists being killed on left turns by large-sided vehicles converging on the space, but one uses common sense: dismounting could add a few extra seconds to one's life!!! Generally I have found public transport, including surprisingly taxi drivers, as well as private road users, far more accommodating to cyclists in London, especially central London, than was the case for the many years I cycled in Bristol. Croydon is the exception in that regard - and for future purposes, moreover, road planners will need to take greater cogniseance of cyclists, indeed pdestrians, when providing tram lanes.

    However I do agree with other posters that the behaviour of many cyclists does little for our reputation as a species! All-black hooded attire at nights, anybody?? Some would appear to have a death wish!


    • Nick Armstrong
      • Nov 2010
      • 26628

      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
      It's not that bad cycling here in London, Anna; and I speak as a 65-year old. For one thing, there are a lot of bus/cycle lanes here, and if you cycle at the speed many of the lycra louts do here, or even at my speed, ahem, you can usually keep ahead. These lanes were opened for motor cyclists also to use a couple of years ago; I was very scared that this might mean additional danger, but as a regular cyclist, this has not proved the case, for me at any rate. Several cases of cyclists being killed on left turns by large-sided vehicles converging on the space, but one uses common sense: dismounting could add a few extra seconds to one's life!!! Generally I have found public transport, including surprisingly taxi drivers, as well as private road users, far more accommodating to cyclists in London, especially central London, than wass the case. Croydon is the exception in that regard - and for future purposes, moreover, road planners will need to take greater cogniseance of cyclists, indeed pdestrians, when providing tram lanes.

      However I do agree with other posters that the behaviour of many cyclists does little for our reputation as a species! All-black hooded attire at nights, anybody?? Some would appear to have a death wish!
      I endorse all that S_A, save that I find taxi drivers' tendency to swing across lanes with no indication alarming. I have to exit Admiralty Arch into Trafalgar Square, and later circumnavigate the Aldwych to carry on down Fleet Street - at both, black cabs swing across two or three lanes with no indication at all. If you hear any bellowed Anglo-Saxon in those vicinities, it's probably me....

      Save for that I often find that the biggest threat comes from selfish speed-merchant cyclists who hurtle by or across one's bows with no room for error, en route as you say for the nearest red light to cross

      I will admit to starting off across a familiar junction or two while the lights are still red, if the pedestrian lights are also red, and there's no one crossing, and I know that my lights are going to to green next. It's sometimes very much safer to be first across the junction, to get to the other side before any motorised vehicles.
      "...the isle is full of noises,
      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38184

        Originally posted by Caliban View Post
        I endorse all that S_A, save that I find taxi drivers' tendency to swing across lanes with no indication alarming. I have to exit Admiralty Arch into Trafalgar Square, and later circumnavigate the Aldwych to carry on down Fleet Street - at both, black cabs swing across two or three lanes with no indication at all. If you hear any bellowed Anglo-Saxon in those vicinities, it's probably me....
        Best in my experience to walk the bike around/across Trafalgar Square, given the amount of time otherwise spent at the red traffic lights placed every 10 metres there... and even taking account of the tourist throngs, now a year-round phenomenon. (But where would "the country" be without them??? ). Same goes for Parliament Square. But you are a braver man than I - I would never attempt the Aldwich crescent. The Victoria Station - Hyde Park Corner stretch can be fun though, from whichever direction(s)... I do admit that the temptation to jump red lights is strong, especially since one knows one is saving time, and the other road users aren't! Often I do walk the bike across junctions where I'm familiar with the timings. Once I hit one of the bridges to bring me back home, I always breathe a sigh of relief - plain sailing from there on.


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Sad to see the bright leaves swirling in the road as the rain pours down. The colours were good this year for a while.

          Safe cycling lads


          • greenilex
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1626

            In the Parks we've had an amazing show, but you're right. saly - just about over now.

            Very blowy here, and still warmer than we have any right to expect.


            • marthe

              Many leaves are down here but the oaks are hanging on to their (still green) foliage. We don't usually get brilliant colors here except for the foliage of pesky shrubs like Burning Bush (euonymus alata). Mild and windy here. I'm about to go out and do some tidying. When the wind dies down, leaf raking is on the agenda.


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26628

                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                Sad to see the bright leaves swirling in the road as the rain pours down. The colours were good this year for a while.

                Safe cycling lads
                Bless you saly!! The show of colours in Hyde Park (especially the tunnel of trees down to Hyde Park Corner from the Marble Arch corner) has been wonderful the last few days, I've managed to miss showers and do it with sunshine making everything glow.... I was particularly glad to have a soundtrack of Clifford Curzon in the Trout Quintet this morning through there, and then on through more leafy corridors down Constitution Hill to the Mall
                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • Anna

                  Still very slow here for leaves to change colour and give a show, the best are the Acers/Maples, brilliant reds and oranges. Last night, again to bed and listening to the rain beating down, the only plus point is that temperatures (as greenilex says) are unnaturally high so the energy companies can go whistle for increased profits (so far)


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Originally posted by Caliban View Post
                    Bless you saly!! The show of colours in Hyde Park (especially the tunnel of trees down to Hyde Park Corner from the Marble Arch corner) has been wonderful the last few days, I've managed to miss showers and do it with sunshine making everything glow.... I was particularly glad to have a soundtrack of Clifford Curzon in the Trout Quintet this morning through there, and then on through more leafy corridors down Constitution Hill to the Mall
                    Yes Caliban, I caught the Trout,[sorry}, I just wish one didn't have to wade through garbage to find the good items.


                    • BBMmk2
                      Late Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20908

                      What awful weather, amtched by a streessful work day to(hand in hand?)
                      Don’t cry for me
                      I go where music was born

                      J S Bach 1685-1750


                      • Mahlerei

                        Monsoon weather at around 4pm, with thunder and lightning. Leaves have blocked the drains, so lots of standing water.


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38184

                          Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
                          Monsoon weather at around 4pm, with thunder and lightning. Leaves have blocked the drains, so lots of standing water.
                          Thunderstorm here between 4 and 5 pm; steady heavyish rain, but nothing spectacular. Still remarkably warm - thank goodness, seeing our windowframes have only just been gloss-painted, and so have to remain open.


                          • marthe

                            Looks as if our weekend storm has made its way across the Atlantic! The Countryfile forecast predicted as much. I'm glad that it's warm enough for rain rather than snow, though fallen leaves, blocked drains, and monsoons are not a good thing. Thunder and lightening too! Sounds apocalyptic!

                            I've just finished a garden inventory so that I know who's who and what's where before I cut the perennials down. This saves much annoyance in the spring when I'm scratching my head and wondering what happened to the Adiantum viridimontanum planted the previous season. Garden labels don't always stay put through the winter.

                            I hope all you cyclists are weathering the storm and arriving at your destinations safely! We see more and more cyclists here. I'm all in favor except when they ride four abreast on narrow roads or ride on the sidewalk/pavement. The many Guatemalan immigrant men in town ride bicycles to get to their jobs in restaurant kitchens, with landscapers etc. The women go on foot or ride the bus.


                            • Chris Newman
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 2100

                              Originally posted by salymap View Post
                              I caught the Trout,[sorry}, I just wish one didn't have to wade through garbage to find the good items.
                              It sounds like you have been fishing in a monsoon drain, salymap


                              • greenilex
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 1626

                                Early this morning the thunderstorm arrived hereabouts, though I don't think it was ever overhead. Some heavy rain since then, which we needed.

                                I quite enjoyed sitting up munching an apple at 4.15am with the electricals lighting up the welkin...

