Stormy Weather

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  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    I see that the good old UK is getting another huirricane force winds. The tail of of Hurricane Ophelia ia about to descend on our country! 65-70mpoh gusts to!! I hope everyone will be safe in the next cou;ple of days or so! i hope the broadband wont stop working!
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750


    • marthe

      bbm, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Ophelia's tail winds wil not be not as fierce as expected and that all will be safe from this big blow. We've sun and cloud today with coolish temps. Last night rain was bucketing down. I've got to sign out now so that I can cut the grass while it's dry. I haven't yet seen Orion in the night sky, but expect the heavenly hunter will be up soon...a real sign of the cold weather to come.


      • salymap
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 5969

        Written by a friend of mine, a partsong for children.

        When the sky is dark and velvet, on a frosty winter night, and the silent stars are twinkling there, so clear and cold and bright
        I look out for bold Orion with his belt stars in a row, for of all the constellations he's the only one I
        With a friendly nod I greet him, when I'm out late at night, and he looks down and smiles at me and winks with all his might.
        I hope his friends don't notice, they might spoil the friendship so, between me and bluff Orion, the only one I know.

        I always look for about the only one I know too but haven't seen him yet.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38185

          Originally posted by salymap View Post
          Written by a friend of mine, a song for children.

          When the sky is dark and velvet, on a frosty winter night, and the silent stars are twinkling there, so clear and cold and bright
          I look out for bold Orion with his belt stars in a row, for of all the constellatiions he's the only one I
          With a friendly nod I greet him, when I'm out late at night, and he looks down and smiles at me and winks with all his might.
          I hope nhis friends don't notice, they might spoil the friendship so, between me and bluff Orion, the only one I know.
          Equally seasonal: We PLOUGH the fields and scatter...

          The Plough is the only constellation that I recognise. It points to the Pole star: she's blond and currently working on one of the local Sainsburys check outs!


          • salymap
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5969

            Nice one S-A xx


            • amateur51

              How goes your back, salymap? It sounded like you were going through a rather nasty patch the other day


              • salymap
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 5969

                Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                How goes your back, salymap? It sounded like you were going through a rather nasty patch the other day
                Thanks Am, I expect you know what pain is after your poor old knee gave out. I have hosp Xray next week but am advised to seek out Chiropractic or Acupuncture. Hospitals still not good with bad back problems.

                bws saly


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by salymap View Post
                  Thanks Am, I expect you know what pain is after your poor old knee gave out. I have hosp Xray next week but am advised to seek out Chiropractic or Acupuncture. Hospitals still not good with bad back problems.

                  bws saly
                  The snag is, I think, that there are so many possible causes, salymap, that a sensible diagnosis leading to a worthwhile treatment plan is difficult to find.

                  I must say that The Alexander technique has kept my frozen shoulder of 1992 at bay and it does wonders if you can catch problems in time. It does however mean that you have to be comfortable about getting down on the floor or a hard surface and then getting yourself up again. Once you know how to do the getting down/up it's no problem but bad back people are often reluctant to take the chance, I know.

                  I've tried acupuncture and osteopathy and they have both worked for me at certain times, but chiropractic is a closed book. Alexander is very ressuring in that you are not a patient, you are a student/pupil, and you are given the tools (knowledge) to treat yourself. You don't have to take any drugs, or make any appointments once you've learned what's what and it's all very gentle. However, I don't know about you, but once I get comfy whilst on my back, falling sleep is almost inevitable

                  Good luck and keep us all informed, please.


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Am. Chiropractic is the newest type of treatment but my knowledgeable pharmacist says I should try it.

                    Would love to hear if anyone on the MBs knows about it.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38185

                      Originally posted by salymap View Post
                      Am. Chiropractic is the newest type of treatment but my knowledgeable pharmacist says I should try it.

                      Would love to hear if anyone on the MBs knows about it.
                      Would I be right in thinking it's a less gentle form of osteopathy? I'd say, try osteopathy first, it did me a lot of good.


                      • amateur51

                        Originally posted by salymap View Post
                        Am. Chiropractic is the newest type of treatment but my knowledgeable pharmacist says I should try it.

                        Would love to hear if anyone on the MBs knows about it.
                        Am I right that you have osteoporosis, salymap?

                        If that's the case, from what I've heard I think that chiropractic is quite "physical" and thus possibly not suitable

                        Edit: our posts crossed S_A -


                        • salymap
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5969

                          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                          Would I be right in thinking it's a less gentle form of osteopathy? I'd say, try osteopathy first, it did me a lot of good.
                          S-A I rather hope it's more gentle as osteopaths won't treat me because of age and brittle bones.


                          • DracoM
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 13027

                            Wild, wild, wild day up here in Ultima Thule, not yet cold, but blimey, is it blowing.
                            Ophelia? hunh! She ain't floating away down some peaceful stream singing 'bonny sweet robin' so much as ' what the 'eck's going off 'ere, lads? I'm doing 80 mph into the bloomin' Irish Sea.


                            • salymap
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5969

                              S-A and Am 51. Last word [for now!] on treatments for backs. Chiropractic locally says he treats all ages and it is gentler than alternatives. Just in case you boys need more help in the future

                              On topic. A real autumn chill in the air today but dry at the moment.


                              • marthe

                                Chilly and sunny here today. We've had a brisk wind blowing from the north-west all day. Time to bring in the house plants!

                                Saly, I hope your back is feeling better today. I hope your chiropracter has a gentle touch and does not "rack" your back too badly.

                                Another three-day weekend comng up. Monday is Columbus Day.

